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Khushi: “Babuji.... I’ll... I’ll do something.... You don’t worry...”

Shashi: “Bititya, don’t forget that I’m the parent here... not the other way around. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it...”

Khushi: “But babuji....”

Shashi just patted her head and left the place.

Khushi: “jiji... I’ll go to Sheesh Mahal and meet Abhishekji.

Payal: “Khushi... You heard what Babuji said.

Khushi: “But jiji... I can atleast talk to him, right?”

Payal: “Alright... Go meet him... Ask whether he know about the whole thing. If he does know, ask him not to come here...”

Khushi: “What?! Jiji...”

Payal: “I don’t want this marriage if money is all they want... Can’t guarantee what they will do after marriage, for money...”

Khushi reluctantly nodded her head.
It was Payal’s marriage that day. The groom’s family had initially said that they didn’t need any dowry or anything because they liked the girl (Payal) a lot. But at the last minute they are demanding money, as the groom has recently got a promotion and they feel that he could get a bride from a richer family.


Khushi walked into the Palace-Sheesh Mahal. The Palace had been bought by ASR and his company ARD was holding a fashion show there that night. It has been the talk of the town since some time now. Abhishek was an employ of ARD and had been called in for some emergency which he had to attend before he could attend his own wedding. Khushi scoffed at the thought. She tried to stop a person to enquire about Abhishek but the guy was too busy to reply and she doesn’t know how, but within a few minutes, she was on the ramp. The sudden lights blinded her. She felt herself being pulled forward by hands against her arms. She was too shocked to react. The models, who dragged her, turned around at the end of the ramp, leaving her there. She widened her eyes and tried to turn around only to trip on her own skirt and tumble down the ramp. She closed her eyes dreading the hit, but the impact never came. Instead she felt herself being held close to a warm chest by a pair of arms. She slowly opened her eyes to witness the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen, and her eyes locked with those. Their trance was broken by the hundreds of flashes around them and the continuous questions about who she was, what she was doing on the ramp wearing green, when the theme was red, whether it was a publicity stunt.... Arnav clenched his jaw, his face turning red in anger. He placed her on the floor, asking one of his staff to take her to a room. He turned towards the others and was about to ask for Aman, when the latter came running.

Aman: “ASR...”

Arnav: “Aman... Handle the media. Not a single video or photo should be out... do you get that?” He asked in no nonsense tone.

Aman nodded his head in acknowledgement.
Arnav walked towards the room to see it locked from outside and one of his men standing outside. His face grew hard. He opened the door to see Khushi pacing to and fro inside the room. He closed the door behind him and she stopped hearing the sound and turned to face him.

Arnav: “What were you doing on the ramp?”

Khushi: “I... I lost my way...”

Arnav: “Lost your way onto the ramp?”

Khushi: “Someone pushed me.”

Arnav: “First you said that you lost your way...”

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