Odd Night Stroll

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Hey, Nalu shippers! Since I've become really busy, I will now publish a chapter every 4 days. I'm sorry for the extension! I hope you enjoy today's chapter. If you do, make sure to follow, comment, and vote! Enjoy 'Odd Night Stroll'!
Natsu's POV:
After what seemed to be an eternal train ride, the train stopped and Guidarts carried me off the train. I thought that we had stopped in Magnolia, but Guildarts told me that we had stopped in Kinugi town, the home of one of Guildarts' favorite tuxedo stores.
"Their tuxedos are nice and all...but the best part is that they are sold at a really low price!"
"I thought you made enough money from going on all the jobs you go on!" I said.
"I do, but I'm saving up for something." Guildarts replied.
"For what?" I asked. "Please tell me it's not for Cana." Guildarts put his hand on the back of his neck and looked down. I rolled my eyes.
"Moving on. Where is this tuxedo shop anyway?" I asked.
"Follow me. I'll show you where it is." Guildarts said. He led me to a small shop on the corner of the road. It looked small on the outside, but on the inside, it was gigantic. Suits were hanging on the walls and on racks everywhere. There were so many suits to choose from. It was practically a man's playground!
"I see that look on your face, Natsu," Guildarts said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You like it, don't you?" I ignored his question and looked around the store. Some tuxedos were better than others. However, there was one that caught my eye immediately.
"This one is perfect," I said.
"How much is it?" Guildarts asked.
"40,000 jewel (about USD$200)." I replied.
"See? What did I tell you? They're sold at a really low price!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's go!" I said impatiently. The two suits costed about 85,000 jewel in total. We bought the tuxedos, left the store, and boarded a train back to Magnolia. I don't remember much after that. I think that Guildarts knocked me out so I wouldn't continue to hurl. Then again, I don't remember.

Erza's POV:
"I do have a question, though." Nurse Lynn said. "Would you like me to contact Mr. Dragneel and tell him?" I thought for a moment and smirked.
"No, I would not like you to contact him." I said, smiling. This is going to be fun. I hung up the communication lacrima and thought for a moment.
"I don't want to be in on the surprise myself." I said to myself. "That's no fun." I got up, walked out of the apartment door, and began walking towards Wendy's apartment. I reached the door and knocked. Wendy opened the door and was really surprised to see me.
"E-Erza?" Wendy asked. "It's almost 9:00."
"I know, but this is very important. The stores will close, soon. I have no time to explain."
"S-stores?" Wendy asked.
"Like I said, I don't have time to explain." I said, grabbing onto Wendy's hand and dragging her out of the apartment building.
"Ms. Erza, I can't come with you shopping. I have to get to bed." Wendy said.
"You have to! It's an emergency." I said. "It has something to do with Lucy."

Natsu's POV:
After being knocked out cold for a few hours, I woke up once the train had reached Magnolia. Guildarts and I walked out of the train station and out into the streets of the town. It was very late at night. The sun had already set, and it seemed as though we were the only ones walking through the streets. That's what I thought, at least. As we turned the corner towards Erza's apartment, I saw two familiar people walking on the opposite side of the street.
"Erza? Wendy?" I called as Guildarts and I stopped. Erza and Wendy stopped dead in their tracks and looked over at me, a startled look on their faces.
"O-oh hey, Natsu." Erza stuttered.
"What are you doing out so late?" I asked.
"Erza and I couldn't sleep well, so we decided to take a quick stroll around town." Wendy quickly interrupted Erza.
"Oh, ok. Well, I'm back, just so you know."  I said, cocking my head to the side. Why were they acting so weird? Were they in a rush or something?
"Oh, where have you been?!" Wendy asked.
"Well...," I said, looking down at my shoes. "I ran away."
"What?!" Erza and Wendy said, shocked.
"R...ran away with me!" Guildarts corrected me. "Natsu and I decided to go on a job together!" He grabbed my head with one arm and ruffled my hair with the other. I smiled and nodded my head.
"Oh, well nice to know!" Erza said quickly. "We better get back! It's time for bed!" Erza began to walk in the opposite direction of her house.
"Erza, isn't Fairy Hills that way?" I asked, pointing towards the building.
"I like taking the scenic route." Erza said. "Anyway, goodnight!" She sped off in a rush, and Wendy tried to keep up. As they turned the corner and went out of my sight, I looked over at Guildarts and cocked an eyebrow.
"What's wrong with them? They're acting pretty weird." I asked.
"Girls are confusing." Guildarts asked. "Am I right or am I right?"
"I wish I could say otherwise, but that is true." I said.
"Hey, I heard that you know!" A voice said. My eyes widened. Lucy?
"Luce?" I called, looking around frantically. I looked around for a few seconds and realized that it was another one of my silly illusions.
"Natsu? You okay?" Guildarts asked.
"Yeah." I said. "I've just been hearing and seeing things lately. It's weird. I didn't know my emotions were strong enough to make me see and hear unreal things."
"Why is this stuff happening to you? Did something happen?" Guildarts asked.
"Nothing happened." I said. "Nothing that you should worry about, anyhow."
"You can tell me anything, you know." Guildarts said.
"I know. But this is something that you don't need to know." I gave him a stern glare and he stopped talking about the subject.
"Wait a minute, where are we even going?!" Guildarts asked.
"I was just following you!" I said.
"I was just following you!" Guildarts shouted back.
"Hey, shut up! I'm tryin' to sleep!" An apartment owner directly above us shouted.
"What are we going to do?" I whispered.
"Where are we going to sleep?" Guildarts asked. We both looked at each other and sighed.
"We're screwed."

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