Team Minato Goes To The Beach (Part 1)

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(Sorry if there are a lot of

(I got this idea from a Doujin so ayeee)

"I can't believe we are all the way at the beach!", (y/n) said as she squealed

"It isn't that special.", Kakashi said

"Kakashi, we just need to enjoy, even though this is a mission...You're my boyfriend, so you need to loosen up a little", (y/n) said as she played with the ends of her cover-up

Kakashi blushed, trying to hide it with a scoff, "Whatever."

Rin mentally laughed, 'You'll see, (y/n)'

Minato teleported in front of them, "Okay, listen up you four! Today, your mission will be here on the-"

"THE BEACH! YEAHHH!", Obito yelled

"Can't you be calm for one minute, Obito? Let Minato finish his explanation!", Kakashi yelled

"But it's the beach, Kakashi! How are you the only one not excited?!", Obito asked

"Hey, you two!", Rin yelled as (y/n) grabbed Kakashi's hand

"As Obito said, the mission will take place on the beach. Now I will explain the mission to you four. There are three scrolls that are hidden around this beach town. This mission is to test your ability to find them while using teamwork, You have to decipher a list of riddles to find the exact location. And also...There is a 2nd task that you need to do while you're on this mission...", Minato said

"And what would this 2nd task be?", (y/n) asked

"You must...Stop Jiraiya from spying on the women on the beach! He has been banned from here, so if you find him near, contact me!"

"...Minato-Sensei...You just made up the scroll mission, didn't you? You really just wanted us to keep an eye on Jiraiya.", Kakashi said

"No! No! You've got it wrong. I had the mission planned before the Jiraiya problem.", Minato said

"Kushina's on this beach too, isn't she?", Kakashi asked, as he kinda shivered

"Well, yes but we had this beach trip planned including your scroll mission. It was when we arrived...That I found out Jiraiya was banned from this beach. It was too late to cancel the whole thing. If I canceled the trip, Kushina would get mad. If I told her Jiraiya was here, she would have been angry either way. Your scroll mission is your top priority but...If you happen to see Jiraiya, try to prevent him from peeping on woman. Especially Kushina and (y/n), if you can..."

Everyone mentally screamed

Minato got a piece of paper from his pocket, "Here, this paper has the riddles which are clues to the scroll's location. Now go you four!"


Kakashi and (y/n) walked hand in hand, while Obito and Rin looked at the paper

"The first riddle is super hard..."

"Just tell us what it is, Obito.", Kakashi said

"It says 'In the mass of people I await. There are also many varieties of things to chose'.", Obito said, with a raised eyebrow

"Perhaps the beach? There are a lot of people at the beach.", Rin said

"Yeah, but I wonder if that is the 'variety' that is used in this riddle ", (y/n) said

Kakashi stopped walking, "I think I know what it is. And it's right in front of us."

"Huh?! Really?!", Obito asked

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