Yours Truly

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Erza's POV:
"Bring it on, you stupid fairies." Levy said.
"Who are you calling stupid?" Gray said. "If anybody's stupid, it's you. Everyone who challenges Fairy Tail has a brain the size of an atom."
"At least it's bigger than yours," Levy teased.
Gray looked like he wanted to kill her so bad, but Jellal stepped in front of him.
"Stop." He said. "I'll handle Levy. You should go take care of Juvia."
"Fine," Gray said. He turned around and ran towards Juvia, who was ready to fight. While that was going on, I was preparing to fight Gajeel.
"Bring it on, red head." He said.
"At least I have something to bring." I snapped. "What do you have to bring? An iron head without any brains?"
"You shut your mouth or I'll shove some dirt in it."
"Oh, really? How are you going to that." I asked.
"You need to be taught a lesson. Belittle me if you want, but I will beat you to the ground." Gajeel said. "I summon thee: drill!" Suddenly, my body began to spin uncontrollably. I began to sink deeper and deeper into the ground. My body was similar to a drill. Soon, my entire body was under ground level. Dirt began to fill my nose and mouth. Was I being buried alive? I couldn't breath. What was I going to do!? Suddenly, I felt someone pulling me up from the ground. Who could that be? I exited the ground and coughed up all the dirt that had been shoved into my mouth as Gajeel said. I gasped when I saw who had helped me.
"Virgo?" I said. "How did you get here?"
"I was summoned." Virgo said.
"By who?" I asked.
"Not by Princess, but by somebody else. Her name began with a Y." Virgo answered. "Yuri? Yama? Yasuko?"
"Erza! Watch out!" A person suddenly shoved me to the ground as a lightning bolt blasted past. I opened my eyes and saw a celestial wizard named Yukino panting as she laid beside me on the ground.
"Yukino?" I gasped. "Were you the one who summoned Virgo?" Yukino nodded.
"How did you do that?" I asked. "Did you steal Lucy's keys?"
"In a state of emergency, I'd do anything to save my fellow wizards and friends," Yukino answered. "It's not like Lucy could use her keys in the state that she's in."
"But how did you get here?" I asked.
"I'll tell you later, but now's not the time. There's a possessed Gajeel trying to kill us right now!" Yukino quickly yanked me out of the way of another summoned lightning bolt.
"You have to get out of here! Let me handle this, okay?" I asked. "Go and help the others."
"But the thing is," Yukino said. "Everyone's gone." I looked around. Everybody disappeared! This was their plan! Since everyone is separated, we are forced to fight alone and without help from anybody else.
"He's actually somewhat clever," I muttered under my breath.
"I'm going to go look for the others, but I'm leaving Virgo here to help you." Yukino said. "I trust you both to stay safe, okay?"
"I won't let you down, Princess Yukino." Virgo said.
"I can take him down. You go ahead, Yukino. I've got this." I said. Yukino nodded and rushed into the woods.

Yukino's POV:
I sprinted through the woods, trying to find the others. I didn't know that this island was so big. It didn't look that big when I looked at it on the boat. As I was running across the humongous island, I suddenly tripped over a rock and landed hard on my face. I laid on the ground for a minute, trying to regain steady breaths after that hard fall.
"You okay, Yukino?" A voice said. I looked up and saw my guild, Sabertooth's guild master, Sting holding out his hand. I grabbed it, and he pulled me into a sitting position.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "Thanks."
"No problem," Sting said. "Have you seen anything yet?"
"It seems as though everyone has separated." I said. "Gajeel, Erza, and Virgo are fighting on the south side. Have you seen anything?"
"Yeah, I saw Jellal, Rogue, and Levy fighting far north." Sting replied, pointing behind him.
"Which means that the others must be on the east and west side. Why don't we split up and head in those directions." I said.
"Good idea." Sting replied. "You take west. I'll take east." I nodded and began running left towards the east side of the island.

Jellal's POV:
"The notorious Jellal Fernandez. It's odd to see you on the side of Fairy Tail. You've had better times than this." Levy said.
"Oh, you mean the time when I was possessed by the dark wizard, Zeref?" I asked. "Yeah, right. I'd rather die than relive those moments."
"Just look at you." Levy said. "You were much stronger when my dear friend took over your body. Now all you are is a mere, weak twig."
"You'll see who's the twig once we're finished with you." Rogue snapped.

Gray's POV:
"I really don't want to fight you, Juvia." I said.
"Well then don't." Juvia replied. "That just makes it easier for me."
"That's not what I meant." I said. "If you had actual intelligence, you'd understand that."
"Ouch. That's the second time you've insulted me today." Juvia said. "That's the last time you'll ever discredit me! I summon thee: fireball!" A fire ball suddenly came out of nowhere and charged straight at me. I quickly dodged the attack, and the fire died before it hit the trees.
"Ice make lance!" I yelled. The ice lance charged straight for Juvia.
"I summon thee: fire!" Juvia said. Juvia held out a handful of flames, and as the ice approached it, the lance melted to the ground.
"Admit your defeat, Gray Fullbuster!" Juvia shouted.
"Never!" I shouted. "This is for the good of you and Fairy Tail!"

Dear Lucy,
I'm currently writing this the day after we left Tenrou Island. I have never been the same since you've become unconscious. If you are reading this right now, it's a miracle. But given the state that you're in, I highly doubt that that miracle will become reality. I'm sorry to say this, but it would be a miracle if you ever open your eyes again.
Yours truly,
Natsu Dragneel

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