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It's been a few days after the sports festival so that students who got hurt could recover. Izumi thought it would be a regular day back to school, but it wasn't. She was on the train looking at her phone a little gloomy at the rain when she heard someone whispering her name. "Midoryia. Pisss. Midoriya." Izumi looked up to see who was calling her, turning around it was an older man congratulating her at the sporting festival. More people showed interest apon seeing Midoryia. People even took pictures with her. Some kids asked for a flower to be made. Men asked for roses to give to their wives as well as women wanting a certent sent. It became too much after a while, so when it was her stop, she ran out there as soon as possible.

She opened her pink umbrella that Natsu pinked out for her. Iida caught up with Izumi telling her to move a little faster or that she would be late. She was about to ask Iida about his brother when he stopped her, saying everything was fine. In class, everyone was talking about what happened after being noticed. Aizawa came in all better but one hand. Aizawa told them that today's focus is on code names. Names people will recognize as heroes third and second years already took first pick now its their turn. Aizawa then showed them their sponsor who chose them. In first Todoroki, second, surprisingly, Izumi, third Bakugo. Izumi felt Mineta grabbing her shoulder, shaking her until vines smacked him. 'I didn't think I would get that much.' Izumi said, seeing the sponsors. 'How am I going to choose.' Izumi lost in her own though didn't see Todoroki looking at her.

Todoroki looked at the bord, knowing it was his dad's reputation that got him there. Izumi did that all by herself, getting into second. He then remembered what he overheard his father said.

Flash back

It was the day after the sporting festival when Shoto walked past his fathers home office. "Yes, I would like to sponsor two students from class 1A. My son Shoto and Izumi Midoryia. Yes, they are the only ones. Why Midoryia? Somehow, she got through MY stupid son's rebellion. If I had them both, maybe she would get him to behave the way I raised him." Shoto ran to his room after that and avoided him for the rest of the time.

End of flash back

Todoroki knows he has to get Izumi alone to tell her not to take his fathers sponsorship.

In the teacher's office, Cementoss just finished updating the total of sponsors for first year students when one more for Izumi Midoryia pop on. "Eh? Another one? Man, who is it this time. Madam Rose?" Cementoss said as All Might was behind him, looking over his shoulder at that name popped up. "Madam Rose, she would be perfect for Midoryia. " All Might heard the only voice that scares him more than Inko when she's mad at him. "G-gran T-torino?" All Might spite out blood seeing his old mentor in school.

Midnight came in to help them choose their hero name, making sure they were correctly used. Izumi didn't need to think about her hero's name. For as long as she can remember, it's the name that inspires her the most. Izumi was crying in her room at the old apartment that they lived in. When Toshinori came in after hearing her crying. "Have no fear, for I am Here." Toshinori said, smiling and hero posing one of many things that cheered her up from a long day of school, but not this time. Toshinori then turned to see what the problem was. Window paint covered the whole window, all saying. "First hero to die on day one 'Ume'" Inko said, walking in, not hearing laughter from eather one. Never had Izumi ever saw Toshinori that mad before. That day, Izumi was transferred out of that school, Katsuki not wanting to be away from the only person he could stand, leaving him with a bunch of extra as he said. "Ume, they didn't deserve to have eather of us in that school they will rue the day that they mess with the hero duo Ume and?" Katsuki pauses to let Izumi give him a hero name. "Dynamite!" Izumi jumped up to stand next to him. "Ume and Dynamite, eh?" Toshinori said over hearing the two kids. "Ya aren't they cool like All Might's." Katsuki said, loving the name that Izumi gave him. "Yes, it is." Toshinori snickered behind his hand as Katsuki secretly fanboy out. "Well th, se are some amazing namnames,  two I . I can't wait to see your names everywhere and being the first one to ever hear them." Toshinori said sm, ling as the other adults stand back watching.

Izumi smiled at that bittersweet memory on how she got her childhood nickname. She spaced out for a second before Aoyama presented his Hero Name. Bakugo had to redo his name. When almost everyone showed their names, Izumi decided to show hers.

