Tenrou Island Rescue

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-Back at the Guild-
Ezra's POV:
The guild was quiet as usual. It's been two days since Lucy, Natsu, and Happy left for training. Even though Lucy was planning to tell the guild herself about her memory loss, word eventually got around to everyone. Since then, not that much activity has happened. Only two job offers were taken in the past three weeks, one by Shadow Gear, and one by Thunder Legion. Everyone else was  too shocked and upset because of Lucy's memory loss, and I understand completely.
I walked home from the guild alone today. As I approached my house, I noticed a dark figure in the porch step. A little scared, I slowly walked towards it, pulling out a sword.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked in a concerned voice. The figure emerged from the shadows. The second I saw his blue hair, I sighed with relief and put the sword away.
"Sorry to scare you Erza. It's Jellal." Jellal explained.
"Jellal!" I ran over to give him a tight hug. "I missed you! Where have you been?"
"I've been doing research." Jellal said. We broke the hug.
"On what?" I asked.
"On the explosion that caused you, Lucy, and Fairy Tail trouble." Jellal said. "And I have news." My smile faded.
"Here, come in." I said, opening the door and walking inside. Jellal followed, and I closed the door behind him.
"What's the news?" I asked.
"That explosion," Jellal explained. "Was not an accident." My eyes widened.
"I don't know who exactly was behind it, but they did it intentionally."
"Why would they do that?" I asked.
"I don't know," Jellal replied. "But it has something to do with Lucy. She may be in grave danger." No, not Lucy.
"Where is Lucy now?" Jellal asked.
"On a training mission with Natsu and Happy on Tenrou Island." I replied. Jellal gasped.
"They're not safe there. All of them are in danger. We've got to go, now." He opened the door, grabbed my hand, and yanked me out of the house. Startled, I stumbled down the porch steps and out into the street.
"Wait! Jellal!" I said, pulling my arm away. Jellal turned around. "We're not going all the way to Tenrou Island, are we?"
"We have to, or else Natsu, Lucy, and Happy will be in danger."
"But what if we're wasting our time? What if what you have researched is false news? I have a feeling they'll be okay."
"Erza, it's better to go and make sure they are okay then to not go and risk a potential disaster." Jellal took my hand again, but I quickly pulled away.
"Jellal, if we're going to go all the way to Tenrou Island, I need a better explanation of what's going on!"
"I don't have time to explain! We have to go, now!" Jellal said, raising his voice. He stared at me with stone cold eyes, making a shiver go down my spine.
"O-okay...," I faltered. He grabbed my hand and we rushed down the street, I'm assuming towards Hargeon Port. As we were speed-walking, I heard a familiar voice calling out my name.
"Erza! Jellal!" The voice said. Levy?
I turned around and saw a girl with purple hair running towards me, followed by a certain iron dragon slayer.
"Levy, Gajeel!" I said. I let go of Jellal's hand and ran towards them.
"Hey, Erza!" Levy said. "What are you doing out so late? The sun's setting."
"Uh...," I looked over at Jellal, who seemed to be deep in thought at the moment.
Turning back to Levy, I said, "Hold on a second." I turned back towards Jellal.
"Jellal," I said, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Yes, Erza?" He said in a low voice.
"Just how powerful is the enemy going to be?"
"I'm not sure. Like I said, I don't know who's behind this. All I know is that he's after Lucy, and we need to go stop him."
"Are you sure we can fend him off by ourselves?" Jellal thought for a moment.
"Now that you mention it, we don't know how powerful our enemies going to be. Therefor, we need to prepare for the worst."
"Exactly!" I said. "If we go alone, we might not have enough strength to defeat the enemy. We need to bring other people."
"That's a good idea, Erza." Jellal said. "However, we cannot cause a huge commotion because of this. This is something between Lucy, Natsu, Happy, you, me, and the people who are going to help us. We mustn't let anyone else know." I nodded my head.
"Of course. I promise that not a word will slip to anyone else about this. But we need help." I said. "Do you mind if I ask some people?"
"Alright, as long as you promise to keep everyone else out of this." Jellal said. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.
"I promise," I said. Releasing his hand, I turned back to Levy and Gajeel.
"Everything okay?" Gajeel asked. I nodded my head.
"Alright," I said. "We need your help with something."
"Of course. What do you need help with?"
I whispered what Jellal has told me into their ears, and they were shocked.
"Lu-chan's in danger!?" Levy said. I nodded my head.
"Of course! We'll both help!" Levy gripped Gajeel's hand.
"We must gather a few more people before we set out on this dangerous quest," Jellal said.
"Yes, let's go look for the others!" I agreed. And with that, we set of to find more people to join us on our quest. Although I wasn't quite certain about why we were going to Tenrou Island at the time, I soon learned that what Jellal has told me was indeed not false.

-At Tenrou Island-
Natsu's POV:
After our fight this morning, both Lucy and I were exhausted. As soon as the sun went down, Lucy collapsed into her tent and fell asleep instantly. Once again, she forgot to close the tent door, so I went over to close it for the second time so that bugs wouldn't get in.
"Oi," I said to myself. "Why do you forget to close the tent door all the time?" Suddenly, my vision became blurry.
"Y'know, I'm really tired." I said, collapsing into the tent. "Its not like sleeping here is gonna kill me." I fell onto the small space next to Lucy and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Hey NaLu shippers! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. If you liked this, feel free to vote and comment! Thanks!

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