"How far away it the target?!", (Y/n) asked
"Five meters and closing! How much longer are we gonna wait?!"
"Goddammit, Naruto...!"
"I'm in position."
"So am I."
"All right! Go!", Kakashi yelled as all of the Genin went for the cat, "Hai-Yaaaah!"
Naruto grabbed the cat, "Gotcha!!!"
"Remember. Our quarry has a ribbon on its right ear that says 'Tiger' in Kanji...Make sure there's no mistake.", Kakashi said through the mic as the cat scratched Naruto
"Target confirmed."
"The 'Mission: Find the missing pet'...Is accomplished!", (y/n) said
Lady Shijimi stated hugging her cat to death, "Poor Tora...Good little kitty-kitty...I was so worried about you, I could have died!"
'Damn. If that cat dies I would know why...', (y/n) thought
The Hokage cleared his throat, "Now, the next assignment for Kakashi and (y/n)'s team seven will be...Hmm...To babysit for the council of elders...To run errands to the neighboring village...To help dig sweet potatoes..."
"No way!! No thank you--!! Borrrring!! Give us something different to do. Something important! Something amazing!", Naruto yelled while putting his arms into an X
'It's gonna be my ass for your actions, Naruto!", (y/n) thought
Iruka stood up, "Don't be a fool--! You're only a beginner! Everyone starts out doing grunt work. It's where you get experience so you can work your way up to the bigger things."
"We've done tons of small stuff. Can't we get some action?!!", Naruto yelled before Kakashi punched him in the back of his head, "Naruto, that's enough. Knock it off! Apparently, Naruto needs an explanation of just what these duties are...", Kakashi stated as (y/n) sighed
Lord Third huffed a bit of his pipe, "You see, every day, our village receives many requests...For everything from babysitters to assassination. We take that tremendous variety...And sort them into categories from S to D, based on the degree of skill they require. We have also divided the shinobi into classes...Based on the level of their skills. My grandson, Konohamaru is in the Ninja Academy. They are cadets. You are a Genin, a junior ninja. Iruka is a Chunin, a journeyman ninja. Kakashi and (y/n) are Jonin, Elite Ninja. Anbu members serve for the leaf directly, they are tactical ninja. The leader of this village is the Hokage, me. After er of the upper echelon have sorted all the request...We distribute them to those ninjas with the appropriate skill level. Genins would get D and C ranked missions, Chunin would get C and B ranked missions, Jounin would get A and S ranked missions, and Anbu would get Assassination missions, those could be a B, A, or S ranked, depending on the opponent. And...If the ninja in question completes those duties successfully...Then the grateful person he has helped pays him a fee...Thus far, the three of you have only just attained the lowest rank...Level D task are the best you could aspire to.", Lord Hokage lectured
(y/n) tried her hardest not to yawn and fall asleep
Kaito was sleeping
Naruto was not even facing the Hokage, "Hmm...I had pork ramen for lunch yesterday...So I think I'll have Miso Ramen today."
"Are you listening?", the Hokage asked Naruto
Kaito jolted up
"I...I'm sorry.", Kakashi apologized

Text Me. (Kakashi x Reader) (Book 2 of "dm me.")
Fanfiction"I won't leave you. I have two lives to live for, our child and I." A lil x Obito~