June 26, 1940

465 23 2

The group set up camp, after a full day of walking. They turned Ivan into the authorities, and they had to meet with Nick at the safe zone, there were a lot of people out there who would try and seek revenge on them, so shield had to keep their distance for now. When they finally reached the spot they set up camp. 

Natasha was in the tent that she had Steve set up for her, because not only did she not know how but she refused to sleep on the floor. So Steve used some supplies he had to build her a makeshift tent. Thank god for his military training. 

"Why is she the only one to got a tent?" Tony asked sitting down on his sleeping bag. 

"Tony," Steve warned. 

"What? I am just saying why does she get special treatment?" 

"She just lost everything she's ever known Stark," This was Clint speaking. 

"I don't care. Why are you here anyway?" Tony asked. 

"Why are you acting like this?" Steve asked. "Can't you show an ounce of compassion," he asked. 

"I could, but should I? No. Miss spoiled princess needs to learn that her life is about to change." He said. 

"Oh yeah, Stark? When are you going to stop acting like a spoiled princess?" Clint asked. 

"When I lose my multi-billion fortune." He said.

"Okay that's enough," Steve said. "We don't need to make this an even worse situation. Why don't we all get some sleep, I am going to go see how she's doing." 

"yeah yeah yeah go check on your girlfriend," Tony rolled his eyes. Steve shook his head and then walked off. He walked over to her tent and saw her sitting in the corner, starting off at the wall. 

"How are you doing?" He asked coming in and sitting beside her. 

"I don't know." She admitted. 

"Well looks like we are going to stay here for a bit. Sheild is coming to us now." He said. "He's locked up Nat, the Russian Government is looking to sentence him now." 

"Doesn't change the fact that people are still out there," She turned her head to look at him. "People want me dead. What's going to happen to me? I killed people, innocent people. Shouldn't I go to jail?" 

"I won't let that happen." 

"It's not your call to make," she said. "You should let them lock me up," 

"You're a good-" She interrupted him. 

"I want to go to sleep now." She began to lower herself into the sleeping bag. Steve watched and the nodded his head. 

"Good night Nat," He sighed before leaving the tent. 

"Good night Loverboy," Steve couldn't help but smile before going to his own sleeping bag to lay down for a while. 

The next day while the boys slept Natasha got hungry so she got up to go find some berries. Why didn't they bring food? Well her house did get blown up... supplies were limited. She caught the attention of Thor as she left camp. He decided he would follow her. As Natasha tried to pick one of the berries Thor spoke up. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," He said scaring Natasha. "It's got Poison Ivy around it, " 

"Oh," She sighed taking her hand away. "In my defense, I never learned about berry safety. I can kill a man with my finger but when it comes to this," She gestured toward the plant, "I am practically useless." 

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