June 12, 1940

883 41 3

The tapping on the desk was the only sound in the room. There was a cold and cold breeze in the room that only seem to come when she was in the room. 

Sitting in her father's desk was Natasha Romanova, daughter of Ivan Romanova the most feared gang member in the world. She herself could be described as spoiled, shallow, greedy, the list can go on. 

The Russian girl had pale white smooth skin. Her hair was a white blond, which made her lips bop with their blood red color. She had piercing green eyes. Some called her an angel... others called her the devil. 

"Where is my father?" her voice was seductive, to say the least. It had a way of captivating anyone she talked to. 

"Your father is still traveling back home," Said a man that was supposed to watch over her when her father was away. Ivan protecting his daughter with his life, he would take no precautions, even if she could kill twenty people in five minutes. 

"Well, he is taking too long. He promised me a gift. I. Want. My. Gift." She said loud and clear. The man watching her was Alexi Shostakov, Ivan's most skilled assassin. Ivan favored the boy for a long time, however, he needed discipline and patience, which is why Ivan assigned him to his daughter. 

"Alexi you must have a way to contact her father? He is taking an awfully long time," spoke Natasha's friend. Maria Hill, taken from her family when she was eleven Ivan wanted her in his program, unfortunately, his daughter took a liking to the girl, Ivan decided to let her stay... until he has had enough of the girl. 

Alexi was tempted to answer with a snarky comment, however, messing with Natasha wasn't the wisest idea. Natasha was about to yell at Alexi because of the amount of time her father was taking when he walked, in a nice suit, and his hair combed backed to a fine point. 

"My beautiful daughter," Ivan smiled proudly as he walked up to his daughter putting his hand to her face. She was not smiling. 

"You are late. Two days late. You have made me wait, father. I hate waiting." She said looking at him as if she was going to murder him. Natasha was nothing if not impatient. Her upbringing has caused her to become a greedy selfish monster. 

"My apologizes my daughter, but I had much stuff to do. I was busy with my business when-" 

"I don't really care," She interrupted. "Your letter said you have a gift for? I would like to see it." She was not a loving person, she didn't need an excuse as to why he was late. She would take a gift as forgiveness. 

"Your gift? Why my dear isn't my presence enough for you?" He asked moving away from his daughter and whispering something into a guards ear while waiting for a response from her. 

"You know damn well that it is not father. I want my gift." She said. Ivan loved her, he might be the only one, despite her attitude Ivan always had a soft spot for the girl, even if she wasn't his birth daughter. Of couse, she didn't need to know that fact.  

"Your gift is being prepared, how was your time with Alexi my dear?" He asked.

"He is a boring idiot, much like all the men in the world," Natasha said as looking at herself in the mirror to make sure her curls were still intact. "What took you so long to get home?" She asked now wanting to know his excuse. 

"Americans," He said simply. "Messing with my business, they will soon get the message I sent," His voice was clear and deep, the Russian accent in his voice was very evident. 

"What is that message? I am sure you threatened them to a point?" She asked with a smirk. 

"Not exactly a threat but a promise." He turned to his daughter. "A promise you will help me keep. Come," He said leading her out of the office, as he walked by people they nodded in respect and fear. "My dear you are almost twenty this coming year, and I am not getting any younger," 

"What are you getting at father?" 

"I have been trying to prolong this for as long as I can, but now is as better as time as never. I am going to teach you the family business." Ivan said with a smile on his face, Natasha on the other hand frowned. 

"That is much work father, I like doing nothing," she answered. "Teach Alexi" 

"Alexi is not my child," He answered. "You are to learn the family business, it's time you live up to your name child. The black widow."  Natasha eyed him carefully. "Those Americans think they can stand in my way. They have learned all my tricks, but not yours." 

Ivan took her into a room with one-way glass. Natasha looked through the glass to see a blond-haired man with deep cuts running all over his body and ripped up militray outfit. Obviously American. 

"You are a master at getting what you want. So am I. Right now I want the information in the man's head. I want to know what his American friends are up to. I want to know how they plan on stopping me," 

"What do you want me to do about that?" She asked not taking her eyes off the man. 

"You are going to do what you do best. You are going to manipulate him. Web him up and slowly poison his heart till he gives you what you want to know, what I need to know." Natasha had to admit the idea of this thrilled her. This man seemed to interest her in some sort of way that made her smirk. 

"Pretty boy looks like he would be hard to break," Natasha stated. "I am going to need some time. Alone," Ivan eyed his daughter carefully, he didn't know what was going on in her brain. 

"I will, of course, take you away from here. The captain here won't be easy to break, I will give you the time you desire, but I can only give you so long my dear." Ivan said and his daughter nodded. 

"I don't need a lot of time," Natasha now wore a smirk on her head. 

"Good, I'll have Alexi pack your bags,  you, my dear will be accompanied by Clinton," He was an agent/ assassin Ivan captured and corrupted. Eventually, he accepted his fate and joined them, taking a liking to Natasha. "You leave tonight, not a word of this to anyone, I don't need this getting out," Natasha nodded and left the room with a smirk on her face. The Widow was there to kill. 


"What do you mean he was captured?" Yelled a thick voice, it echoed throughout the building. 

"According to the howling commandos, Captain Rogers was taken in their last run in with Ivan's gang." Said a female voice. "Fury, he was taken by Ivan himself, he might be dead already." 

"Danvers, if he wanted Steve dead we would have received his body in the mail with a bow on top." Fury grumbled. "Which means that he needs him for something, and whatever it is cannot be good." 

"What are you going to do? It took us weeks to locate Ivan's next stop, much less his base? It can't be done. Not alone." Carol said. 

"Which is exactly why we aren't alone," he said. "Call them up, all of them. This is going to need a lot more help than just one. It's all of them or Steve is dead." 

"On it," Carol replied leaving the room. Fury looked out his window shaking his head in frustration. 

"What are you up to now?" 

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