Pls read-2

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😅couldn't come up with a better title...

Guys when I said writing the entire episode with the interlude, I didn't mean that I'm gonna edit the chapters... Rather I meant that I plan to edit the interludes... Is this even making sense... 🤔

Ok... The thing is... The chapters will be as such...
And then instead of interlude 1 it would be the original chapter + the interlude...
So each chapter will be there twice...
Then again, it might be difficult, and you might have to read the entire chapter again to find the hidden scenes... I would put it in italics like I'm doing now.

Let's do one thing, we are at interlude 7 right? I will post the next one, like this👆...
So you could tell me after reading that, what you guys like better. It will be easier for you guys to decide, that way...

But no promises on when the next update will be... Give me a few days...

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