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Khushi who was standing there silently, the whole time, decided to interrupt then.
Khushi: "What DNA test, Nanheji?"
NK fumbled hearing her: "Er... Woh.. Woh... "
Khushi raised her voice: "What DNA test?"
NK: "That... The one you did... I know... I... I heard your conversation that day."
Arnav: "But NK...  I clearly remember that neither of us mentioned the words DNA test."

Khushi: "And now, don't say that you saw the papers. The courier just had my name and the hospitals address in the cover. And Arnav had shredded the paper. So there is no way, you would have seen it after."

NK closed his eyes tightly, before opening them, the fury evident in them.
NK: "Ok... I did the DNA test. I had to know whether Aarav was really Arnav's son or not. Well your entire family was saying that he is so like you. 'Ditto' right Maasiji? And I sent the results to Khushiji. She clearly deserve someone better than you."

Khushi: "But why did the report say that it was done on the request of Khushi Singh Raizada? According to you, Arnav was torturing me, right? So how did you expect him to react, if and when he saw it? Or were you counting on Arnav seeing the report?"

Arnav: "NK... You know something? The hospital is a very reputed one. They would never write a woman's name in it, if it was a man who asked for it. So who was the woman with you, NK?" He paused for a second. "Sheethal, right? The hospital staff clearly remembers Mrs. ASR. But from your word, earlier, you clearly don't like Sheethal?"

NK realised that he was caught.
NK: "Yes... Yes... I did it. Because you clearly don't deserve an angel like Khushiji. I suspected, something was wrong in your relationship from the start. As if you were hiding something. Then I came to know about Shyam and everything became clear. Anjali Di's Chote would do anything for her, right? Even destroying an innocent girl's life? You forced her to marry you, didn't you? Khushiji deserves someone who loves her. Loves her so much, that he can do anything for her."

Khushi: "You are in love with me..."
NK: "Yes... Yes I'm... I wanted to propose you on New Year. But Buaji didn't let me meet you. Then I thought that I would do it after Akash's marriage, in front of both the families. But you... you came there married to him... You two were always at loggerheads, then how did you get married to him? This question confused me a lot. But I realised that, he forced you. I was thinking of ways to remove you from his clutches, while helping you with Shyam's problem. That's when I met Sheethal at the Mall."

*Flashback... A little over 2months back...

NK was in the mall. He was in the queue in KFC, when he overheard Sheethal and her friend talking.
Sheethal: "I don't know what to do, yaar. They will file a case against me, if I don't pay the money, fast."
Friend: "ASR was your boyfriend in college, right? Why don't you ask him for help?"
Sheethal: "I... I don't know... It was long back. I have never contacted him after graduation. He just said that it was over... "
Friend: "Still... I think you should contact him... "

NK went to Sheethal, as soon as her friend left.
NK: "Hey, I'm NK. What is your name?"
Sheethal: "Excuse me"
NK: "Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't introduce myself properly. I'm ASR's cousin. So, you were Arnav's girlfriend, ha? I didn't mean to, but I overheard your conversation. I can help you with the money. But you have to do something for me"

He decided to use Sheethal to make Khushi leave Arnav. They decided to get a boy from orphanage and train him, to be like Arnav. But they didn't have to. NK saw a boy, in the park, who looked a lot like Arnav, when he was younger. He watched the boy, for a few days and noticed that a lot of his mannerisms too are similar to Arnav's.
He sent Sheethal to the lady accompanying the boy.

Sheethal: "Er... Hi... Your son is cute."
Aarav frowned: "I'm not cute. I'm handsome, just like Dad."
Sheethal: "Sorry handsome, my mistake."
Lady: "I'm actually his Nanny."
Sheethal: "l really have to talk to his mother. It is an emergency. Can you give me her number?"
Nanny: "I'm sorry Ma'am. But I can't do that. If you want, I can call her, for you?"
Sheethal: "Thanku... That will be really helpful."
The lady went a lit distance away, where she could still see Aarav and made a call, before coming back.
Nanny: "Give me your number. Ma'am said that she will call you."
And Sheethal gave her number.
She got the call some time later, from a private number.
Caller: "Hi... This is Aarav's mother speaking. Maria said that you wanted to talk to me."
Sheethal: "Hi.. I... I'm Sheethal. Actually, I want your help. Well Aarav's help. My nephew died in an accident, recently, right in front of my sister. She is in shock. She is not responding to anything. And is not even willing to take her food or medicines. Aarav... He looks a lot like him... If you could please sent Aarav with me. He can help us bring her back from shock. We'll be able to slowly make her accept the reality."
Caller: "Er.... Can you wait for some time. I'll call you."

