Second Day on Tenrou Island

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Lucy's POV:
                             -Next Morning-
I yawned myself awake the morning. I thought that I would be alone, but when I closed my mouth and got a mouthful of scarf, I knew that wasn't the case. Opening my eyes, I saw Natsu curled up in a ball, snoring ever so loudly. Sighing, I sat up and stretched out my arms.
"Natsu," I said. "What are you doing in my tent?"
"What?" He groaned, rolling over to face me.
"Why are you in my tent?" I repeated.
"I dunno." He replied, falling back asleep. I slapped him lightly on the arm, waking him up.
"Hey, what was that for?" Natsu asked in a hoarse voice.
"Why are you in my tent?" I said in a stern voice.
"I dunno."
"You really do concern me sometimes," I sighed, ruffling his pink hair. I crawled out of the tent and looked over at the fire pit. Happy was sitting near it, trying to cook a hot dog.
"Say, how many of those are left?" I asked, walking towards Happy.
"Go check in there." Happy said, pointing to a bag besides his tent. I walked towards it and dug through all of the camping and training supplies. At last, I found a hotdog package. I pulled it out of the backpack only to find out that it was empty.
"Happy!" I turned towards the blue cat, an angered look on my face. "You took the last hotdog!!!!" Happy looked over at me as he swallowed the last piece of the last hotdog.
"Whoops." He said, licking the grease from his fingers.
"Happy!!" I said angrily.
"Mornin'," Natsu yawned as he exited the tent and walked to the fire pit.
"Natsu, you're little talking cat ate the last hot dog!!!!" I cried.
"Oh, that's no big deal. We'll just go hunt for food ourselves."
"Hunt for food ourselves? You mean killing and cooking it?!"
"Yea, what's wrong with that?"
"The killing part! The b-b...blood." I stammered. "I hate blood!"
"Alright, you hemophobic. I'll do the killing part. You can cook it." 
"Ugh, fine." I sighed. "Thanks."
"Hey, I meant to ask you something." Natsu said.
"Yeah, what?"
"Do you wanna go training again today?"
"Sure. But afterwards, you're in charge of finding dinner for tonight."
"Yeah, yeah," Natsu said. I sat down by the fire pit and noticed that the fire wood supply was running low.
"Hey, Natsu. We're running out of fire wood, just to let you know." I said.
"Well, Happy and I gathered it yesterday. It's your turn to go get the firewood." Natsu replied.
"Wait, I never agreed to that!" I said.
"It's only fair." Happy chimed in. "You're using the fire pit too."
"Alright, fine." I sighed, standing up. "I'll be on my way. Don't blow anything up while I'm gone." I walked out into the woods, keeping my eyes peeled for any nice sized firewood. As I walked through the wooded area, I picked up any useful pieces of wood that I saw. Once I gathered enough wood, I went back to camp. Natsu and Happy were arguing, causing a ruckus as usual. I placed the fire wood by the fire pit and sat down on the nearby log.
"Oi, Lucy. You wanna go train now?" Natsu asked.
"Sure." I replied.
After getting ready, Natsu and I headed out to our training spot. Happy decided last minute that he was going to go fishing, so he couldn't come with us. Natsu told me that Happy was quite fond of fish, but I never thought that he would miss our training to go fishing. He must really like fish, then.
"You ready for our next fight?" Natsu asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied, stretching out my legs. Natsu cracked his knuckles.
"Ready, set, fight!" Natsu yelled. He ran as fast as he could and aimed his fist towards my stomach. Quickly dodging his attack, I sprinted behind him and punched him hard in the back. He almost fell forward, but quickly recovered. Turning around, he leaped forward, flying towards me at supersonic speed. He grabbed my waist and flung me to the ground. Ouch! A rock jabbed me in the hip, and I let out a small scream in pain. Recovering from the last blow, I dusted the rocks and dirt off of my pants and continued fighting. I ran as fast as I could towards Natsu, jumped up, and grabbed his waist, flinging him to the ground. He winced in pain as he fell to the floor. I got up quickly and dusted off my pants again. Natsu stood up and stretched his arms out quickly before jumping up again, preparing his fists for a hard punch. I jumped to the side and dodged his attack. He landed on the ground. He stood back up and swung his left leg towards my face. I leaned to the left and his leg swung over my head. I jumped over Natsu's head, turned around, and punched him in the shoulder. He jolted forward, shocked at my attack. Turning around, he punched me hard in the shoulder. My shoulder ached, but I managed to Lucy kick him and send him flying through the air. He fell hard on his back. After a few seconds of recovery, Natsu kicked both his legs up, springing into the air and landing on both his feet. I prepared to dodge his next attack as he sprinted towards me. Suddenly, he tripped over a rock and began to fall forward. The next thing I knew, Natsu had brought me down to the ground with him. I closed my eyes as both of us tumbled to the ground, landing hard. I winced in pain as I hit the ground. Opening my eyes, I noticed that Natsu was on top of me, facing me. I blushed madly. Both of us were shocked. My entire face was flushed. Suddenly, he began to lean his face towards me. My face had never burned this much before. His face inched closer and closer to mine. Soon, his face was close enough to where I could almost feel his lips against mine. No, I said to myself. I can't...

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