Chapter 1: Start of a New Life

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Carter Warsong was a 26-year-old guy and joined the Military for about 3 years. During those years he caught himself in an explosion damaging his right leg. Eventually, he was given a high-tech prosthetic to serve as a compensation. And then one day his crew and Carter were on a routine on a helicopter transporting an APC with supplies to another base.

But soon after a malfunction in the system of the helicopter and very strong winds managed to stall the helicopter heading down about to crash. At the same time, an unknown black wormhole opened up transporting him while he was falling along with the helicopter to a new land entirely.


Everything was black and there was no sound,
"Ahhh...hey the...And where am I? and where's the crew?" He questioned waking up behind the wreckage. He tries to look around his surroundings confused as he tries to get up slowly.

There was no one in the vicinity for miles at a time as far as he could tell. While he looks behind him at the wreckage of what's left of the helicopter, "Great..."

"Carter!" He gets up from hearing someone yell his name and looks around.

He headed toward the direction that he thought the voice came from, but by the time Carter got to the location he found nothing.

"What happening?"Carter questioned and began yelling multiple times trying to get the attention of whoever was calling him previously.

*There was no response back*
"Where am I now? Carter questioned realizing he didn't know where he was exactly and started looking around and noticed he was in between a forest and the open plains up ahead.

"No-no-no....just like those stories." He tries to remember, which he used to read when he was a child.

"Do you dare finish that sentence." Carter started contemplating in his head over and over. And then he sees a bunny with purple horns passed by him.

"The hell?" He questioned as his brain clicked all of a sudden. Looking at the bunny disappearing into the forest and the weird plants on the ground. Seems to be part of the woods that has unusual plants growing. It was the grass that started to change into different colors. 

"Fuck, not this!" Said Carter started running around and fell. "My equipment!" He adjusts his leg from the crash and starts looking around as something catches his attention.

"Calm down, I don't know yet where I am at the moment. Maybe I just passed out and crashed somewhere nearby maybe..." Carter tries to reassure himself as he paces back and forth gathering all the equipment he could scavenge around.

He grabs and looks at his equipment:
Kevlar vest puts it on/ then his combat helmet/ his shoulder, elbow, knee pads and he already had his boots on.

When he looked at his backpack, his eyes went all weird. It started to label and highlight all the items.

1x: M-16 (silencer)
10x30:5.56mm(300 bullets)
6x: frag grenades
5x: smoke grenades
2x: combat knives
Rations: for 1 week
Water: 4 days

"What the hell is this?" Said Carter surprised as he had never felt like this before in his life with his eyes.

"It doesn't look like I have much" He said looking at his equipment again and looking back at the distance.

"Well, I will be damn." Said Carter happily as he turned around and his eyes caught the APC his team was transporting with a mounted .50 caliber machine gun.

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