Untruthful Return

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Hey Nalu shippers! I hope you enjoy today's chapter! The end of my first Wattpad story is near, and I'm so glad I have the opportunity to write stories to make people happy! Enjoy 'Untruthful Return'
Gray's POV:
Eventually, everyone had left the hospital to go back home. The next day, Gajeel, Levy, and Juvia, who had also been put in hospital rooms had become conscious. The doctors had completely treated my wound, so I was discharged a few days after first coming to the hospital along with Levy, Gajeel, and Juvia. From there, we continued our daily lives like everything was okay. Master Makarov and the others didn't suspect a thing. They only assumed that we had been on a job the days we were gone. Natsu and Lucy were unable to come back to the guild, however. Since Natsu was having emotional problems, and Lucy was having medical problems, we told everyone that they were out on a really long job and that they shouldn't worry about them. Master Makarov and others had nothing to worry about. All of the stuff that happened on Tenrou Island stayed with the 10 wizards who were there and no one else.

Wendy's POV:
"Why in the name of Fiore did you just leave me here!? You take me on every job you go to, so what was different?" Carla snapped.
"Well, Ms. Erza insisted I should come myself, and I didn't want to disobey." I said.
"Alright. But next time, there's no excuse for not taking me! Understood?!" I nodded my head. Suddenly, a voice boomed throughout the guild hall.
"Everyone, listen up." Master Makarov said. "Blue Pegasus has invited Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, and Fairy Tail to their first annual Blue Fall Ball which will take place at the Blue Pegasus guild next Friday." Everyone in the guild hall gasped with excitement.
"I expect all of you to come formally dressed and ready to show off your ball dancing skills in front of the top five guilds, okay?"
"For those who don't know ball dancing, do you expect us to learn it in a week?" Romeo asked.
"Yes," Master Makarov said. "And I expect everyone to attend, including Natsu and Lucy." I looked down at the floor. There's no way they could possibly come. Mr. Natsu would be too much of an emotional wreck. And I'm not even going to talk about why Ms. Lucy can't go. If they don't come, however, the others will become suspicious. I looked back up, and Master had exited the stage. The curtains closed, and the guild rose with voices and laughter again. I sat down at a table with my head down, thinking of what to do. Suddenly, I felt a gentle hand on my arm. I looked up.
"Don't stress. It doesn't suit you, and plus it's bad for your health." Romeo said, sitting down besides me.
"Romeo?" I asked. "What are you doing over here?"
"Erza told me everything about what happened a few days ago," Romeo said. "And she wanted me to tell you that everything's going to be just fine." I smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you," I said. We ended the hug, and Romeo spoke again.
"Erza already talked to Big Brother Natsu using her communication lacrima (phone). He's going to try his best to put on a happy face and come to the ball."
"But what about Ms. Lucy?" I asked.
"We've got that covered." Romeo said. "If Master Makarov asks where she is, we're going to tell him that she is having problems with her cranky landlady that she must resolve."
"So we're going to lie?" I asked. Romeo nodded.
"But you know how much I hate lying!"
"I do, but if we don't lie this once, everyone will be suspicious of us." Romeo said, grabbing onto my hand. "I don't like lying either, but in this case, it has to be done." I looked into his eyes and sighed.
"Fine." I said. "But only once."
"Thanks, Wendy." Romeo said.
"Hey, by the way, I just happen to overhear you earlier," I said. "Do you need a ball dancing coach?" Romeo looked at me, a surprised expression on his face.
"What do you mean?" He asked. "Do you know how to ball dance?"
"I may not be an expert," I said. "But I do know the basics."
"Do I need to pay you anything?" Romeo asked, looking down at the floor. "Because I'm broke."
"Of course not!" I said. "I teach free of charge." Romeo looked up at me, his eyes gleaming with happiness.
"You're hired!" He said. "Thanks, Wendy."
"No problem." I said.
"Hey, Wendy! Come here!" Erza called. I ran over to Erza's table, eager to know what was going on.
"Alright, now that every girl in Fairy Tail is here, I have something to say." Erza said. "Since we all have to dress formally, why don't we all go to the market and buy dresses on Thursday together?"
"That sounds kind of fun," Lisanna said.
"Yeah. It's a great way to bond as Fairy Tail girls!" Mirajane said. "All in favor say 'I'!" Every girl, including me said 'I' without hesitation.
"Hopefully Lucy is able to join us." Cana said. "It would be so much better if all the girls were coming."
"Yeah," Levy said. "But if she doesn't, I'm sure she'll have her own reasons."
"So, is it a plan?" Erza asked.
"Yeah!" Everyone shouted, pumping their fists in the air. I smiled. This was indeed a great opportunity to bond as Fairy Tail girls. It also helps take the minds of those who went to Tenrou Island off of Lucy and the other bad things that happened. I personally loved the idea. Erza winked at Levy, Juvia, and I, and we all gave her a thumbs up. Thank you, Erza.

Lucy's POV:
"Is this...," I stammered. "Real?" Dream Lucy nodded.
"This is all your recent memory, Lucy." She said. "The memory that you have lost." I couldn't believe it. Was I regaining my memory back?!
"Well, my work here is done." Dream Lucy said. "Your memory should be returned in full when you wake up, which will be very soon."
"How soon?" I asked.
"You should be waking up," Dream Lucy checked her watch. "Right about now."  Suddenly, Dream Lucy began to get blurry. The world became black.
"Goodbye," were her last words before she completely disappeared from my mind. Suddenly, my world brightened up again.
"Good morning, Ms. Lucy." A voice said. "Glad you're awake."
"Well, look who's risen from the dead," another voice said. "Welcome back." Erza? Wendy?

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