The Message/First Mission

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In the middle of the night, he got an incoming message over by his radio attached to his backpack. Carter was confused as he hasn't been able to make any contact with anyone of his team.

"Hello? Hello! Unit 334." ,-yelled someone in the same radio frequency as Carter radio.

"Finally!" ,-he thought answering back, "Affirmative this is Unit 334." .- Carter responded

"Someone wait...Carter is that you?" ,-he asked on the order end of the call.

"Yeah it's me, by the sound of that voice it's...Camron it's it.",-Carter thought remembering his name.

"Yeah, I been walking for so long I'm tired.",-said Camron as Carter heard some animal noises in the background.

"Where are you?" ,-Carter asked wanting to know his location.

"I have to contact you later, I can't stay here for much longer..." ,-then Camron's message was cut abruptly.

"Wait! Camron....there's no signal. He has to be close by but where?" ,-Carter stayed awake the rest of the night working in trying to get in contact with June once more. But nothing came up the following morning.

Waking up Carter finished changing to his new fresh pair of clothes and buys some cooked food fresh out from the online store. Carter hasn't seen Amarissa since yesterday's encounter with her. But now the king has requested for him to come back to the throne room once again.

Carter stayed in the throne room waiting for several minutes until the king showed up, "Sorry for the wait, so now I'm cutting down to the chase. We request...No I personality request your help to liberate the castle fortress that had been overrun by the Agricuria."

"Well in that case I will need a map of the fortress." ,-asked Carter as he has nothing else to do that day and he also wants to explore a bit outside.

"Yes, yes of course my advisor will hand down the map of the fortress on your way out." ,-said the King ending the conversation as everyone headed back to their own duties now.

By the time Carter took out his combat rifle with his armor-piercing bullets and padded armor set. Outside there was a carriage waiting for him and a small escort out of the city. Ordered by the King to guide his knew ally out of the city in one piece.

"The king did say about giving me a map of the location of the castle." ,-Carter thought as an advisor comes through and delivers the map he needed.

"Nice, just want I needed." ,-he thought as he walks up to the carriage escort.

"Looks like your here, my name is Captain Leon and I will be escorting you out of the city."

"Thank you, my name is Carter Warsong. Why did the king assigned me an escort? " ,-he asked waiting for Captain Leon's response.

"Well Carter, the city is heavily populated believe it or not. This is just a percussion to keep you safe since as far as I'm aware your new in this area. We have cut down some of the crime within the city but there's still some at the lower levels."

"Lower levels?" ,- Carter asked as that was something he hasn't heard before and was interested.

"...we don't have much time before rush hour." ,-said Captain Leon Ready to go avoiding the subject.

It took 5 minutes until they were able to depart. As Carter now was able to look around freely with it being blocked with Princess  Amarissa presence she gathers from the public.

"This feels like to similar of a medieval era with a combination of magic and supernatural powers. Uh...weird ." ,-Carter thought as he looks at his stats observing all of his information. He grabs an enchanted sword from the arsenal just in case for the incoming fight and he was provided with a personal horse on behave of the king for transportation for success of the mission.

"Let's get started." ,-said Carter still traveling in the carriage as they guide his horse along the capital already equipped with some light armor for the horse and saddle ready to go.

Within 15 minutes on the carriage they began leaving the main gates city walls without much conflict. Carter was still wearing a combination of his military armor set along with his ghillie and his combat rifle.

The journey to retake the castle would take several days by horse to reach to his target as Carter has basically unlimited provisions. While Carter was planning different strategies inside his head on how to liberate the castle filled with his possible enemies.

'looks like its the end, Carter your horse is ready to go.' ,- said Captain Leon informing Carter of any possible encounters in the way.

'I guess, thank you for the escort,' ,- said Carter getting of the carriage with hid equipment.

'No problem, good luck on you mission don't die.' ,- said Leon as his task was now completed.

' Yeah, I'll try doing that.' ,-Carter said goodbye to Captain Leon as he headed on his way with the horse. It would be more efficient to use the APC but it would not be wise at this moment.


No less than 30 minutes after exiting the city, Carter encounters his first obstacle. "Great...." ,- thought he noticed up ahead with his binoculars a pack of wolves. , "I wonder." ,-he thought upon closer inspection Carter then realized there were rabid wolves.

"Just like before..." ,-Carter took out his rifle and began aiming at the wolves up ahead down the road.

*Trr!!* *Trrr!* *Trr!!* *Trr!!* *Trrr!*

Within 30 seconds Carter managed to wipe out the entire pack from a distance. I don't have to worry about fighting that pack of wolves that were waiting for their next meal." ,- Carter continued on with his journey to his mission.


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