"Give it up. Not one of the four of you...Will ever be a ninja!", (y/n) yelled
Naruto snapped, "What do you mean give up?!"
"Naruto...Shut the hell up...You're gonna get me in trouble...", Kaito whispered
"Give me a break! Okay, so maybe none of us got us got our hands on one of your stupid bells...But why the heck should we quit over that?", Naruto yelled
Sasuke started to run towards Kakashi
Kakashi dodged the attack with no sweat, he was now sitting on Sasuke, while stepping on his head, "What you are is a team of spoiled brats...", Kakashi stated
"Don't step on Sasuke!! Get off of him!", Sakura yelled
Kakashi glared, "Are you trying to make fun of the Shinobi with your behavior? Well, are you? Did you even stop to wonder for one minute...Why you were divided into teams?"
"...", Silence.
"...I don't believe this.", Kakashi stated
"Aw, come on, already! Tell us!!!", Naruto yelled
"...Teamwork.", Kakashi and (y/n) said at the same time
"If the four of you had come at me...Together...You might have been able to take the bells.", (y/n) said as her hair went back to normal
Sakura stood up
"This bitc-", Kaito was cut off by Sakura's yelling
"If we were expected to function as a team, why did you only have three bells? Even if we'd worked together, one of us still would have had to go without lunch. You're preaching teamwork, but you played us against each other!"
'Sakura-! Imma kill this hoe if I get slapped.', Kaito thought
"Of course this task was designed to cause dissension in your ranks.", Kakashi stated
"The situation was set up to reveal which of you...Would set aside your individual interests...And propose to the others that you work together for the good of all. Instead of which...You Sakura ignored Naruto, who was right in front of you...While you focused your attention on Sasuke, though you didn't know where he was. Naruto tried to do single-handedly what should have been the work of all four!", Kakashi stated
"Sasuke had already decided that the other three just got in his way...And he was better off playing solo. Finally, Kaito. I taught you better. You only waited until Sasuke was down to go and find me. You didn't want the others to get in your way either? Hmmm? You are a team! Learn to act as one! Yes, it's necessary for a ninja to have individual skills, but...What is even more important now is teamwork!", (y/n) stated
"Making a play as an individual is bad for the team and exposes your comrades to unnecessary danger. You might as well kill them yourself. Here's an example...", Kakashi held a Kunai to Sasuke's neck, "Sakura! Kill Naruto and Kaito. Or Sasuke dies."
"I told you he's rouge!", Kaito yelled as he thrashed around his ropes
Kakashi moved the Kunai away from Sasuke's neck, "The day could come...When one of you may be taken hostage, and you're forced to make such a choice. When you are on a mission, your lives will always be on the line.", Kakashi walked to the memorial stone, "Look at this stone...All the names carved in the stone. Heroes of our village. Ninja", Kakashi said as (y/n) clenched her fist

Text Me. (Kakashi x Reader) (Book 2 of "dm me.")
Fanfiction"I won't leave you. I have two lives to live for, our child and I." A lil x Obito~