And so it begins

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Carter went through the thick forest. "There's a lot of trees around here." ,-he noticed as he went in much deeper in the forest.

"I hear animals around here, and looks like it's getting dark." ,-said Carter looking up at the sky as he could see the orange light above could be seen. "Better get going, if there's any predatory creatures like back on earth then the night will be more dangerous. More creatures will come out at night, "I better get out of here fast."

"The fuck is that?" ,-he said looking around at the ground starts shaking. Looking ahead he could see a huge ogre type creature feasting of from the corpses of some humans.

"Looks like that's it's dinner here but I have to take you down. " ,-he said looking at the end of the forest spotting the creature.
*Semi-automatic mode*

"That's not working." ,- he thought to reload, switching to....
*Full automatic mode*
Trrr!!!- Trrr!!!!Trrr!!!- Trrr!!!!Trrr!!!- Trrr!!!!
The ogre has extremity pissed but also wounded from the multiple rounds that pierced through its skin heading towards Carter. "One more.....maybe." ,-he thought aiming closer to the eyes of the ogre.

"Arhhhhh!!!!!" The ogre screamed as it died within a few shots.
"Damn, that took 6 mags to take it down." ,-Carter said shooting it a few more times, "Can't be to careful." ,-he thought

*Skill strengthened acquired*
"Hmm.. new skill? Thanks I guess, but still I don't know where am I? Looks like I have to hit the store soon, four mags are not going to last if I continue fighting. Wait I have grenades! I could of used them instead of wasting my ammo. And where are the casings at?" ,-looking around There was no signs of his cases on the floor.

*Junk: casings 180 stored*
"Well that answers my question." ,-he said reloading his gun. "And now to get out of this forest." ,-Carter thought collecting some of the loot left by previous very unlucky visitors and leaves the forest. "Night is closing in faster than I thought." ,-he said *Warp gate*

Caster gets warped back to the virtual store. "Welcome back." ,it was displayed in front of him.

"Yeah, I need camping equipment." ,-Carter requested as a section of the store starts lighting up. "So it's highlighting the things I need." ,-he thought walking towards the highlighted area.

"So is this place sentient?" ,-he asked randomly as he was bored.

"Maybe." ,-a notification appeared on his sight it responded.

"What?, I was joking but now I'm not that sure of it." ,-Carter thought buying his camping equipment for 100 gold.

Then he warp back out and the sun still in place. (The warp gate pauses time and space around them as Carter walks in to the virtual store.)

*Normal time lapse*
"Okay now time to set up camp." ,-he thought looking around for a suitable place to settle in for the night.

"This should do it." ,-he said making the tent and used up some leftover string and the bullet casing creating a makeshift detector making noise if someone or somethings tramples over them. "10 should do it, now a can take of this helmet." ,-Carter thought placing the motion detectors around the campsite in a hexagon shape area. "Time eat and then go to sleep..." ,-he thought grabbing his sleeping bag and his MRE.

"Damn this smells good, these military rations sure have gotten better over the years." ,-he said opening the MRE with included a steak, along with white rice, and soda. "Hm..this favor is different." ,-Carter thought still drinking his orange flavored soda and starts eating his food. And soon after went to bed. "This place sure is odd." ,-his final thoughts before going into sleep.

As the night passes Carter hears something nearby. "What is it this time?" ,-he said tired waking up from his tent. "Who the fuck has come to bother me."  -Now Carter was fully awake and not in a very good mood either. He grabbing his automatic rifle and aims at the darkness the plains. "What the..."

*Demon wolves has appeared*
"Great, now theirs hungry wolves." ,-said he looking for the leader. "If I take out the alpha male, then they will think twice before attacking me."  -he thought putting on his helmet activating his night vision.

"Armor piercing, this should do the trick." , Carter thought aiming at the pack leader. "Sorry buddy." ,-he said pulling the trigger
*Trrr!!!* *Trrr!!* *Trr!!!*

Then it so dropped dead, "well your going to leave now?" ,-Carter thought looking at the pack smelling their dead leader. Soon they retreat into the forest.

"It's that's what I thought." ,-he said going back to bed. " leg is getting a cramp..fuck!..." ,-he said trying to go back to sleep, charging his prosthetic leg over night.

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