Chapter 4

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Peridot made her way through the school building, but she was stopped by someone who grabbed her shoulder. She turned to see a somewhat tall girl, with big bushy hair, and dark skin. "I'm throwing a party, please come." She handed Peridot a paper with all the information on it. Apparently, the girls name was Garnet. 

"Uhm... Alright.." Peridot didn't really like parties, too many people. But she figured, why not? She could use a break from everything, hopefully Amethyst will be there. 

She went on with the rest of her day, until the time came for the party. She had found out Amethyst couldn't go with her, she had to work on a project. Peridot debated just staying home, ordering a pizza, and watching a movie with her roommate Steven. But she decided to try it out and go to the party, despite going alone. 

She had looked through her closet and found some semi-decent clothes, then she fixed her hair only a little bit, she could care less about it. Then she left, following the address on the paper.

Once she got there, she stepped out, and made her way inside. It was a huge house, full of people. It smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, and Peridot swore she could smell weed as well. She tried to push past people and find a couch or something where there wasn't a crowd, but she couldn't seem to find one.

It was loud, and Peridot began sweating, she bit her lip as she looked around, she felt the walls were closing in. She was breathing heavily and the music and talking around the room seemed louder to her. She was shaking, when suddenly, someone grabbed her and pulled her outside, rubbing her back and relaxing her.

"Are you okay?..." 

Peridot recognised that voice... She quickly jumped back. The person who had saved her from her panic attack... was Lapis. "P-please don't hurt me.." Peridot looked away, scared. Lapis let out a sigh. "I.. won't. I was just... Making sure you were okay..." Peridot felt heat rush to her cheeks, as she blushed faintly. "What?.. But aren't you... Mad at me?.." 

Lapis bit her lip, looking down. "" She pulled Peridot close and gave her one more hug. "I'm sorry." She whispered, then she looked around them, making sure no one was watching, then she gave a small kiss to Peridots cheek, and quickly made her way back into the crowd.

Peridot just stood there, her mind racing. Thoughts were swarming in her mind. Her face was a deep red, and she rubbed the cheek that was kissed. Smiling softly to herself. She made her way to her car, and drove home. Still thinking about everything that just took place.

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