Next day was the first day back at school and Iida told them, they would be showing off what they learn from work studies. Aizawa was called away at the last minute so Toshinori was taking over the class that day. Izumi fallowed the girls to their locker room where she saw some of them made improvements on their costumes. Izumi put on her costume before putting on Deku's costume which helps him more then, his scarf. He now has red booties, that keep him weighted to the ground. A collar that protects his neck as well as preventing of seizures from his quirk.
Once they where done it was time to show what they learned. When it come time for Izumi, Bakugo and Todoroki they showed off their speed. Izumi wrapped vines around her feet making flowers bloom seconds after they fallen apart a technique created by Madam Rose. Right before Madam Rose left, she heard that Endeavour was going take Izumi under him, she came came barging in.
Madam Rose kicked open Endeavour's office door allowing herself in. "Please come in." Endeavour said annoyed by the sudden visit. "You taking in Ume!?" Charlotte said looking in disbelief. Enji let out a deep sigh before running a hand over his scared face. "Shoto asked for me to let Midoryia and Bakugo come here for work studies because your going to be away for a month." Endeavour said in slight annoyance. "Great! That means I can give you this." Charlotte said pulling out a small pink notebook with a title saying flower power. "You have full control over how and what you can teach Izumi this book are some techniques that she should learn." Endeavour reluctantly took the notebook. "Remember you only have her for a month once February comes around and I'm back. She's mine got it." Madam Rose said with puffy cheeks and a playful mad face. "Ya, ya now get out before you miss your flight." Endeavour said as Madam Rose left.
Izumi sorrow through the sky like an angel leaves a trail of Ponies behind catching the wind making them fly after she decided them. "Wow~ look at Ume!" Toshinori heard Uraraka said as they watch Izumi, Bakugo and Todoroki speed past the point robots. "It's as if she's an angel! Just with out the wings!" Hagakure said as Ashido agreed. Toshinori looked on as watching his daughter glided across the sky before a flash of his old mentor Nana as she float in the air. 'You've grown into a beautiful woman Izumi, you no longer need me for protection. No longer needing a push in the right direction.' Toshinori said nodded as that was the last group.
Izumi stood in front of Todoroki smiling up at him. "You did amazing Shochan!" Izumi beamed as others wiped their heads in their direction. "You think I thought I had a slow start, Izumi." Shoto said giving her a small smile. "When...when?" Mineta asked looking at Izuki and Shoto interacted. "Oh no it was actually your fastest start yet." Izumi said smiling up at Shoto. "Chu~ now I have to see this every day now." Bakugo said annoyed but if you look in his eyes you can see the excitement in them. "Wow they are getting close aren't they Bakugo." Uraraka said standing next to her crush. "Ya. Hey shitty head what the hell was that out there!" Bakugo yelled marching over to Kirishima leaving a blushing mess of Uraraka by herself.
It was after class has ended when Toshinori asked to see Izumi in the facility lounge. Izumi was walking that way when she saw Shinso stubbling down the hall tired more then usual. "Wow. Shinso are you alright." Izumi said as Shinso grabbed hold of the walk "I'm just trying to get to the nurse's office I've been having major headaches lately." Shinso said rubbing his hand over his forehead trying to relieve the pressure of the headache. "Oh um ok ah. Oh! Deku can you grow a tad bit bigger and take Shinso to Recover Girl please." Izumi asked Deku as he grow to the size of a miniature horse before grabbing Shinso and taking him to the Infirmary.
Izumi meet with her dad in the teachers lounge. "You wanted to see me?" Izumi smiled as Toshinori handed her a cup of green tea. "I wanted to give you this." He handed her a file with the name Sakura Akira. Izumi picked up the folder as started to read the contents. "Sakura Akira, age 6, cause of death quirk unstable function." Izumi said as her smile died. "She was just a kid." Izumi said looking at more information. "Given away at the age of 3 by her parents because she had a quirk along with her twin brother Ryuji." Izumi continued. "For three years it's unknown of what had happened to her until a malnourished man along with 5 other children came to a public hospital. Non of the children served to see the next day." Izumi looked up to Toshinori waiting for an explanation.
Toshinori took a sip of his tea before talking. "When your secondary quirk showed up, we asked a psychiatrist to come and see your well being." Izumi nodded remembering that day. "They hypnotized you letting someone name Sakura come through." Toshinori pointed to the folder. "I did some digging to find the information which wasn't a lot just their names and how they died." Izumi looked at what else was in the folder. "Something big is going to happen. Things don't happen without a reason." Toshinori said getting up to sit himself by Izumi as she read the other patient files.
"Kaito Sama, age 7, death drowning?" Izumi said looking up at Toshinori. "Ya that's not the only one." Toshinori showed her Ryuji's. "Claw make from neck?" Izumi said before going to another. "Matsuo Takai brain damage." Izumi said looking at the cost of death of each child. "How did all of these different from of death happen?" Izumi asked looking at her dad. "That's what I would like to know too." Toshinori said before looking at the clock. "You should head back it's almost dinner time." Just then a knock was heard.
It turned out to be Bakugo and Deku. "This stupid chia pet keeped pestering me." Bakugo said annoyed as Deku made happy noises before rubbing his head against Izumi. "I'll see you tomorrow then." Toshinori said leaving them at the school building as they walked to the dorms. The two friends walked in comfortable silence back to the dorms when Izumi stopped. "Katsuki what's wrong?

Nature Hero: Ume
FanfictionIzumi Midoryia has her grandmother's quirk from her mother side, overgrownth. She can make a lot of plants in just her hands alone. So she don't have that much control over it but it's ok because everyone just love the plants she produces in her nei...