Traveler Part Two- Silmarilian One Shot

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Many Months Later....

Maglor sat up in a cold sweat. Even though it had he got the chance to start again the nightmares of what happened still haunted his dreams. Luckily he only woke up screaming once but he was able to have the rest of his family ignore it. The only one who still was concerned by it was Maedhros. He was the only one who could tell that Maglor was different.

Maglor made his way down stairs and over heard his father arguing with Curufin about the best way to make Valar knows what. He walked passed them and said good morning but they were too involved in their argument to notice. He shook his head and sat down for breakfast. He enjoyed these mornings which consisted of breakfast with his family; which could change depending on the day. His mother often was there but at times took breakfast in her studio, it was rare to see his father there normally he was working in his forge on something and Curufin would often be helping him. Maedhros would always be there, Celegorm would be only Valar knows where, Caranthir would at times be there or buried under blankets in his room. Lastly was the twins they would be there for a moment before running out the door to go exploring. After breakfast it would just depend on the day. The one thing from his old life he missed dearly was Elros and Elrond. He missed those two boys greatly.

"Maglor. You are spacing out again," Maedhros said.

"I am?" Maglor asked looking up.

"Really Maglor. What's up with you? You have more air in your head then your a cursed bagpipes." His brother replied.

"Sorry," Maglor chuckled. Maedhros shook his head and went back to his book. After Maglor finished he went out sided and stretched. He walked a bit from his house and stopped. He felt someone watching him. He turned and saw nothing. He gave a short sigh and looked down at the small scar that ran across his hand.

He suddenly felt two things run into his legs. He turned and chuckled and said, "Hello you both,"

Amras and Amrod grinned up at him. "Want to go exploring with us? Please??"

"Alright. Let's go you two," Maglor said with a sigh. Each hand was grabbed by one twin and he was dragged off. As he was pulled through the fields he felt someone watching him once more but he ignored it.


The traveler leaned against a tree watching Maglor with a calm expression. "Thank you," a voice said behind him. He turned to see a figure cloaked in a silver hood.

"My debt you is repaid," He said.

"You never were owed me a debt; I asked you to do this as a request." She replied.

"You did and I chose to do it," He replied.

"Now I come to ask you what do you plan now? You sent him back and you are protecting the silmarils." She said.

"I hold all my deals till the end and some get intertwined," He replied. She looked up and stared at him with narrows eyes of violet.

"So that's why you still watch," she said.

"Yes and I am curious to see how he changes his story. Yet, I do hold all my deals till the end but fear not. I have taken an...interest them I will do what I can to do my own little part in this story." He replied.

She looked away with a nod and said, "What do you plan to do about Melkor?"

"Do not worry, I'll make sure he knows what will happen if he tries to harm them." He said.

"Good. I hoped that will be your answer, if you said you'll just watch then I would have showed him and all the Valar their place." She said turing.

"You have taken an interest in this world as well," He said.

"I have," she said. "And you have as well." With that she smiled softly and vanished. The traveler let out a rare chuckle, he then snapped his fingers and vanished as well.

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