Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Everest’s POV

I blinked open my eyes as the morning light shun through my window. I sat up and I looked around with groggy eyes before rubbing my eyes. I stretched as I got out of my bed and I made my bed. It’s force of habit. I cannot stand beds not being made.

I walked to my closet and I gazed my eyes over the clock. 9:30. I then took a glance at my door and I saw a note on the floor. I walked over and I picked it up. I looked at it slowly. The handwriting was a bit of scribbling and it took a minute to try and read the handwriting.

Hey! I didn’t want to wake you but that boy down the road is coming around 10:30! Please be ready by then! – Aunt Isabella

I smiled at the note as I went back to my closet and looked at the new assortment of band shirts. I ripped an Escape the Fate shirt off a hanger and a pair of skinny jeans. I went to my bathroom and I quickly got myself dressed. I didn’t need to shower due to the one I took before bed last night.

I just got my clothes on, messed around with my bracelets I never took off, straightened my hair, teased it with hair wax, did my average makeup which wasn’t a whole lot, and lastly, I put on a spray of perfume.

I exited my room and I slipped into my vans. I took one last look in the mirror and I smiled at the reflection. I look happier than I have been in years. I saw a brand new Neff beanie hanging off the inside of my closet door by hook and I smiled. I had to put it on.

I looked out the window to see if I could as well guess the temperature. There was a fresh coat of snow that must have come last night. It looked like crystals shining in the dim sun.

Another stare at the clock it was 10:15. Oh shit! I grabbed a black sweatshirt that was a bit thicker due to the harsh colds that would be around this time in Cincinnati. I ran out of my bedroom and down the stairs. “Morning Aunt Bell!” I said quickly. Yes, I sometimes call her Bell.

                “Good morning, I see you are going to meet Andy.” She grinned.

“So that’s his name? It never came up.” I chuckled. Aunt Isabella handed me a granola bar and a water bottle sense she could tell I had to hurry to meet him. I was a bit of a slow poke and she knew that.

I checked the clock again. 10:25?! Jesus I’m slower than I thought. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” I cursed. “I don’t want to make him wait. I don’t want to make a crappy first impression.” I sighed in frustration. I was always trying to make the best first impression possible and it’s a bit pressuring!

“Alright honey, I hope you like him! Make a friend!” She called out sense she had moved herself to the laundry room. We exchanged last goodbyes before I exited the house to the front porch. I looked around, hoping to see a face of a boy.

                I quickly started to walk off the porch and went down to the sidewalk to see if anyone was coming over my way. I saw a boy in his late teens, all black clothing, pale face, and he was walking my way. His hair was long, it went to the armpit crease. The color was a raven black that looked fairly attractive.

                I waved slightly and I saw him look up. He was walking with his head down before. I walked over and I smiled at the boy that I just learned was named Andy. When we finally met up, I smiled. “Hi.” I said a bit quietly. “I don’t know if they your parents told you my name- It’s Everest. I know I’m named after a fucking mountain.” I rolled my eyes playfully.

                “Good thing you told me your name. That would have been awkward. They didn’t tell me.” He chuckled lightly. “Do you know my name?” He asked me and I nodded. “Well now I just feel like a jerk for not asking.” He sighed, the cold hair coming out his is mouth,

                “Don’t worry I just learned your name like 10 minutes ago!” I laughed.

                “I feel a bit better.” He grinned. “Hey I have a few friends who wanted to meet at the park. There girls. I have mostly guy friends but I’ve know these two for a long ass time. I think you’ll like them and I believe your low on friends at the moment due to just moving less than a day ago.” He smiled.

                “I am and thank you.” I smiled upward at him.

                “Walk and talk?” He asked, starting to move a bit.

                “Sure.” I nodded. We began to walk to what I believe a children’s park. I saw two teenage girls around the same age sitting on top of the monkey bars. I noticed Andy’s height and how tall he was. I also looked at the monkey bars. What if HE went on those monkey bars? I don’t think he would be swinging much.

                “Kaitlyn! Julia!” Andy called out. The two girls turned our way. They both smiled and beckoned us to come over. “Hey guys!” He grinned at the two girls who sported amazing band shirts.

                “Hey! Who’s this girl?” One of them asked.

                “You can sound so rude sometimes, Julia.” Andy grinned. The dirty blonde hair girl’s face turned bright red in embarrassment. She probably feels the same way about first impressions how I do.

                “I didn’t try to!” She defended. I studied the girl. She had dirty blonde hair, around the same lengths as Andy’s, her skin was pale, hazel eyes that almost looked like gold, she wasn’t very tall although her style in clothing was exactly like mine. She was wearing an MCR shirt and Indigo washed skinny jeans. She had one bracelet on and a sweatshirt as well. I could tell by her face she was very insecure about herself and how she dressed.

                Jumping back into reality,

                “This ‘girl’ is Everest. She is the niece of the Perry family down the street. She just moved in with them and I wanted to help her get accustomed with the new town.” He explained. “I do know why she moved here from her parents in Kentucky from my parents but I believe she wouldn’t want me to spill that.” Already was being so kind with my personal life. I was really liking this guy.

                “Hello Everest! I’m Kaitlyn.” The other girl grinned, outstretching a hand for me to shake which I did. She was around the same height as Julia. She had long, copper colored hair with chocolate colored eyes which were actually very pretty on her. She wasn’t skinny but DEFINITELY was not close to fat. The perfect size to be honest.

                She seemed very sweet, she didn’t seem too shy to meet me although maybe it was because Andy and Julia were around. I also adored her clothing style as well. She wore an Asking Alexandria oversized sweater that hid her hands, black leggings, and black uggs.

                It was unknown if she wore jewelry on her wrists but she had a small locket attached to her neck. She had a sweet smile that any man could adore. The locket was silver and I could see it was easy to open. I wondered what laid on the inside.

                Reality. Come Back to Me…

                Anyways, we decided to climb up to the playground tower. I went up behind Kaitlyn and Julia and we sat down on the tower floor. We got up smoothly due to our shortness but ANDY on the other hand was not getting up smoothly. He was tall and he banged his head on the ceiling.

                “This was not made for 6’2 men Andy.” Kaitlyn chuckled.

                “Oh hush.” He grinned at her as he finally sat down. I had to say, I was growing to like the three. I could feel a friendship growing. More memories coming in. I was going to remember this morning. It would be tattooed in my brain forever.


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