Unexpected Encounter

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Carter shot the last hostile mage, "Finally, that's it." ,-he thought taking down the last enemy in the area. He spotted a red flare in the distance of the night sky which caught his attention.
Carter put a marker on the position of the flare and headed back to the castle he defended. Suddenly he heard his radio catching some familiar frequency. "What the....this is Alvera Unit 334. does anyone copy?" ,-Carter said his code name like back then with his team.  Began talking waiting for anyone to respond.


"..... ... .... t...thi...this Archer Unit 334, copy over..." ,-someone else responded on the other end but it was someone Carter wasn't expected.

"Clare? What happened to Camron?" ,-Carter questioned confused as he thought Camron was going to respond instead.

"...Camron? Haven't heard of him...since I got up." .-she responded not remembering seeing anyone when she woke up in the middle of the woods.

"Where are you now?" ,-Carter asked looking around for any signs of disturbance around the castle.

"Heard several explosions nearby and just shot a flare just in case.",-Clare replied back

"I saw it, shooting a blue flare now." ,-Carter spotted a red flare not some far away. He takes out his flare pistol, loads it, and shoots it up to the sky as a Blue streak followed through the sky.

"...I see a blue flare, heading over there now." ,-Clare spotted the blue flare moving quickly through the dense woods.

"Alright, I will be waiting nearby the castle entranced." ,- Carter moved downstairs to the main entrance, now waiting by the door expecting Clare to break through out of the woods at any moment.

30 minutes have passed by as Carter glances at his watch, then he spotted something moving within the trees. "It's her." ,-he saw someone familiar running towards him from a distance.

Carter began opening the door and headed outside to meet his friend. Jogging and closing in distance between each other Carter became seeing a much clearer face to that of Clare but something felt off.

"It happened to you too." ,- they exchanged the same question face to face, Carter realizing Clare looked different very young compared to what he remembered. Clare also noticed that Carter looked different as well.

"You look younger, wait you still have your prosthetic leg.",-she pointed out.

"Well yeah, thanks for the reminder. Anyways here look at yourself, you also have some major differences as well." ,-Carter handed Clare a mirror to look at herself and was shocked.

"MY goodness what happened! I'm way younger than before, No I mean if we got younger shouldn't you still have your other leg?" ,- she questioned looking at herself.

"Blunt as always." ,-Carter thought, "Maybe, but what I'm thinking our bodies simply became younger when we arrived in this place.",- he told his theory looking around making sure the coast was clear.

"I haven't found anything out of the ordinary but it's still a weird situation.",- Clare continued looking in the mirror of her younger reflection.

"Tell me about it." ,-said Carter as he had a completely different experience compared to her.

"Have you made contact with anyone else from our team?",-Clare asked as she didn't have a radio with her.

"So far only Camron and you." ,-Carter responded, "Let's move inside the castle it's not safe here.",- he said as Clare also agreed they began walking back to the safety of the castle.

5 minutes later Carter locked the main castle gate. "What a day." ,- he said exhaling finally taking a breather from this hectic day.

"So what happened after you woke up?" ,-Carter shared his rations with Clare as she had run out of food the day prior.

"Well, after I woke up I gathered whatever useful I could carry and run from the area. I felt like something was following me." ,- Clare recalled a couple of days ago.

"Do you have any weapon with you?" ,- he asked noticing she didn't have a rifle.

"I only have a pistol with me and whatever was following me was way bigger than a brown bear." ,-Clare revealed

"It could be some type of monster." ,- said Carter knowing too well that this is definitely not their world.

"What!" ,- exclaimed Clare as she hasn't stumbled against a single hostile creature not even a passive animal in the woods.

"You been in the woods all some time, but I have to tell you this place is not like Earth." ,- said Carter having a feeling that Clare hasn't encountered anything dangerous on her way here.

"What do you mean?",- Clare has more confused than before.

"You will see it clearly once we return to the capital, I was on a mission just now." ,-Carter ready to head back to the Capital, "If I didn't arrive on time there's a chance she could have stumbled against the Agricuria forces instead.",-but his thoughts were interrupted as the castle walks began to violently shake and pieces of the walls began breaking apart.

"What's happening?" ,- Clare questioned as she starts having the same weird feeling as when she was traveling earlier but this time she was beyond scared.

"Clare, are you okay?" ,-Carter asked as he starts looking around at the nearby exits and entrances trying to find the source of this sudden destruction. He kept Clare close to him while he continued looking around the beat-up castle. "What!" ,-Carter was caught off guard as he spotted a huge bright yellow eye looking over at one of the windows in the second level of the structure. "The hell is that?"

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