How to Become a Stranger

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Lucy's POV:
The past few hours have been the most confusing hours of my life. Why I woke up in hospital bed with five strangers and two cats
in my face I have no clue. It was one of the strangest things I have ever encountered, and that says a lot.
A few days after all of that confusion, I was discharged from the hospital with crutches to aid my injured left leg and a cast to aid my injured left wrist. The doctors said that I would be okay, but it didn't feel that way. It felt as if a part of me was missing. I don't even remember what day it is, much less why I woke with countless wounds all over me. What had happened to me? I feel off today. Something is missing, but I don't know what.
Once I returned home for the first time in what seemed like forever, I flopped onto my bed and tried to process what was going on. I couldn't quite wrap my mind around this. Ever since I got released from that hospital, everything seems to be off somehow. Do you know what is wrong with me, or have I gone insane?

Natsu's POV:
A few days after I heard about Lucy's condition, I was discharged from the hospital with a bandaged arm and a few more small injuries here and there. However, they didn't hurt nearly as much as thinking about Lucy. Had I really lost her?
Knowing that I couldn't possibly stay over at Lucy's, which would be straight up weird, I asked Erza for help.
"Fine, I'll let you stay over at my house for a week. After a week, pack your things and find somewhere else to go." Erza said. My face brightened.
"Thank you, Erza," I said gleefully. "You're a lifesaver!"
As the sun was going down, Erza, Happy, and I exited the guild.
" Where are we going again?" I asked.
"You really forgot?" I nodded.
"We're going to my house. I agreed on letting you stay there for a week." Erza replied.
"Oh." Once we finally got to Ezra's house, Erza went over all the rules.
"First off, these two rooms are off limits to you," Erza pointed to what looked like her bedroom and another room. "Don't disturb me while I'm in any of these rooms. Also, don't be too loud after 9:00 pm."
"Aye, sir!" Happy and I said. With that, Erza disappeared into her bedroom, leaving Happy and I alone in the living room.
"The couch is mine!" I blurted out quickly.
"Fine," Happy sighed. I jumped onto the soft couch, falling asleep almost instantly. I was extremely tired. I mean, who wouldn't be after a day like this?
-The Next Morning-
I awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Erza? I walked into the kitchen to find Erza in front of the stove, flipping bacon. I never knew that Erza could cook!
"Morning, sleepy head." Erza said. "Eat up. We're heading to the guild in a few minutes." A plate was resting on the table, calling my name. I rushed over to the dish and completely devoured the food, leaving not a single crumb on the plate. I placed the plate in the sink and then Erza, Happy, and I headed out of the house. As we were walking, I saw a familiar blonde exiting her house. Though she had several bandages on her, I realized who she was. As soon as I picked up her scent, I knew that it was Lucy. I was so tempted to say hi, but knew that she would probably be scared of me if I did that.
"You'll have to treat her like a stranger for now, Natsu." Erza said, breaking into my thoughts.
"Wait a minute, how...?"
"I can tell you're thinking about her. Think of it this way. If she knows what's good for her, she'll come back to the guild. If not, let her go. She's not the same Lucy we've always known. She remembers nothing about us.Though I think that her memory may return, I am not fully sure." I looked down at my shoes, sighing. What if she doesn't come back? What if her memory doesn't either?
As we entered the guild, I was greeted by tons of people.
"Hey, Flamehead," Gajeel said, "Glad you're feeling better."
"Hey Natsu," Mira said smiling. "Welcome back!" I received several other smiles and greets, making me feel happy. Erza, Happy, and I sat at the table Lisanna, Wendy, Carla, and Grey were sitting at.
"Hey, Natsu," Lisanna said. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine," I answered. "My right arm hurts a little bit, but I'll be okay."
"Have you seen Ms. Lucy anywhere?" Wendy asked.
"On our way to the guild, we saw her exiting her house," Erza replied. "She looked really confused."
"Makes sense. Her memory's been jumbled up after all," Grey stated.
"I sure hope she comes back," Wendy said.
"Don't we all?" Grey said. Suddenly, the front door opened, and a familiar person entered the guild. Everyone turned their attention towards her.
"Is this Fairy Tail?" she asked. The guild was quiet for a moment. I picked up her scent and could tell who she was. Under all of those casts and bandages was Lucy Heartfilia. Suddenly, everybody shouted, "LUCY!!!" Everybody in the guild, except for Erza, Grey, Wendy, Carla, Lisanna, Happy, and I got up and rushed over to give her a hug. Lucy immediately tensed up.
"Now, now, children! Settle down!" Master Makarov said, shooing all of them away. Everybody was disappointed as they returned to their seats.
"Follow me, Lucy. I have to talk to you." Master Makarov instructed to Lucy. Erza leaned in close to my ear
"What did I tell you?" Erza whispered. "That girl is smart and knows what's good for her." I smirked a little. Even though she's basically a stranger now, I will get my Luce back, no matter how much work or time it takes.

Lucy's POV:
"Follow me, Lucy. I have to talk to you." The elderly man instructed. I did as I was told and followed him through the big and strangely familiar guild Hall. He aided me up the stairs with my crutches, and then we went to his office to his office. When we stepped into the office, he asked me to take a seat in the chair directly in front of a desk, so I did so, setting my crutches down beside me. The elderly man sat in the chair behind the desk and looked up at me.
"Hi, Lucy. In case you don't remember me, I'm Master Makarov, master of this guild, Fairy Tail." He held out a hand, and I shook it.
"Fairy Tail, huh? I've heard of this place before." I said.
"I bet you have." Master Makarov laughed. "Lucy, I must tell you something." When Master Makarov's tone became serious,
I realised that this was no joke.
"Do you remember what jobs are?"
I remembered slightly, so I nodded my head.
"Well, you probably don't remember this, but you joined Fairy Tail awhile ago." My eyes widened. "You were originally part of the strongest team in Fairy Tail, with Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel, Grey Fullbuster, Wendy Marvell, Carla, and Happy."
I remember them from the hospital.
"However, a few days ago on a job, you, Natsu and Happy were hit by a giant explosion," Master Makarov continued. "In the end, you lost all memory of Fairy Tail. That's why you're feeling so lost." I gasped. I finally figured out why I have felt so lost lately. I finally figured out why I felt like part of me was missing. I am indeed not insane. Something is wrong with me, but how am I going to fix it?

Hey NaLu Shippers! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come, so stay tuned!

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