Wardrobe Malfunction - Gondolin One Shot

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"Hey. Have you seen Egalmoth?" Duilin asked Penlod as he looked up from a journal he had balanced on his lap. 

"No I have not," Penlod said. "You can ask Ecthelion. I think he had a meeting with him today," 

Duilin sighed and just nodded. "Thank you Penlod," He said as he turned and walked away. Once Duilin fully felt, Penlod gave a slight hum noise before he turned back to his writing. He then almost broke his quill when a servant in his house had found him. He just wanted to be left alone to write.

It took Duilin a few moments to track down Ecthelion and it was unsurprising to find the Lord of Fountains with his best friend; Glorfindel. Ecthelion looked up as Duilin approached and he waved. 

"Hello," Ecthelion said. 

"Ecthelion. Have you seen Egalmoth? He had I were supposed to meet up around know and teach some of the new guards better archery stances but I can't find him anywhere." Duilin said. 

"That's strange he also canceled our meeting," Ecthelion said. 

"Did you try to go to his house," Glorfindel asked. 

"Of course but his servants said he wasn't home," Duilin replied. 

Glofindel stood up and brushed the grass off his tunic and said, "Well. Let's go back and see if he's back since you did say you can't find him anywhere. Besides, he could have easily told his servants to say he was not home." 

"Like you did a few times," Ecthelion asked. 

"Have no idea what you're talking about," Glorfindel said quickly as he headed to Egalmoth's home. Ecthelion shook his head and said, "Come on. We'll help you drag him up." 

"Thank you," Duilin said as he followed them. It took them all a few moments to get there and they walked up the steps and Glorfindel knocked on the door. A few moments later a young servant answered. 

"Oh. My lords, is there anything I can do for you?" They asked opening the door standing a bit strighter. 

"Yes, you can grab Egalmoth for us," Duilin said. 

"I am sorry my lords but he isn't home," they said. 

"Where is he then?" Ecthelion asked. 

The servent turned his head a bit and said, "I am sorry my lord but I do not know." 

"Then is it alright if we wait here?" Glorfindel asked. 

"No." The servent said quickly. They coughed a bit and said, "I mean...my lord may be gone for some time. We will not want to trouble you with waiting here for him. I will be glad to come to get all of you when he returns." 

The three older elves all exchanged a look. Ecthelion stepped forward and said, "Are you sure he's not here?" 

"Of course my lord," They replied taking a nervous step back. 

"You wouldn't be lying to us?" Glorfindel asked. "Since technically we can order you to let us in." 

The young elf paled slightly and bowed his head. "I am sorry my lords...Lord Egalmoth is here but he is refusing to see anyone or leave his room. He ordered everyone to tell anyone who came he wasn't here. I am very sorry." 

Duilin shook his head and said, "Alright. We will deal with this." 

"Thank you, my lord, but he may be mad that I ended up telling you." They said. 

"No, he won't, since we forced our way in to see him," Glorfindel said taking a step around the young elf quickly followed by Duilin and then Egalmoth. 

"You said he was in his room?" Duilin asked. 

"Yes, and thank you, my lords." They said bowing his head again. Glorfindel waved it off and walked up the winding stairs. Duilin followed with Ecthelion behind him. 

"I hope everything is alright," Duilin said. 

"Well considering Egalmoth is normally not like this but if it was anything major we would have been told," Ecthelion said. 

"He is right," Glorfindel said as he approached the Egalmoth's door. He knocked and a few moments later he got this reply, "No one's here. Go away!" 

Glorfindel raised an eyebrow and looked to the two with him who looked equally puzzled. Glorfindel knocked again and said, "It's me, Glorfindel. Ecthelion and Duilin are with me...we are concerned about you. Open up." 

"Go away," 

"Ecthelion," Glorfindel said as he took a step back. 

"Egalmoth. Open up now," Ecthelion said. 

"No! Everything is fine! I am fine now go away." 

"Egalmoth we are concerned now open the door or I will help Glofindel get through your window," Ecthelion said his voice deadly serious as if he just gave some a death threat. It was quiet and then footsteps. The door opened and all three of them jumped back in surprise. The normal Egalmoth whose hair was in place and looked like some half-valar was a wreak. His hair was everywhere, Glorfindel was very sure he saw a feather. He still wore his bedclothes which were wrinkled and a mess. His robe was half off and his face slightly sagged. He looked like he didn't sleep for a week or two.

"Egalmoth?" Duilin asked. "What happened?" 

"Nothing happened," Egalmoth said trying to act normal. "Why would you think anything else?" 

"Since you looked like you got cursed by Imro." Glorfindel said. "Either that or got into some fight that ended very badly." 

"Or your room got robbed," Ecthelion added moving his head to the side seeing what looked like a huge mess in his room. 

"Egalmoth. What happened?" Duilin asked again folding his arms. 

"Fine...I was drunk. Rog had a bet with me and well it ended rather badly...I do not remember much from this morning." Egalmoth said letting them into his room which was a mess of clothes and books. 

"I am not proud," Egalmoth said. 

"Yeah...looks like your wardrobe had a meltdown," Glorfindel said as he picked up a bit of clothing from the floor that was ripped. Egalmoth glared and pulled it away from it and put it over a chair. 

Glorfindel looked at Egalmoth and asked, "Uh. Are you still drunk at all?" 

"Not at all," Egalmoth said but it was at that moment he failed to stand fully straight and staggered backward. Duilin caught him and looked at Glorfindel and Ecthelion who exchanged looks. 

"Egalmoth. Get back in bed," Duilin said as he led him over to the bed which Egalmoth promptly clasped into. Duilin walked back over to Glorfindel who was looking at the piles of clothes in the room. 

"How many clothes does a guy need?" He asked. 

"Just because you wear the same thing for a few days doesn't mean others will," Egalmoth said. 

"That only happened once...okay twice...fine. Three times." Glorfindel said. 

"So. What should we do about him?" Duilin asked.

"Leave him and come back tonight," Ecthelion said. 

"He should just sleep it off which it seems he already is," Glorfindel said. 

The three looked over and saw Egalmoth sleeping with his mouth open slightly. Glorfindel chuckled and waved the others out of the room. Letting him sleep it off. 

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