A man came and gave a phone to Aarav and told him that his mother asked him to keep it with him, at all times.
Sheethal got a call right then.
Caller: "You can take him with you, Sheethal. But take care of him. A scratch on him and you'll see my wrath."
Sheethal: "I will take really good care of him. But can you please ask him to do as I ask him. He will have to act a little bit like my nephew."
Caller: "Ok. Just give him the phone."
And Aarav was asked to do as he was told.

Sheethal took him to the hotel and fed him the lie about how a bad lady was trying to separate her from her love and Aarav being a hero was going to help her get back her love and punish the bad lady. She further instructed him on how to behave like the ASR.
She planned the meeting at the mall. But didn't really expect her to directly call them to Shantivan.

*Flashback ends.

NK: "You and your family made my work easier. But I was a bit shocked that night at the party. Never expected that turn."
Arnav: "What about the DNA test?"
NK: "Oh.. That was easy. I managed to get hair from Akash and Mausaji. It would obviously come positive, right?"
Arnav: "Hmm... Nice plan. But you know what, the test would have come positive otherwise, too. I should actually thank u NK. You did what I couldn't do in 7years." He forwarded a hand towards Aarav and the boy took it smiling. "You brought my son, home." A number of gasps were heard at that. NK opened and closed his mouth a few times before he regained his ability to speech.
NK: "Khushiji... You heard that? Aarav is really his son. Even after having a son, he forced you to marry him!"
Arnav: "NK... NK.... Neither did I force her, nor did we get married that night. And NK, putting her name in the DNA test was a stupid idea, you know. Why would she do it, when she already know that I'm his father. "
Nk: "What?!"
Arnav: "You claim to love her. Yet you didn't notice how similar Aarav is to her. He has her eyes. And he smiles... Just like her. And he loves jalebi.... But you were trying to prove my son diabetic, right? And he is talkative, just like his mother." He chuckled hearing two simultaneous 'What the'.
Khushi: "NK... You should have at least tried to talk to me, before you did all these. He didn't force me for anything. He was a part of every plan we made. Well, he came up with most of them. We were planning to disclose our relationship to the family after he got back Sheeshmahal. But then Shyam happened. And after that, Sheethal. We knew that someone from the house was helping her. There is no way that she would see the similarities that easily. It should be someone who knows Arnav from childhood. We didn't want to suspect anyone but had to find out. So we went long with your plan, making you believe that you were winning."
Arnav: "Why didn't you think for once, how he is so similar to me?"
Khushi kneeled on the floor and pulled her son, closer: "Actually my son is nothing like his arrogant self."
Arnav growled at that. But she knew that it was rather due to her position, on her knees. She looked up to see his dilated pupils. But he had a fond smile on his face, looking at their little one.
Arnav: "Khushi... You shouldn't kneel, in your condition." He pulled her up.
Nani: "Condition?"
Arnav: "She is pregnant, nani."
NK: "Pregnant?"
Arnav: "NK... I'm forgiving you, only because you did all these trying to protect her. Because you didn't know about our relation. But I should never see you, anywhere near my wife or children."
NK: "Wife? But you said that you didn't get married to her." His voice was a lot calmer now.
Arnav: "I said that we didn't get married that night. We had been married for the past 8yrs."

I know this is a lot similar to my other stories. Actually I mixed the scenes from 2 of my stories.
But I had already warned you about it.
And I had thought that most you would guess it too.
I had written a long part today. Noticed it was long only when I copied it onto wattpad. And I still had to hold the suspense too. So split it. And I couldn't wait to update the rest. So a really early update.
I know there things left to be cleared. Will do that soon.
Pls do comment.
Sry for the typos...

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