Obliterate and Protect

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As the evening began closing in and the sun comes down slowly. Within a minute Carter spotted several shadow movements in the northwest of the castle with his scope. "What was that! It didn't resemble that of a human." ,- he continued watching until the sunset.

He's on high alert after he spotted several scouts earlier. "Are they planning to attack at night or are they going to set up a camp before the siege?" ,-Carter thought for a moment getting ready mentally as he draws several plans in case something goes wrong.

Carter continued waiting for an hour, as far as he knew all villagers nearby have already left the area. "I should check what these troops are doing." ,-he thought to gather his ghillie suit and equipment exiting the castle. While using his stealth skill he moves through the thick woods barely making a noise in the silent cold night.

"It should be close by?" ,-Carter told himself moving ahead northwest of the castle. Up until he heard several voices in the distance. Quietly Carter moves towards the voices and closing in further he started hearing music being played. "The hell?" ,-getting closer he noticed several banners appearing in the distance with the colors red and blue with a weird animal symbol in the middle of the banners.

Carter found the camp the Agricuria set up for most likely tomorrow's siege attack. "Great, looks like its time to roll." ,-he aimed down with his combat rifle scope with a silencer.

Carter stayed near a bush with his ghillie suit accompanied by some trees tied together. In the darkness he continued collecting information on the enemy as he was far away they wouldn't detect him but close enough he could hear some chatter from the soldiers.

"Looks like an entire bigrade has dispatched to take back the castle." ,-Carter thought has he got a random idea. "There's too many to take care of by myself... but if I take down most of the bigrade in one move. Then I could have a change in winning." ,-Carter was on the move using his stealth skill in the dark.

Few minutes passed by as Carter confirmed what he already suspected, most of the leaders are staying in the biggest tent. Based on their uniforms being a bit excessive compared to the regular soldiers in weaker armor sets. "Need to get closer." ,-his plan is to take out most of the enemy before the battle could begin.

Carter bought more C-4 from the online store and continued placing them down in the weakest points like the armory to the command center tent. Carter moved swiftly through the crowed camp without being spotted as he continued placing down around 90 to 100 packs of C-4.

"Almost there." ,- he placed down the last C-4 at hand, "That should be enough." ,-he thought as he passes again nearby the enemy Command tent and began hearing someone talking.

Carter stopped and spying on the conversation taken place for a bit while he was there."What about taking the villagers nearby? They could be worth something." ,-someone in the command tent said as Carter heard additional voices inside.

"Hahaha, what a great idea, after we take the castle back from the Dalia's Forces. Then we can take the surrounding villages, imagine the face of the king when they're gone mysteriously." ,- another person agreed to plan.

"Yeah, yeah can't wait until this is over." ,- a new voice entered the conversation.

"They're a bit fucked in the head, better end this quickly before the night is over." ,-Carter quickly moved away from the enemy camp to a safe distance. "Bye, Bye so sick fucks." ,- he whispered as he takes the remote control and presses the button.

Carter felt the ground shake and looked over seeing smoke coming from the decimated camp where most of the human/humanoid troops were stationed at.

"Command tent obliterated, all explosives where detonated taking down most of the Agricuria forces." ,- he conformed back at his previous spot before he engaged in the camp.

Now Carter was withdrawing as the few the remaining forces will begin marching towards the castle. Still continuing taking down multiple soldiers during the night. Moving back quickly to the castle, Carter continued taking down troops left and right that were on his trail.

Carter entered back at the castle grabbing more ammo from the ammo crates he left behind. Moving the high ground he looked down his scope and spotted a few pockets of Agricuria soldiers slowly moving towards the castle trying in not making so much noise.

"Tonight is not your night." ,-Carter stayed calmly in position waiting for them to move a bit closer to his targeting range. "Now." ,- he pulls the trigger sending bullets straight at the enemy turning them into swiss cheese.

Then he saw the to his left the enemy to unleash several types of orcs on to the front lines.
"Them against." ,-he recalled back on his first day. First, they were slowed down by Carter's temporary mud field ahead of the castle for several minutes. Giving him enough time to start picking off several orcs at a time. As a few began setting off most of the traps that were placed down previously.

"Looks like is just the beginning." ,- after all the orcs died they managed to breakdown and set off most of the defenses around the castle. "This is getting interesting." ,- the Carter spotted the remainder of the Agricuria main force began to advance towards the castle with barely any troops left.

"Better get moving." ,- Carter moved down to the lower levels of the castle. "This better be worth it." ,-he continued running until he reached the ground levels of the castle. "Right the walls." ,-he headed up the castle walls as the last remaining trenches were planted with additional c-4.

Taking out another makeshift trigger, Carter waited as he continued picking off more soldiers from the Agriciuria side. Until the final group got close enough. "Sorry not sorry." ,-he pressed the button leveling out the plain field literally anything close to the outside castle walls. Causing mass panic among the few remaining soldiers as the front and middle ranks were wiped out from the face of the earth. Only leaving a few stemming pieces of armor plates were laying in the distorted ground.

Leaving the last 40 units which were infantry. "Go to the other side." ,- Carter gathered some more ammo and continued taking down each soldier one by one as painless as possible for him to do. Under a minute "18, 19,20..." ,- he continued firing until the last enemy was taken care of. "Is that it?" ,- he questioned as the battle ended as it quickly began.

"...finally...fuck I'm tired, looks like I need more practice." ,- Carter noticed he used up all his reserved ammo. "Damn, need to be careful next time, I don't want to run out of ammo in the middle of the battle. But I do have the virtual store at my disposal." ,-he thought walking to the ground level of the castle heading outside "But it will heavily damage my credit score. Whatever replenish my supplies then I will bitch about it later."

"Uh, it's weird in this world they have all these types of strong creatures and people with magical attributes, but my rifle along with the rest of my equipment can quickly dismantle so far as a battalion at most without support. I shouldn't test my luck yet until am more familiar with this place." ,- he thought as he looks outside the castle window.

Thanks to Carter in wiping out the Agricuria bigrade no further information on his presence in battle were ever recorded that day back .

"Just two bullets left, I better buy more." ,-Carter reminded himself to get more ammo before he forgets.

*Congratulations you have earned the below*
*Level upgrade stealth*
*Weapon upgrade of your choice*
*Magic skill has been unlocked unknown*

"Nice, wait? Magic?",-Carter noticed a new option was unlocked. "Magic unknown, weird can I do magic thing now?" .- he questioned as he noticed a red flare in the distance as he was looking outside. "What is that? A flare?" ,- Carter wasn't sure until he received a signal from his mobile radio.


(Pabaxel: Thank you for reading today, see you on the next update. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/pabaxel can support this story further if you choose to.)

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