Izumi looked at Bakugo to see him smiling, walking fast down the middle road. Izumi caught up to him and spoke. "We should just try make it through the gate and win, but knowing you." Izumi looked at him with a smile. "You want to catch him." Bakugo nodded before speaking. "To be the ones to sure pass All Might. Who wouldn't." Bakugo said, sprinting into a run as Izumi fallowed. "Alright, but if I say we're done, then we're done." Izumi said, running with him.
All Might, not waiting for them to come to him decided to go to them. All Might raised his arm in the air and then threw an air punch, destroying the main street that Izumi and Bakugo were on. Izumi and Bakugo moved into the alleyway, watching as All Might came down the street. "Come out Heroes and fight me a Villain." All Might said, making Izumi shiver at his acting.
Bakugo directly attacked him. Izumi stands back, sending whips of vines at him. When All Might punched him in the stomach send Bakugo flying he smashed the concrete, making Izumi lose her footing, and fell as he kicked her, sending her flying. The kick was not even forceful, more like I'm moving you with my foot shove. Izumi called out a big hydrangea to catch her. Then she used it to send her back.
Izumi sees All Might holding Bakugo down with his foot and arm in a fist. She made vines come out and grab hold of his hand and foot. Before roots grab Bakugo, pulling him down and to where Izumi is. Bakugo was catching his breath, then looked at Izumi as she looked around before looking back at him.
"We have to run to the gate." Bakugo said, annoyed while holding his midsection. "You were right. There's a reason why he's number one." Bakugo said, taking one his grenade gauntlet and handing it to Izumi. "I need your help, then make sure he focus is on me so you can run out of the gate." Bakugo said, holding the gauntlet, but Izumi pushed it back and smiled. "How badly do you want to capture him." Izumi said send Bakugo grinning.
All Might kept a sharp eye looking for them, knowing that they were still her and did go through the gate. When Bakugo came out of an alleyway walking to meet him in the center, grind at him. For a split second of calm then they both ran head on. All Might almost reached him when Bakugo moved his body a split millisecond before All Might could then hit the ground in a controlled manner, sending a flash, dust, and sound.
When the dust settled, All Might's hand that went to reach Bakugo now had Izumi wrapped around it and the handcuffs on him. Bakugo grinds even wider, Izumi opened her eyes to see she did it. All Might pull his hand close that hold Izumi on it. "Congratulations, you did what no one ever did." All Might said before starting to cough. Izumi looked over at him, seeing that he was crying and trying to cover up. He was sobbing with coughing. In the control room, all saw this where stund at Bakugo and Izumi's victory against All Might. They all cheered after the shock weard off.
Next day
Everyone is waiting for their test results to come in. Kirishima, Sato, Kaminari, and Ashido were upset that they might not be able to go. Izumi taking pity made all of them delicious strawberries. "Here, maybe this will keep your mind off the test for a bit." Izumi said, handing them the fruit. "Ok!" They all said, grabbing one. As they took a bite out of them, a rush of flavor that they ever tasted burst in there mouth. "SO GOOD!" All of them said, looking at the fruit. Sato studied the strawberry before turning to a happy Izumi. "Where did you get such delicious strawberries, Midoryia?" Ashido asked, weaving her hands up and down, wanting to know. Before Izumi could tell them Bakugo bet her to it. "It came from her nom nuts." Bakugo said, annoyed, pointing at Izumi. "Or did you idiots forget that she's a whole ecosystem." Bakugo said, making Izumi sweat drop at his words.
Then Aizawa came came through the door papers in hand. Aizawa said that everyone would be going to the training camp. Kirishima, Sato, Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero failed the practical test they passed the written test, meaning they could go, but will not be doing all the fun stuff for they will be studying instead.
The whole class was buzzing about what to buy and needed for the trip. Since everyone needed to get something, they decided to go as a class to go to the mall. Bakugo was originally not going, then Uraraka, Izumi, and Kirishima convince him otherwise. Todoroki was to not going but stop himself from remembering what his mom said to him.
