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Arnav returned to the party after cooling down. The next day the family tried to talk to Arnav about Khushi. But he said, rather ordered that no one was to even mention her name in the house.
Anjali was feeling bad for insulting Khushi. But none of them really realised the extend to which they hurt Khushi.

*2days after Khushi left.
In the living room.
Akash: "Bhai... Daksh bhai had called earlier today. He said he couldn't get you. Asked you to call him back, when you are free."
Sheethal: "Oh... You know Daksh?"
Daksh was Arnav and Sheethal's classmate at Harvard.
Akash: "Of course... I know all of his friends. They are my friends too... "
Sheethal: "But Daksh is in UK, right? As far as I have heard, he never came to India, after college."
Akash: "You are right. Sheethal.... I was junior at Harvard. I did my degree in business studies."
Anjali: "But Sheethalji... How come you don't know that? You were pretty close to Chote, right?" She didn't say 'girlfriend' remembering the previous incident with Lavanya.
Arnav: "Di... She was just my classmate and ya we played a few matches together, because we were the captains of the men's and women's teams. That's all."
Anjali was thinking why Sheethal had lied to them. NK looked at her suspiciously, while Sheethal quickly excused herself from there.

*A week after Khushi left

Everyone were missing Khushi terribly. It is true that one wouldn't realise the worth of an eye until we loose it.

Nani: "We have got a call from Devghat. The princess is getting married. Virenderji have invited all of us.
Anjali: "Princess? Chutki? Chutki is getting married?"
Arnav's eyes shot up from the newspaper he was reading, hearing his sister.
Nani: "Might be. Virenderji just said that his granddaughter is getting married."
Anjali sighed: "it's been too long since I last saw chutki. Ma had wanted her to be her bahu... "
Arnav stood up from there and went to his room.

The Raizadas and sheethal stood in front of the palace looking at it, in awe, even though most of the Raizadas have already been there.
Maharaj Virender still held the title and the people of Devghat still considered him, their king.
Their manager was waiting for the Raizadas.

Manager: "Good afternoon, everyone. Maharaj wanted to be here to welcome you all. But he is otherwise busy. Please freshen up and come down for lunch. It will be served in half an hour and Maharaj will join you there." Aarav who was trying to look into the palace ran inside at that point, surprising the others.

Sheetal: "Aarav... I'm really sorry... "
Manager: "Oh... It's ok... He will be taken to his room.... Don't worry... "
Sheetal: "Thank you so much and sorry again for the trouble. "

They were led to the dining hall by the staff and soon Virender joined them.
Nani: "Virenderji... How are you? I can't believe that Chutki is getting married."
That is when a girl of early twenties ran into the room.
Girl: "I'm really sorry for getting late Daajiraj."
He just nodded at her.
She turned towards the Raizadas.
Girl: "Namaste. I have heard a lot about you. Happy to meet you all. Thank you for coming here to attend my marriage. I am Saira Rajput."
Virender was sitting at the head of the table and Saira took the first chair next to him at his left.
Devayani took the seat next to her.
Sheetal was about to sit opposite to Saira when she stopped her.
Saira: "You can't sit there. That's my elder sister's place. Only a person of higher rank or equal rank, if she allows, can sit there. So..."
Anjali took a seat next to devayani followed by mama and mami. N.K sat next to Mami.
Arnav took a seat opposite Anjali, followed by Akash and Payal. A maid guided Sheetal over to the seat next to her.
Aarav ran into the room and took the seat opposite Saira. The others were surprised at that. Aarav was behaving weird from the moment he reached the palace.
Anjali: "Aarav... You can't sit there... Come here..."
"It's ok... Let him sit there..."
Everyone turned towards the familiar sound.
Anjali: "Khushiji?  What are you doing here. "

Sheetal: "I knew that you were just pretending to leave Arnav. What a drama queen. And now following us all the way here.. "
Saira: "Shut up... How dare you talk to her like that. And what 'us' are you talking about? I don't remember inviting you... "
Khushi: "Saira!" She turned to Sheetal smirking. "Sheetal... You should first see where you are before you open that big mouth of yours. You are not at Shantivan and here one doesn't just sit quite while some outsiders insult your family." The Raizadas bowed their heads realising what she meant. It was true. They never stood up for her. "And believe me when I say that my sister is not someone whom you would want as an enemy."
Sheetal: "Sister? "
Khushi turned to Virender "Daajiraj... I would have my lunch later."
Saira: "But Dida?"
Khushi: "It's ok Saayu... "
Anjali: "Khushiji... You are our chutki... Oh god... I can't believe that Mamma's wish did come true.... Oh... Khushiji... Pls have lunch with us... "
Khushi: "I would take your leave, Daajiraj... "
She completely ignored Anjali and started to leave the place.
Arnav: "Lilly!" Khushi stopped at her place.
Anjali: "Chote... You still remember your nick name for her. "
Arnav: "Sit here and have your lunch!" He said in a strict commanding tone.

N. K couldn't stand it any longer. He stood up so fast that his chair toppled over. The others too stood up shocked.
N. K: "You have the nerve to order her around after what you and your family did to her? "
Arnav tied his arms across his chest : "and what exactly did we do to her? "
N.K: "You forced her to marry you, to save your sisters marriage. You tortured her. You think no one noticed the marks on her wrists? Di might believe that Khushiji hit her hand somewhere, but similar marks on both wrists and that too, on more than one occasion. And then your girlfriend....  Since she came, you and your family have been ordering Khushiji around as if she is a servant and your girlfriend is the owner of the house. Your entire family have been comparing your GF's son to you, in front of your wife. As if Sheetal is your wife and he is your son. Oh.. I'm sorry Aarav is your son, right? Even the DNA test said so."

Khushi who was standing there silently, the whole time, decided to interrupt than.
Khushi: "What DNA test, Nanheji?"

Ok... This might cross 10 chapters😅
Hope you liked the update...
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Thanks for the previous comments. I know I don't reply often. I'm afraid that, I might give away too much.
I really appreciate your support.
Pls ignore the typos. Not proof read
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