Training Mission Ready

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Natsu's POV:
We didn't do much at the guild today. All the team did was just sit around and talk all day. We haven't been going on many jobs lately because of the whole Lucy situation. Though all of us hid it well, we were all upset about Lucy.
As the sun began to set, Erza, Happy, and I headed home. When we got to Erza's house, Erza saw a sheet of paper stuck inside the door. She pulled it out and examined it.
"This is for you," she said, handing it to me. We headed inside the house, and as usual, Erza rushed into her bedroom once again. I sat down on the couch and began to read the sheet of paper.
Dear Natsu,
I would love to go training with you! It sounds like a great opportunity. I'm getting my casts removed in three weeks, but I can't use magic until a month after. I hope that's alright. Please reply and let me know when and where as soon as possible!
-Lucy Heartfilia
I smiled. My plan is working out!
"What plan?" Happy asked.
"Shoot, I said that aloud?"
"Sure did." Happy said. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, we're going on a training mission with Lucy." I said.
"Really? For how long?"
"Maybe a month. I'm still in the planning process."
"Oh...wait a minute! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I figured you wouldn't mind. Can you help me, Happy?" I said, changing the subject.
"Oh, fine. I'll help you."
"I think I have a plan figured out about where and when. Tell me if this is good or not." I said. I whispered my plan into Happy's ear, and he gave me a thumbs up.
"Good luck, Natsu!" As Happy skipped away, I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and began to write again.
As I finished writing, Erza came into the kitchen and dug into the fridge, pulling out a large strawberry cake. She looked over at me. Noticing that I was looking at her cake, she hissed and ran away. I rolled my eyes. Typical Erza. I folded up the piece of paper and tucked it away. It was too late to give it to Lucy. I looked up at the clock. 8:58, it said. I crawled onto the couch and got comfortable. I hope that these three weeks go by fast, I said to myself. I absolutely can't wait to see Lucy!

Lucy's POV:
-Three weeks later-
Who knew that three weeks could go by so fast!? Not much had happened in those three weeks. However, just yesterday, I got my casts removed. It was not nearly as exciting as I thought it would be. Even without the casts, my wrist and leg still hurt for awhile. However, I did receive an exciting note from Natsu a few weeks ago. It said...
Dear Lucy,
Thank you for agreeing to come. A day after you get your casts off, at about 10:00 AM, Happy and I will take you to Hargeon port. We're renting a boat to go to Tenrou Island, Fairy Tails origin. There, we'll train for about a month. Please bring whatever you need. I hope you're excited! If you oppose any of these ideas or have any concerns, please let me know!
-Natsu Dragneel
It was indeed exciting. I've never been on a training mission before, at least not that I remember. For the past few weeks, I have been looking forward to it. I packed for the trip prior to my cast removal so I wouldn't be rushed for time. I made sure to pack lots of clothes, food, and entertainment items. Just in case of need, I brought a fire starter, lantern, and other useful items. I wanted to make sure that this training mission would be perfect.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing deafeningly. Groaning, I turned it off and sat up.
"Today is the day." I said. I stretched out my arms and yawned before getting out of bed. I limped into the kitchen and grabbed a quick breakfast before beginning to get ready. Usually, I wouldn't be this energetic at the start of the day, but I was just too excited to be tired. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I fixed my hair and put it in a tight ponytail. I was training mission ready!
I went back into the living room and looked at the clock. 9:57, it read. I decided checked over my bag one more time before Natsu came. I made sure that I had packed everything that I needed. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Natsu! I grabbed my bag and raced to the door. I opened it and saw a blue cat and a guy with pinkish hair standing on my front porch.
"Natsu? Happy?"I asked.
"That would be us! Hey Lucy!" The guy with the pinkish hair said.
"Oh, hi!" I smiled.
"Are you excited?"
"Yeah. I've been looking forward to the training mission for the past three weeks!"
"Well then, let's be on our way!" Natsu grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the house, startling me.
"So, where are we going again?" I asked.
"To Hargeon port. It's a big port town just south of here, so it's at most an hour walk."
"Where are we training at?" I asked.
"We're going to train at Tenrou Island. Tenrou Island is Fairy Tail property. Our first guild master was buried there, so we call it Fairy Tail's origin. It's a great place to train at. And it's safe."
"How come?"
"No type of magic can locate Tenrou Island because it is surrounded by a strong barrier. Only a few people, including us Fairy Tail Wizards know about Tenrou Island."
"Oh, that's interesting." I stated.
"Very." Natsu agreed.
I was convinced that Tenrou Island was a safe place indeed. It sounded like a very good place to train, given the fact that it was protected and had lots of space. But Natsu and I never thought that we would soon stand corrected.

Hey NaLu shippers! Enjoying the story so far? Please tune in for more to come!

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