"Adoptive what now?" Tony and the rest of the gang stood there in shock. Clint himself looked so shocked that they didn't know about his mission.
"Let me guess you are that group Fury has been waiting to put together?" Clint almost found himself laughing. "I was expecting something... better."
"Wait so... let me get this straight." Tony started. "Fury gave you a mission, to protect his adoptive daughter, however, she kidnapped a member of our team, so we were assigned to take her in while getting the captain and he told us nothing about this whole thing."
"Glad to know you understand the bare minimal stark," Clint said rolling his eyes. "But you all need to leave." He said. "I have to get Natasha out of this place, your presences will make things much worse, especially if he finds you here."
"Who? Ivan?" Bruce asked. "I thought he was away."
"He is, but that doesn't mean he won't come back at any moment," Clint answered.
"Why do we care about what happens to Natasha?" Tony asked. "Our mission is to get the captain back, that's it."
"I suggest you stay put," Clint said. "Your mission can wait, he has something planned and I don't think that you want to mess with that. Besides I called Fury in, he's coming in now."
"What exactly is he planning?" Thor asked.
"Something drastic."
Steve watched as carefully watched as Natasha caressed his hand and sitting carefully on his lap. Steve was trying to find the words he has been waiting to tell Natasha, however, her actions were distracting him.
"Come on now lover boy," She purred so carefully in his ear. "What's going on in that mind of yours?"
"Why are you acting like this?" He asked putting his hand on hers to stop her movement. He then stood so she was forced out of his lap. She was annoyed but wasn't showing her annoyance.
"I'm not acting, I am showing you me." She said with a smile, one that was obviously fake.
"I know more about you then you know about yourself then." He said. "Because I happen to know that this is not you."
"Why do you act like you know everything about me?" She asked. "You do realize you doing this will not get you anywhere."
"Natasha, you and I both know what you're hiding and despite how much you want to run away from it all it won't change the fact that you are living a lie. I heard it myself, I heard your screams of pain as your father messed with your head."
"Messed with my head? What are you on Rogers." Steve grabbed her arm carefully and held it up for her to see.
"These cuts and bruised came from somewhere, and no matter how much you want to deny it's happening you know it is." He said. "You probably have known it has for a while but you're so scared of getting hurt that you won't speak up."
"You act that if it is true that you can somehow help me." She said, her voice was quiet and low now, as if afraid that someone would overhear her.
"It's not easy, I know it hurts," Steve started. "You here every night staring in the mirror coming to the same conclusion every night that they are abusing you. Millions of thoughts of the horror they erased still haunts your mind as you sleep." he looked her in the eyes. "You scared and that's okay. From the cuts on your head and bruises on your arms whenever he visits you know deep down the overall truth, but you're too scared to admit it."