June 19, 1940

543 39 4

"You know lover boy, you're going to have to eat at some point," She said messing with the spoon and his food. "I promise I didn't poison it. If I wanted to kill you I wouldn't have gotten the food. I have better ways to kill you," 

"so when are you going to kill me? Because I made it pretty clear I won't give you anything," Steve spat out. His voice dry and in need of water. 

"Sounds like you could use this," She grabbed the cup and walked over to where he was sitting on the floor. "Come on I don't bite... Unless you want me too." 

"If you think seducing me will make me talk you're wasting your breath. I am not that kind of guy," He said turning away from her. 

"They are all that kind of guy," She spoke and dropped the cup, causing it to break. She stood up and fixed her dress. "Are you trying to tell me that kissing people is something you don't do?" 

"Only if I care about someone," he answered. Natasha let out a low chuckle and Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "What now?" 

"Oh, I am sorry. DId you actually have feelings for Carter?" She asked sitting back down by the table. 

"I loved Peggy, she was my first love," Steve answered. 

"Oh no lover boy, I am talking about Sharon. Her niece." She finished and Steve looked at her in shock. "Do you love her as well?" 

"What are you trying to prove? People do some pretty stupid things when they are heartbroken." 

"You just told me you weren't that kind of guy Rogers," She smirked at him. "my point still stands, all guys are that guy. You slept with her niece only hours after finding out Peggy left. So yes you are that type of guy. If I bat my eyes long enough I can get you in my bed." 

"Is that what you want? Me in bed with you?" Steve asked annoyed with her talking. 

"I mean I wouldn't say no. Look at you. But no I have been over this I want you to spill and then maybe we can have some fun afterward." She said. "Still a no?" 

"No, but nice try," he answered. "Maybe next time you won't insult me," 

"I am taking this then," She said picking up his food. "It doesn't have to be this hard Captain. You were miserable in that life I could take you away from it all. Somewhere they would never find you." 

"And if you get bored with me?" he asked giving her a knowing look. 

"When I had my fill? I guess we will have to see if that happens. You have great potential." She smirked. "Good night Rogers." She said and was about to leave when her eyes moved over his body. He was a strong one. One day without food won't work on him. Worth a try though. She shook her head and walked out of his room making sure to lock it and then turned around. 

"Has pretty boy broken yet?" Natasha was coming out of Steve's room, or rather cell throwing his tray of uneaten food to the floor in frustration. Clinton Barton, her friend and security standing outside the room polishing his arrow. 

"He is such a pain in the ass, he will starve himself to death if he doesn't eat, and I will get nothing out of this," She huffed. She turned her attention to the mirror to fix her golden locks. "What do you think of my hair?" 

"It's different. Like you better as a redhead." He answered honestly. "But when do you not look good?" 

"In another life, you and I would have been something amazing," She smiled playfully. 

"I don't usually go for Russians but I'd make an exception," he smirked. 

"Oh please you can't get any better than me," She said and then turned around to face him. "I say we let him play this game, starve him for a few days." 

"Are we really gonna risk his life?" He asked remembering Ivan's instructions. 

"Of course, but don't worry if he dies on my watch it's gonna be a lot more pain." She smirked. "Now shall we go have some dinner?" 

"Anything for you darling," 


The tapping of his fingers on the table was enough to show the group how stressed he was. Nick Fury was never this stressed.
"Why does this Ivan such a threat to us?" Tony asked. "can't we just run in and get him out?" Tony was drinking a Russian Vodka, "we'll even take their liquor and show them who's boss." 

"We can't do that without risking captain Rogers life," Thor answered. "We mustn't hurt him." 

"For all, we know he could already be dead, this plan of yours Nick could very well be a suicide mission,"  Tony downed the rest of his drink before turning to look at the rest of the group. 

"From my calculation and observations, we very well could destroy his base ending it all," Doctor Banner said pushing up his glasses that were falling. "but in doing so would kill Steve," 

"We don't want him dead. Neither does Ivan," Fury stated. "Gentleman, have you met Captain Carol Danvers? Piolet, the best one I have ever met." 

"Pleasure," Tony said with a smirk. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark, how's the wife?" She said with an eyebrow raise. Tony let out a small chuckle. 

"So Miss Danvers, how are you going to help us get our golden boy back in one piece?" He asked. 

"I have been flying since as long as I can remember, but I had one mission that brought up some tough memories."  Carol sighed, "that's when Fury brought me in and helped me through it. Told me something, and that something is the reason we can't blow down Ivan's gang." 

"Care to share?" 

"They call it the red room. Soviet based organization takes young girls in order to train them to be unbreakable," Carol shook her head. "They have them kill one another in order to learn failure isn't an option. Mindwiped until they die. Those who survive their class are taken through a graduation ceremony, unfortunately, no one has survived long enough to complete the classes." 

"Except one," Fury stated. "Finished rather early, Ivan calls her his daughter." He laid down a file. "Natalia Romanova, first and only black widow. Went through the graduation ceremony at age 16, Ivan took a particular liking to this girl," 

"He apparently didn't want her knowing the classes and torture, so he wipes her memory, kept in all the fighting she learned, took out the abuse and as far as she is concerned," Carol looked at them with sad eyes, "She had a wonderful childhood with her father Ivan," 

"That is so sick," Tony swallowed. "Does this girl pose a threat?" 

"Our spies managed to locate trucks, Ivan's trucks, and Natalia was in the front seat," Carol explained. "Romanova is a highly trained assassin, can kill men pretty easily, specializes is getting information, and is overall very dangerous, chances are we find her we find Steve. " 

"And that's why you need us?" Banner asked. "To track down the girl? Why didn't you spies just keep following them?" 

"Lost track of them, it's almost as if he knew we were on his trail. Took a route and our men didn't see where," Fury answered. "Now it's your job to bring him back." 

"What if it's too late? Said this woman was dangerous what if she already killed Steve," Suggested Tony. 

"something tells me Rogers is hard to crack, it's only been two weeks I would be quite surprised if they got information out of him so quickly," he said. "The commandos will be ready when you want to infiltrate," 

"Why Fury? Don't think we are good spies?" Tony asked standing up. 

"No Stark I don't. I wouldn't bet my life on it." Tony huffed before turning to Thor and Bruce. 

"Okay, guys let's go get back America's ass," 

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