"Nature Hero: Ume." Izumi said ho, ding up the white bord to the class. Midnight, of course, loved the name short but hold a lot of meaning. Bakugo still had trouble coming up with a name before Izumi's white bord was in front of him. "Explosion Hero: Dynamite." Bakugo yelled out, finally remembering his childhood hero name that Izumi gave him.

After they chose their names, Aizawa handed them the agency that they could shadow next week. And they only have two days to choose. Izumi is having a lot of trouble finding what agency she wants to go to. When Uraraka asked her what agency she was thinking of choosing. "I can't choose!" Izumi said, laying back then looking at her list again until a name popped up. "Kaaaahhhh! Madam Rose!" Izumi jumped up holding the paper that has Madam Rose's name on there. "Madam Rose?" Uraraka asked, seeing Izumi so excited about this person. "After All Might, she is my favorite hero." Izumi explained to Uraraka. "You see, Madam Rose is a world-class hero." Izumi said with Ashido charmed in. "World class?" Ashido asked, curious about it.

"Ya, very few heroes choose the title of world class." Izumi said. "Ya, only very few heroes choose to be a world-class hero. They are basically independent heroes going from country to country finding jobs." Izumi said, looking at her classmates. "Independent heroes? How does one be come a world-class hero?" Kirishima asked, interested in knowing more.

"Well, they have to be very popular all over the world to the point that other countries pay for them to do hero work for them for a short time. All Might was once a world class before coming to stay in Japan after a decade of doing it." Izumi said. "So she's in Japan, which means she has something very important to be here. Ribbit." Asui said, thinking about what Izumi said.

Izumi looked at the name again and decided to go with Madam Rose. "I'll take it." Izumi said, writing down who she will shadow for a week. Todoroki hearing Izumi taking up a different hero's agency made his heart sworm. He never felt this warmth before, his heart been cold for as long as his mother's been in the hospital for. His mom.

Izumi packed her bag, ready to head on home, when Uraraka asked to join her. They turned to see if Iida wanted to join them, but he was already gone. "Izumi!" Izumi heard an elderly man voice from a far where she turned to see All Might and Gran Torino. "Gran Torino? Why are you he-duh!" Izumi jumped back, rubbing her head. "That's what you get for not calling me to tell me you made it. Ungrateful brat." Gran Torino said, waving his walking stick around.

Izumi then looked at All Might, seeing that he was shaking a lot. "Sorry, sensei. I thought dad told you?" Izumi said, giving an offset smile. "He did. I would like to have heard from you once in a while." Gran Torino said, swapping Izumi's back legs with his cane. "Yes sensei! But what why are you here?" Izumi said, questioning him. " Substitute teacher. I might be retired from heroes' work and teaching, but after one month of doing nothing, I became bored, so I substitute know." Sorahiko said, moving and hovering his hand to make Izumi walk with him and all might.

"Congratulations on your two event win." Sorahiko said, walking down an empty hallway. "Thank you." Izumi said, bowing her head. "If it wasn't for that boy, you could have been the first student to win all three events in the first year too." Sorahiko said, coming to a stop. "Really?" Izumi said, amazed at what he said. "Yes in all of U.A. history, only very few students have won all three games, some second years, rest in the third years, but never first, not even two challenges. You're the first. Which is why you had so many spouses." All Might said, still trembling. Izumi never really thought of that. "I bet a record." Izumi said with twinkling eyes. "You did the first yearer to ever win two games in a row." All Might said, smiling down at her. "All Might." Izumi said, looking up at her dad.

"Speaking of sponsors, did you find any agency you like yet?" Gran Torino said, looking up at her. "Ya, Madam Rose!" Izumi jumped at the thought of meeting her number one hero, not including her dad. "So you saw, didn't you." Sorahiko said before continuing. "You made a very good choice to shadow her." Gran Torino said before leaving All Might and Izumi. "If you didn't do so well, I would have taken you in for one more run." Gran Torino said, waving goodbye to them.

Nature Hero: UmeWhere stories live. Discover now