An Ocean of Tears

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Hey Nalu shippers! Hope you enjoy today's chapter! If you do, be sure to share, vote, comment, and follow! I'm losing views drastically, so please let me know what I can do to satisfy you guys more! Enjoy 'An Ocean of Tears'!
Natsu's POV:
I thought that she'd be awake by now. It's been days and she still hasn't awaken. All that hope that I had gained was for nothing. Lucy Heartfilia is dead. I wanted to go off into a dark alley and cry my heart out, but I decided to save that for after the ball. Being present at the ball is mandatory. I don't want to show up looking like an emotional wreck with red, puffy eyes and all. People would worry about me, and that is one thing that I really don't want. As I stood on the sidewalk, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Dang it! I swore to save it until after the ball! The next thing I knew, I was on the ground, sobbing intensely. What was I doing?! I kept telling myself to stop. I was making a fool of myself! I tried to blink away the tears, but they just kept rolling. I ran to the nearest alley where I could get the tears out of my system in private. I curled up in a ball and cried until I couldn't cry any more. I sat up and looked down at my reflection in a puddle of water and noticed that my entire face was red. I couldn't go out in public like this. I couldn't afford to look weak in front of people. I am the notorious Natsu Dragneel, son of the Fire Dragon King! My reputation would be ruined if I went out in public looking like a mess.
"Natsu," A familiar voice said. "I've been looking for you." Dang it. Guildarts.
"You okay, man? First you run off by yourself for no reason. Then I find you in the middle of nowhere looking weak and starving. Then you pass out cold on the floor of Cana's apartment. Then the next morning, you run away on your own again. And now I find you in a dark alley," Guildarts grabbed my lowered head and pulled it up so he could take a good look at my face. "You're an emotional wreck, Natsu. Tell me what's going on, man." I looked up at him as even more tears welled up in my eyes.
"I never thought I could fall in love," I said. "I'm a dragon slayer and one of Zeref's etherious demons. My main focus in life is being a wizard. I don't have time for love. I'll never fall in love. LIES!" Guildarts released my head and let it drop back down. He sat down beside me as tears began to fall from my eyes.
"One day I met a specific blonde girl. I've never been the same since then. Her gorgeous pigtails, big brown eyes, and shining smile never left my thoughts. It took a while to build up the courage to ask her out. When I finally did, the world finally felt whole to me. Her and I were meant to be. Not even two months after we started dating, however, she lost all her recent memory. Our relationship had gone down the drain. The wholeness I had felt had also gone down the drain. I'd become the same broken Natsu I was before. I thought that nothing could get any worse. I was wrong, however. I wasn't broken. I was just bent. The moment when I really broke was when I learned that she was dead. My heart broke in two. After trying to heal our forgotten relationship and almost succeeding, I felt as though all my work was for nothing. She was gone before we even had a chance to start our relationship over again. I decided that I had no more point in living. I ended up running away from Magnolia. I didn't want anybody to see me in the state that I was in, so I ran away. The only reason why I held on so long to my life was because I had a sudden realization that she might still be alive. But now, I'm beginning to realize that hope is no longer here for me. I'm beginning to regret ever falling in love in the first place. I'm beginning to regret...," before I could finish my sentence, the waterworks turned on. It was almost as if a dam that had been holding on for so long finally broke. The water all began to spill out at once. All those tears that I have been holding back all the way through the accident at Clover town, Lucy's memory loss, the incident on Tenrou island, and Lucy's death, finally came out. The tears were never ending. Guildarts pulled me into a tight hug, ruffling my hair as I drenched his shirt with all of my tears. I cried more tears than I've ever cried before. I could've filled up the entire ocean with the tears that I cried. Guildarts pat my back.
"It's okay, Natsu." Guildarts whispered in my ear. "Let it out."
And there I rested my head on Guildarts shoulders. This was the weakest I've ever felt in my entire life.
After a few minutes of sobbing, the last tear was shed. Guildarts and I headed back to Cana's apartment to get ready for the Blue Fall Ball. The ball I will enter alone and without my dear Lucy by my side. All hope was lost. I will never love again.

Lucy's POV:
"Is this...," I stammered. "Real?" Dream Lucy nodded.
"This is all your recent memory, Lucy." She said. "The memory that you have lost." I couldn't believe it. Was I regaining my memory back?!
"Well, my work here is done." Dream Lucy said. "Your memory should be returned in full when you wake up, which will be very soon."
"How soon?" I asked.
"You should be waking up," Dream Lucy checked her watch. "Right about now." Suddenly, Dream Lucy began to get blurry. The world became black.
"Goodbye," were her last words before she completely disappeared from my mind. Suddenly, my world brightened up again.
"Good morning, Ms. Lucy." A voice said. "Glad you're awake."
"Well, look who's risen from the dead," another voice said. "Welcome back." Erza? Wendy?

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