Another Star Wars/Silmarillion Crossover

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A/n: A group of my star wars characters crashing into middle earth...middle earth is doomed. 

Celegorm sat up from his spot on the grass when he heard a sound that sounded like lightning or an explosion that normally came from his father's forge. He looked up as he heard the noise growing he jumped up as he saw an object go shooting across the sky. How it looked was indescribable as it shot across the sky and crashed just over a ridge. Celegorm ran over to it just as something went shooting off and a few figures jumped out and ran just as an explosion knocked them all to the ground. 

One of the figures sat up and let out a shout when they saw the wreckage. She then turned and punched one of the others hard sending them back to the ground. "You kriffing idiot!" She snapped. "Do you have any idea what you have just done! You have destroyed my ship!" 

"I saved our lives!" He replied as he stood up. 

"Saved our lives?! I had everything under control before you destroyed my ship! I build that all by hand! Do you have any idea how long it took me?! Fifteen years! It took me fifteen years to build and get salvage everything! I designed everything for that! The navigation, staring, tracking! I even build the kirffing hyperdrive by hand! Do you know have any clue how long it will take me to fix!? Months! Maybe a year or two! I now have to get the parts and everything together to fix it!" She yelled at him. He opened his mouth but she held up a hand and said, "Don't you dare even try to defend yourself. If you speak to me again anytime soon I will shoot your sorry shebs!"

She then turned and stalked to what she referred to as a 'ship'. The one who she yelled at just stood there in a bit of confusion. One of the others who was dressed in some kind of armor just patted their back and said, "Never argue with tech-junky, especially one as nutty as her." 

"I saved our lives," He replied. 

"Yeah. But you also killed her 'baby' in the process," They said gesturing to the crashed object. 

"Are all Mandalorian insane?" He asked. 

"No. Just the good ones," they replied with a smirk. They then turned to where Celegorm was standing and said, "Standing there slack-jawed staring won't get you any answers." 

Celegorm blinked in surprise, he was sure he was standing out of sight. He walked over and down to the group standing there. He looked at them in surprise and in utter confusion. "Who...what are all of you?" He asked looking at the seven beings there. The only word to describe them was as beings. Six of them looked elvish but they did not have pointed ears and one of them had blue skin with all red eyes. Another one of this elfvish like beings had a cloth that looked messily stitched together over their eyes. They also had their hands bound in front of them. Then the last one did have a normal form but had a pair of prehensile appendages that sprouted from the top of their head. They wore a strip of cloth and googles over that on their forehead. Their skin was purple and they had black markings on their head-tail things. 

Celegorm just stared at this group and blinked. They all wore strange clothes and had strange accents or rather the ones he heard speak did. The one called him overlooked over at one of the others and said something to him in some other language that Celegorm did not understand. They looked at Celegorm for a few moments and then shrugged and gave a short reply. They just nodded and said, "Alright then I'll let you do the talking then." 

"How helpful you are," He replied rolling his eyes slightly. "I am Darth Khith, this is our captain Eriell Halkim." He said gesturing to the brown-haired normal-ish looking one. Yet with him, he had two different colored eyes and scaring over the other colored eye.  The next one he introduced was Zi Aira, the crazy one who was looking over her 'ship' ignoring everyone. Kovis was the one who wore all red and gold armor with a few gray parts. The next was the blue-skinned woman who was named Kilurora. The weird male creature was called Ariz'tavi and the last female there was called Res Kazid. 

"Who is he?" Celegorm asked pointing to the blindfolded guy who sat there. Celegorm got a very uneasy feeling from him. Something about him made him feel tense and afraid.

"Ignore him," Darth Khith said looking at the man slightly. 

"Now that's rude," He said mockery clear in his voice. "I am Kalrim an honor to meet you...Celegorm." 

Celegorm took a step back in shock he never told them his name yet. Yet once he spoke the group moved quickly. Darth Khith drew a hilt and a glowing light shown from it and hovered right by the man's neck. The others had strange handheld weapons pointed at him. He just chuckled amused at this death threat and said, "These bonds can only stop so should know that by now." 

"and you should know that if you open your mouth again we will kill you," Res said firmly. 

"Then, by all means, kill me, being silent as the grave is boring especially in this strange place." He replied. "However if memory serves this is another empty death threat. After all, wasn't the whole point is racing across the galaxy with me in tow was to find a way to kill me."

"Dear stars! Khith please tell me there is a way to kill him," She replied. "or at least shut him up." 

He just put his weapon away and Kovis turned back to Celegorm and said, "Best to ignore anything he says. Lying, being freaky, and insane is second nature to him,"

"How did he know my name though?!" Celegorm asked. 

"The force," He replied. 

Celegorm just stared at him and Res asked, "Alright where are we if this guy does not know about the force or who he is?" She did add the last part while pointing to Kalrim.

"Far away from any normal place," Kilurora replied. "I thought it would kind of be obvious seeing as there is no sun in the sky...or moon and it's perfectly clear." 

"Wait. What!?" Eriell said looking at the sky and frowned. "Okay. Now am I worried, how did I miss that?" 

"Eriell. You won't even realize if a Hutt was sitting on you," Res said looking at him. 

"She does have is right," Ariz'tavi said. Eriell opened his mouth but closed it and just glared at them. Kovis just shook his head and said something under his breath. He then looked over as Eonwe appeared with his weapon in hand. Everyone in the group jumped as he just appeared, even Zi whipped around. Well everyone but Kalrim, Khith, and Kovis. Ariz'tavi looked at Kovis and said, "I understand them not being suprised but dose nothing surprise you?" 

"I was almost eaten alive, had my arm cut off, almost was a human sacrifice, was tortured by that nut job, and all those just barley cover the list of things that happen to me." Kovis said. "so this is just a normal Monday to me."

Ariz'tavi just stared at him and said, "You are crazy then Zi." 

"How I managed to stay alive for so long," He said with a shrug.

"Who are you!" Demanded Eonwe. Khith stepped up and explained who they were again. Yet, Eonwe did question where they were from and why he and Kalrim had a strange presence. Khith explained that but it just ended in more questions. Yet instead of asking the questions that did come up he just slid his weapon away and said, "Come with me. The Valar will speak with you."

A few moments later Eonwe left with them after them having to convince Eonwe to have someone watch Zi's ship. Celegorm was still standing there in shock and confusion. His head was hurting and he was at a total loss still but after another few moments he ran off back home. He burst in the door and ran to the living room and said, "You are not going to believe what just happened."

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