"So this girl helped you find meaning again?" Rei asked, looking at Shoto. "Ya." Shoto said, looking at her tired eyes. "She mast be special to you to think that why?" Rei said, smiling at her youngest. "What she said to me made my heart warm. Warmer than ever." Shoto said, looking at his left hand. Rei laughed at that, knowing what was happening. "When the time comes, you will know the answer." Rei then looked out the window, then back to Shoto. "If there's an opportunity to hang out with her, take it, then come see me and tell me more." Rei said, sliding her hand into his.
End of flashback
Everyone in class 1A was at the mall the next day. Izumi had to take Natsu with them because Inko and Mitsuki were going to out since both of their husbands were working that day. Bakugo also has to keep an eye out for him. Not that he minds or anything. Everyone needed different things, and some needed the same thing, so they all split up. Kirishima took Bakugo with him, and Natsu asked to go with him, to which Izumi said yes.
Leave Uraraka, Todoroki, and Izumi together. "So what do you need?" Todoroki said secretly, upset that Uraraka didn't leave them. "Oh, I need bug spray." Uraraka said, thinking what she needed for the trip. "I'm looking for a water sprayer and a canteen." Izumi said. Todoroki then decided that he also needed a new canteen. Uraraka left them to go get some bug spray as the other to go hunting for their stuff.
As they passed a merch shop with Hero Killer merchandise in it did Todoroki asked a question. "What do you think?" Izumi looked up at him away from the merch shop. "What?" She asked, not understanding his question. "About the whole Hero Killer and League of Villains." Todoroki said, leaning against the rail, looking down at all the people. "Their motives." Todoroki add, and Izumi joined him both, not seeing the man in a black hoodie fallowing them in the crowded mall.
So Izumi told Todoroki the truth about how she saw this whole thing. The League of Villains doesn't understand any of their motive, why she understood Hero Killer motive. "That's it!" Todoroki and Izumi turned to face him. Tomura Shigaraki smiled big and nasty at what he was missing.
Natsu saw his sister wanting to run to her but was stopped by Katsuki-niichan. Bakugo told Kirishima to get security when Kirishima saw why he nodded and ran to get them. For Izumi and Todoroki, they stayed calm and collected not to cause a panic. Shigaraki told them everything as to why he was there and tried to get Izumi alone to talk, but Todoroki was in the way and how he missed their confrontation he heard the only thing that mattered All Might.
As secretary, starting to get close was when Shigaraki ran. Secretary saw this and ran after him. After that, the whole mall closed down in search of Tomura Shigaraki. All they found were two piles of dust and no sign of him. They questioned both Izumi and Todoroki about what happened. Then, they were questioned by the police.
When all said and done, Midoryia came out with Tsukauchi and met up with her dad. "Dad?" Izumi said, looking at him, then ran to him, no longer holding back the tears and crying. "What with the tears? Heroes don't cry because they just lost a battle." Toshinori said, smiling and holding her close. Izumi wiped the tears away. "It's not that. I never knew how big of a target you have." Izumi said, looking up at him. Toshinori nodded his head and then looked up.
"Not everyone see pass the glory, and the fame of being the number one hero is look to see their own shadow until it consumes them. To be the number one hero, you must always look at how big your shadow is growing and mach it with the light. When people loom to you, they need to feel safe, and the best way is to show no fear of the constant shadow that grows with you." Toshinori said, then looked behind Izumi to see Inko and Natsu. All of them went home after that. Izumi understands more of what her dad has gone through as a hero and is still going.

Nature Hero: Ume
FanfictionIzumi Midoryia has her grandmother's quirk from her mother side, overgrownth. She can make a lot of plants in just her hands alone. So she don't have that much control over it but it's ok because everyone just love the plants she produces in her nei...