Little Thieves - Silmarillion One Shot

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A/n: What if the Ambarussa were not part of the sons of Feanor but rather are a young pair of Moriquendi  (if you know the term you will win something) Elves. That have hard lives and to survive they must do what to; including stealing. Yet, their simple lives are uprooted when they steal from the wrong group. 

Two figures wearing lightweight armor and dark clothes. Their hoods were pulled over their heads and a cloth mask over their mouths. Only their eyes were shown as they kept low to the ground. 

One of the two turned to the other and gave them a slight look. The other one smirked a bit and nodded. When the two did this they never had to worry about talking to each other about a plan. They just always knew what the other was thinking about. They stood up together and carefully walked down the slop staying to the shadows. They stopped at the very edge of the camp, which was pretty big and there still were a lot of elves awake. 

Yet, for them, it was not a problem. Just stay to the shadows and be quick. Which that they were very quick. Moving from one tent to another. They both were in surprised at some of them since tents they maybe but inside looked like a small house. Two of them were a mess of crafting tools. They then came to a tent that was a bit more away from the others. He looked at his partner and they nodded. The two took off then keeping their distance and made sure they kept their footsteps light. They got to the tent and saw that there was a lantern inside but no shadows moving around. They lifted up one part of the tent and rolled inside. 

They smiled at each other and went off to grab the gold that was there. They put what they could find into their bags. Yet, they both looked up as they heard voices and footsteps. One of them sounded very annoyed and the other was calmer but sounded stressed. They looked at each other with worry and looked around for a place to hide. One of them dove under a small table that was set up in the tent and the other hid behind a box. 

The two voices they heard walked into the tent. They both had dark hair but one wore dark red, black, and gold. The other one wore much more simple blue tunic. "Come on Caranthir. Just ignore him," One of them said. 

"Ignore him? After that?" Snapped Caranthir with a glare. 

"Try too?" Offered the other one. "Mamil and  Atar are both out scouting the area. The least the rest of us can do is try not to kill each other while they are gone.  

Caranthir rolled his eyes and said, "Please. Maglor this for us is normalcy." 

Maglor shook his head and asked, "That may be true but can you at least hold back your annoyance towards Kurvo?"

Caranthir just glared a bit more and mumbled something that the twins both were pretty sure was a curse. Yet, they needed to figure out how to get out of there. Yet, they both froze as Maglor sat on the floor by the table. Maglor just shook his head and looked over a bit and seemed to freeze as well as he did not expect to have a pair of green eyes to meet his. 

"Kano?" Caranthir asked seeing his brother's face. Yet, he jumped as a figure rolled out from under the table and kicked Maglor right in the jaw causing Maglor to fall backward. Caranthir jumped up but suddenly a blanket was thrown over his head as he was about to move at the figure. 

"Ambarussa! Come on!" Caranthir heard a voice call as he felt something slam against him with full weight. 

Maglor was knocked down again just as he sat up by the other figure as the two bolted from the tent. He groaned a bit but rolled to his feet and moved outside followed by Caranthir who still was tangled in the blanket. Yet, the two figures seemed to be gone. 

"Theives?" Caranthir asked as he pulled off the blanket from himself. 

"I guess so," Maglor replied as he looked out into the darkness. "If Atar finds about this we may be dead...find Maedhors and Celegorm. Let's try to find those thieves." 

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