Ultimate Move the Call of Nature

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Izumi was asleep when she was startled awake by a dream she couldn't remember. She looked around remembering where she is. 'Right in the dorm.' Izumi lay back just staring at the live plants moving before getting up to go to the girl's bathroom. As she got ready for the day more and more of her classmates woken up. They all went to the eating area where they ate breakfast chatting with one other before heading out to class.

When they got there Aizawa told them they would be finding an ultimate move that is unique as they are. The reason behind the failed training camp was to enhance their quirks for a powerful move. They traveled to gym gamma. Where they will get one on one training. Izumi was on the ground level watching everyone else train as she try to think of what to do. Bakugo not having any free time since the kidnapping went wild. Izumi felt a tap by Ectoplasm peglag. "What are you think about Izumi?" As she rubbed the back of her head. "I was thinking about what Madam Rose said to me during my time with her." Izumi said as she looked on. "She said I should work on what I could do and in what nature around me could do." Izumi said looking ar Ectoplasm. "Then work on your inner power and let that be what you need." Ectoplasm said thinking on what Izumi just told him.

Izumi made various different kinds of plants from her hands. The vines change into different plants showing what she could do as she tries to think. The door opened up to see Toshinori. "Shouldn't you be resting?" Aizawa asked seeing him there. "Nah I'm fine, I'm still a teacher." To which Izumi made a comment. "In other words you got bored." Toshinori felt the stab of words on his back. 'It was true.' Everyone said watching as Father and Daughter get along. "How did we miss all this during first semester?" Asui said thinking about all the times Izumi and All Might interacted with each other.

Toshinori apon seeing Izumi felt the piece of paper in his back pocket.  "Izumi may I give you a tip." Toshinori said smiling when Izumi nodded her head. "Try to master the trick of the eye when you want to escape." Toshinori said moving along to other students. Izumi took in count of that he said and created her favorite flower Peony. She slowly loosens the petals, picture the wind picking them up and blow them way.

Before her eyes it happened the petals floating around her but after they detached they where about to fall and lose their purpose. Whith some quick thinking she folded her hand on top of each other and stretch them out then moved them opposite of each side showing a palm looking like a fan. To which she grabbed it by the end moving it back before pushing it forward creating a peatel storm that knocked Ectoplasm back cutting is clone up. Izumi found her ultimate move Petal Storm.

Izumi walked to the development studio where Power Loader works at. She wants to know if it will be possible for her to carry some short a fan to help her to make her quirk move when it detached. She stood in front of the studio debating for some time when she heard her name. "Ume? Your going to develop costume." Uraraka said as she and Iida came closer to the studio. "I want to see if I could add something that will help me with my quirk." Izumi said as soon as the door to the Development Studio exploded open. Some one landed on top of Izumi as the dust settles showing Mei Hatsume the support student that she teamed up with.

Power Loader came out scolding Hatsume for her recklessness and will banned her if she does this again. Power Loader saw the hero students told them to come in. He explained the process to them and told them to asked away. "Uh is it possible of me to get a fan? I want to use it so that way my quirk could use my quirk better." Izumi said moving towards him. "Hmm. Your quirk is nature base right. I'm taking it you want to have it so you could move your quirk then let it settle." Power Loader said to which Izumi nodded. "I don't see why not if it to help then lets right it up to get it approved." Power Loader said as Hatsume over hears. "So you want a fan then I got the thing for you." Izumi end up with a pole strap with wind turbines attached to her back.

As soon as Hatsume it the on button everything started to flot up pieces of her hair and flowers where heading to the turbines making her scream like a damsel not wanting another hair cut. Then she turn her sights on Iida as he explained what he wants to be adjusted. Uraraka then told him what she wants done. They left happy with they wanted to achieve.

They finally came in, three in total. Two small single holding fans for short distance and one medium length fan slightly smaller then her back that she uses for longer distance. They also attract two magnets to the black leotard for easy access. Two magnets on each side of her red belt. The frames are light weight metal with green silk material strong enough to hold but light to move fast. She also attended the same light weight metal to the bottom of her shoes so that way she could stay in one place and not move by a simple trimmer or loose her footing.

She is ready to show her ultimate move. Izumi was at gym gamma as she showed her new attachments. Toshinori still bored from recovery came to watch their improvement. When it was Izumi's turn his face light up. Her arm vines and hair flowers bloom then detached in one swift movement she opened the medium fan blowing the petals. " Petal Storm." Izumi yelled showing the petals hitting the target with force it an offense move instead of her usual defensive. They where to busy looking at the petal storm to see Izumi moved until she tapped Toshinori shoulder making him jump back. They liked it is was an offense and a decoy very two for one move.

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