Izumi was on cloud nine. Not only did she win one but two events. Iida grabbed her by the shoulder, demanding how she did that. "Easy, my dad told me one .You may have strength and talent, but you need a plan behind the strength." Izumi said, quoting her dad. "He did say that." Bakugo said, thinking back to when they were younger. Todoroki remembered his father telling him something similar to that told by All Might.
They were on lunch break when Todoroki pulled Izumi away from everyone. "You wanted to talk to Todoroki?" Izumi said, looking into his eyes. "Yes, what you just said about planning. I heard it from my father, who quoted from All Might himself." Todoroki said, looking at his left hand. "And for some reason, All Might favors you, so tell me." Izumi started to sweat a little, not knowing what he was going to say.
"Are you related to All Might in some way?" Todoroki said, watching her reaction. "N-no n-nothing like tha-." Izumi was stopped when the intercom came on to hear Present Mic. "Sorry to interrupt up your lunch, but there is a missing VIP child on campus, so everyone, keep an eye out and report to the nearest hero if you see him. He is 3 years old, blond hair, blue eyes name is Natsu Yagi. Thank you." Todoroki, listen to what Present Mic said about a VIP child missing when he looked back to Izumi to see she is pale and shacking. "Midoryia?" He said as she came pressing against him. "You have to help me find him." Izumi yelled with tears running down her face. "He's my half brother, and I need to find him, please." Izumi begged. "Ok, maybe we should go get the rest of the class to help." Todoroki said, giving up on finding out what up between her and All Might when hearing her.
They found their class talking. Uraraka looked up to see her best friend and Todoroki running back to them. "Ume! We heard what happened. Bakugo ran just as soon as they said his name Iida chased after him. I tried my best to explain to the rest what's going on." Uraraka said, putting a hand on Izumi. "Thanks." Izumi said, looking at everyone. "So your brother is missing?" Yaoyorozu said, thinking about what kust happened. "Apparently." Izumi said as tears came out. "I came here to ask if you could help me find him, please." Izumi begged with her hands folded in front, and her head bowed down, asking the class for help.
1A split up into teams of two in hopes of finding Natsu. Uraraka/Asui, Ashido/Kaminari, Izumi/Todoroki, and so forth looking around 1st year stadium. "Natsu!" Izumi said in a hallway inside the student/faculty entrance. "Natsu!" Todoroki also screamed out. Then they heard crying coming by the stairs. They ran closer to see Endeavor standing over a crying Natsu.
"Natsu!" Izumi yelled happily to see he was alright. "You know this kid?" Endeavor asked, seeing Izumi and his son running to them. "Y-ya h-he's my brother." Izumi said, staying a good foot away from him. "Oneechan." Natsu said, running to her away from the flame hero who scared him. "Natsu, why are you here? Where's mom and dad?" Izumi questions him, looking over him for injuries.
"Mama?" Natsu started to cry. Then, to Izumi relief, All Might, along with her mother, came in tow. "Young Midoryia, Young Todoroki, you found him!" All Might said about to head over there, but his wife ran hysterically to them. "Natsu!" She cried out, picking him up. "Mom? Not to sound rude, but why are you here? I thought you were going to watch it at home." Izumi said, looking at her mom and less at her dad pretending. "Oh, your father surprised me with VIP tickets to the sporting festival this year. Right after you left, he showed up with roses and a new toy for Natsu, saying that he saved up for this day for a while now." Inko said, playing along. "Really?" Izumi said, watching All Might, taking his phone out and walking away. "Ya isn't he just a gentleman." Inko said, not realizing the extra tension between father and son. Inko then turned to Endeavor and Todoroki and bowed. "Thank you for finding my son." Inko said, and Endeavor took his que. "No problem ma'am, just remember to keep your son on a leash." He said, walking away.
Todoroki became angry at what his dad said. "We should call off everyone else from searching for him." Todoroki said, watching as his father left. "Ya." Izumi said, taking her phone out to send a mass text saying that she found him. A few seconds later, replies came in telling them that 1A is sitting together for lunch and to come by. "Well thats are que to go bye mom and Natsu." Just as Todoroki and Izumi were walking to meet with their class.
Natsu cried out, then Izumi was lifted up in the air flying backward and landed by her mom and All Might, who showed up again. The Yagi-Midoriyia family looked shocked at what happened. All heads shot to Natsu as he laughed on. "Did he just." Inko said in shock at what she saw. "Young Midoryia, why don't you take your brother for a bit? Why I try to calm your mother down." All Might said seeing his wife was about to faint.
Izumi, Natsu, and Todoroki walked in silence to their destination. Everyone was back together at one table Natsu apon seeing Bakugo called out to him. "Katsuki-niichan!" Natsu said, having just discovered his quirk levitate Bakugo and send him flying to them. "Shit!" Bakugo yelled, landing in front of them. Everyone look to them seeing Izumi, Todoroki, and Natsu there. "When the hell did that happen?" Bakugo said, rubbing his head and crossing his legs. "Just today?" Izumi said, turning to Natsu. "Natsu, this is my classmates. Can you introduce yourself to them." Izumi said, letting go of his hand. "Hi, I'm Natsu Yagi. It's nice to meet you." Natsu said with a big smile on. The girl's screamed out how cute and polite he was.
Natsu eat with them for lunch before Inko came by to collect him to go back to their dad. Todoroki stopped her again to talk to her. He told him about why he saw her as a rival, the pain from his dad, his mother burning him because he looked like him. Izumi besided to tell him why she was here. "I'm here because of the people who support me. I want to protect everyone who gave me the courage to come this far. I'm not letting people's trust in me go to waste. So I'll be your rival showing everyone that I can protect them." Izumi said as he left.

Nature Hero: Ume
FanficIzumi Midoryia has her grandmother's quirk from her mother side, overgrownth. She can make a lot of plants in just her hands alone. So she don't have that much control over it but it's ok because everyone just love the plants she produces in her nei...