1A enjoyed their time with Izumi. Izumi doesn't know that she just salivated a rescue mission for Bakugo by her classmates. Kirishima wanted to save Bakugo he told everyone in Izumi's room. Yaoyorozu said that she with the help of another student planted a tracking device on one of the villains. Todoroki was also going too. Iida is going too making sure they don't get caught.
Izumi couldn't go because she was recovering. She did gave them the next best think a plan. She told them that Bakugo would stubbornly refuse to help them saying out of all of them Kirishima would be the best option. "He's like a new adopted pet will refuse anything unless he likes you." Izumi said looking at Them. "I understand where Tsu is coming from and I wish I could help you but I won't remember any of this." Izumi said when they returned to the hospital. "Good luck." Izumi said as they left and she went back in.
Bakugo as been calm through out all this. Watching there ever move. He stayed silent. For the most they just talk about their ideal society saying what are true hero. Heroes being the true villain. Making society think what they want to think. How they where winning in favor of the people. That they where right.
Tomura Shigaraki showed the conference of UA's principal Nezu and the teachers responsible for the students. Mr. Aizawa talked and apologized on behalf of everything that been happening. 'He shouldn't be apologizing to any of this.' Bakugo watch with hatred in his eyes looking at him. Shigaraki the man child, who has a stick far up his butt its in his brain. Bakugo was then unshackled by twice. They down played this whole thing as if there above being criminals, better then organized crime.
Bakugo getting tired of this crap punch Shigaraki. "I want to win like All Might." He said remembering when Izumi and him would watch All Might on TV. "My reason to be a hero is to be the best." Bakugo yelled getting sick and tired of them spilling there crap everywhere as if it was gold. "I seen countless of time on who comes out on top. Heroes do." Bakugo yelled grinning like he always does. "That's why I want to be a hero to be like my hero All Might." That cost a flood to spill.
A knock on the door interrupted them. Bakugo was thinking about bolting out the door if same one opened. All Might crashed through braking the wall next to Bakugo. Never will Bakugo admit that he saw so relieved to see All Might. It was too early of a victory for the heroes. Nomus came out different portals to which also took Bakugo right out of All Mights hands. Then the villain that Kamui Woods was holding also disappeared. All Might knew what happened.
At the same time Izumi just got off the phone with her mom telling her she just has one more night at the hospital and will be back the day after tomorrow. "OK good night mom, good night Natsu." Izumi said hanging up her phone and placing it on the nightstand. Izumi then got ready to sleep. She debated to write down what happened today or not. She went against it. "It probably would be for the best." Izumi said as she curled up in her hospital bed.
At the warehouse Best Jeanist look on with pure fear as All For One as he saved his allies from what ever that blasts was. All For One then attacked again to which as Best Jeanist waited for the blast to came. It didn't Madam Rose who was also there deflect his attack. "Madam Rose your quirk just simply makes roses you made it into something more beautiful." All For One said as Madam Rose showing no fear to a stance waiting for what ever happens next. "I would like to have it, but that will be later." As he said that Bakugo and the League of villains came through some gray slime.
All For One praise Tomura Shigaraki for all he did was for him. Madam Rose stayed back seeing All For One holding Bakugo. Madam Rose hold a hand up telling Best Jeanist to stand down. In the corner of her eyes she saw movements creating a rose duplicate by where she saw movement as she stand still. "Why are you here?" The duplicate wrote out in thorns at the four students. She did something that they didn't not expect and help them.
All Might showed up to take down All For One not making the same mistake four years ago. All For One forced Kurogiri's quirk open to let Shigaraki and his allies away taking Bakugo with them. As All Might and All For One fight on. The league of villains was about to grab him when the forgotten Madam Rose came running towards them. "All Might I got Bakugo just focused on him." Madam Rose said as more roses came and fight along side her.
"Your friends are waiting for you." Madam Rose said looking back at Bakugo. "Friends?" Bakugo said turning his eyes toward where her eye was seeing. Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Iida where all there in disguises trying to get his attention. "I'll clear a path and you leave with them. Do you understand." Madam Rose said throwing another attack. "Ya" Bakugo said using is quirk moving toward them as Madam Rose made sure his path was clear.
"All Might Katsuki Bakugo as been successful rescued." Madam Rose said getting away so that All Might have room to fight. "Thank you Madam Rose." All Might said going all out with All For One. All For One forced the others through as more heroes came. It was a show down between All For One and One For All.
In the end All Might won, but at the cost of losing the rest of One For All. All For One where arrested. Bakugo was taken back with the police for questioning. Madam Rose covered for the four teenagers saying that she saw a group of druken young adults wondering to close and stir them in a different direction. All Might was again hospitalized. He told Inko it was time for him to retire for good.

Nature Hero: Ume
FanfictionIzumi Midoryia has her grandmother's quirk from her mother side, overgrownth. She can make a lot of plants in just her hands alone. So she don't have that much control over it but it's ok because everyone just love the plants she produces in her nei...