Underground City

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The following day Carter and Clare prepared their gear to travel deep underground. Carter even bought several healing vials or health potions from the store that were expensive and are popular products among adventures as a literal lifesaver.

Knowing now that the lower levels of the city have oxygen mana polls that transport breathable air to the much lower levels of the underground city. "How does the mask fit you?" ,-Carter asked about buying gas masks from the weird dimension store.

"Good, but it's hard to see.", -Clare responded tiredly wearing a gas mask and immediately took it off.

"Yeah, that's the only problem with these gas masks. I wondered if this place has something similar to a gas mask? I do wish there were more new tech equipment or something that rivals ours but I don't know what this odd fantasy world has in store for us.", -Carter adjusted his gas tank hidden in the back below the waist as a precaution if they require oxygen immediately in the lower levels.

"Or maybe there could be still some advance tech remaining. It feels odd with some of the equipment I have seen like this place has skipped several steps when they developed equipment that uses magic to function or something like that. Don't you wonder if this kingdom might have had more advanced technology in the distant past.", -Clare made a hypothesis.

"I get what you're saying, like losing pieces of knowledge and technology as time moves on.", -Carter inspected his main weapon assault rifle as he attached a bayonet at the end below the gun barrel for close-quarter combat. "By the way, I forgot to ask, but you do have some kind of ability or superpower?"

"No, I don think so. Do you?",-Clare was confused with that question.

"Yes, I think you saw it briefly when the dragon attacked the outpost castle.",-Carter still isn't sure if that's his power or it's something else entirely.

"Yeah, I guess that's not so far off considering what happened to us is way beyond normal." ,-Clare remarked

"You only have a pistol right?" ,-Carter recalled while taking out a rifle from his dimensional storage.

"Yeah?",- Clare looked over a bit shocked seeing Carter taking out a weapon from thin air.

"Here, see if you are familiar with this automatic rifle." ,-Carter hands down an older model gun.

"It's better than having a pistol and knife." ,-Clare equipped her new rifle, "This feels natural."

They gathered their new gear and exited from their room headed to where they agreed to meet up with the guide right at the entrance of the underground city system. "I wonder where the guide is?", -Clare questioned looking across the crowd of people entering and exiting the underground city.

"...I see him to our right.", -Carter spotted him, "I wonder how he will react?"

Tour guide Tom seemed also prepared, carrying a large backpack twice his body size. "So what transport did you guys get?", - Tom asked not wanting to descend to the lower levels on foot. That would take days, the pay would be still good but even with the good pay that would kill his legs.

"I didn't get one, we are going on that." ,-Carter pointed out on a reserved top-of-the-line transport system that was separated from all over almost brand new.

"?!Wait? that's a Royal transport!...", -Tom was surprised, "Who the hell are these people I'm guiding today?", -he thought, this was the first time seeing a royal transport up close. After Tom stopped being mesmerized by this hybrid piece of technology in amazement but it was time to move on, "Alright, let's get going. The place your seeking is one of the last floor habitable levels of the city.",-he returned to his senses.

"Okay, looks like our adventure has just started.", -Carter said entering the royal box transport. The royal transport was a huge metal and silver box polished that was attached to a separate to a type of railway system separated from the public routes with some weird blue particles coming of underneath.

"Yup.",-Clare responded, "I wonder if the other guys and we are ever going home?", -she wondered stepping inside. Carter also thought about but he's not in a rush.

Everyone was seated on individual seats and strapped on tight. It worked almost like a seatbelt, but build with different types of elastic durable material.


"Hang on tight!" , -Tour guide Tom said as they began moving and descending fast passing the first underground levels in a matter of seconds.

The ride was a bit boring, Clare took a nap while Carter looked outside at each floor level. "I wonder who decided to build this place?" ,-he wondered
After a few hours, they reached the lowest level possible by the transport system.

"What are you guys doing all the way down below?", -Tom asked.

"We are visiting.", -Carter responded looking around.

"Ah, that's nice.", -Tom knew that wasn't the case by they have offered a piece of land. He also confirmed that the location wasn't made up, which took a bit more convincing. "I hope so!" ,-he thought continuing descending further below. Several hours later, "We are here, floor 300, let's get moving don't this place for several reasons. First, we must head to the Inn close by on this city level. It's not pretty but it safer than being else in these parts."

They all exited the royal transport and began walking on floor 300. "Finally!", -Clare began stretching after she fell asleep.

"It's good to move my leg.", -Carter relaxed for most of the trip.

"But it's cold.",-Clare felt the cold air around her even wearing triple-layered clothing on.

"Yes, at this floor it can get to freezing temperatures if you're not inside a house.", -Tom mentioned heading to the Inn he knew.

They began following Tom but they encountered something else along the dark streets, "Give me all your money! And no one gets-", -a mugger jumped to their path.

"!",-Carter startled punched the mugger in the face knocking him out.

"Woah! I knew something was different of you people. But we have to get going, I don't want to alarm you but many people have been disappearing in these lower levels. I hear that three guards have also gone missing." , -Tom began speed walk ahead.

"He won't be waking up for a few hours." ,-Clare checked on the unconscious criminal.

Carter took the knife, "We won't be needing this.", -Clare walked ahead but then Carter's back helmet sensor turned on. He turns around, "That was weird.", -he also felt like someone was watching him but couldn't see where exactly. Moving slowly with his weapon in hand returned to the group.

Carter walked back and told Clare, "Be on high alert, there might be someone following us."

Something was indeed looking back at them in the darkness. After a few minutes later something dragged the unconscious mugger of its unfaithful end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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