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Anjali: "And Aman... I expect you to report to the person who gave you the task and not anyone else. You get me?"
Aman looked at the same raised eyebrow he was soo familiar with... But on her brother. She looked so much like her brother, then, that he wondered whether to be happy to see her strong or worried, about her turning out like ASR. One was enough for his sanity.


Anjali had first made sure that Arnav was away at a meeting, before approaching Aman. What she didn't know was that, he was actually at his apartment with Khushi and Aarav. It was a holiday for Aarav and so Arshi decided to spent the day with him. Both were feeling really bad that even khushi was staying away most of the time, these days. But only for a few more days. Soon they'll kick that shyam out of their lives and bring their little one to Shantivan. Aarav was yet to meet anyone from his fathers family except for his chachu.

Aarav: "Dad... Dad... Come we have to practice... "
Arnav: "Practice? For what, Champ?"
Aarav: "Dad... I already told you... We have to perform together on father's day function..."
Khushi: "But Aarav... That's more than a month away... "
Aarav: "So?" He frowned. "I have to practice to perform well right? I have to work hard... "
Arnav: "Alright, champ... Come let's go practice."
Khushi shook her head smiling at the duo.

Khushi was in the kitchen when the door bell rang.
She went to open it.
Khushi: "Aman? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the office?"
He rolled his eyes.
Aman: "So are you two."
Arnav and aarav came to there then.
Aarav: "Aman uncle... How are you?"
Aman: "Hero.... Only you are concerned about me. These two are torturing me, hero... Pls save me..." He wiped an imaginary tear, making Aarav giggle and his parents roll their eyes.

Khushi: "So... Finished with your practice? Aarav: "No mumma. We are just taking a break."
Arnav: "What the?! Champ that's enough practice for one day. "
Aarav: "No dad... We don't know when we'll get time to practice, the next time."
Both arnav and khushi felt bad hearing him.
Aarav: "Don't feel bad, mumma, dad. I know that there must some serious problem. So you solve it fast and come back."
Arnav picked him up, and Khushi wrapped her arms around the two tightly.
Aman: "Now you are making me feel left out."
Arnav: "Whatever."

Arnav: "To what do we owe your presence, Aman?"
Aman: "Your Di asked me to do a background check on Shyam."
Arnav: "We were already expecting something like that right? You already have the reports, right. Just wait for sometime before giving it to her. She should feel that you did it after her request."
Aman scoffed at that: "Request? She practically ordered me. And she asked me not to tell you. She is scary man... Even more than you..."
Khushi chuckled hearing that.


Anjali: "Khushiji..... You hiding something from me?"
Khushi: "ha? Er... What are you talking about? "
Anjali: "Oh... I guess, you have a lot secrets.... But I'm talking about Shyam"
Khushi noticed how she dropped the Ji from his name.

Anjali: "How about we sent him out of our lives. We will send him in?"
Khushi: "Ha? "
Anjali winked at her only to leave her wide eyed.
They were impatiently waiting for Shyam to return.



hushi: "Di is all set to throw that scumbag out of her life. She has everything planned."
Arnav: "hmm... Why is Aarav not back, yet? And I didn't know that Sheethal has a sister. Hope she is fine."
Khushi: "ya me too. And talking about not knowing about her sister, you didn't even know her name at first. You used to call her as 'the girl who claims to be my girlfriend'."
Arnav: "Ya... You are right."
Aarav ran into the house right then.
Aarav: "Dad, Mumma, you are here."
Arnav: "Hey champ."
He picked him up and placed him on his lap, while khushi ruffled his hair.
Aarav: "Dad... I don't like that woman."
Both frowned at that.
Khushi: "Who Aarav?"
Aarav: "Sheethal Aunty."
Arnav: "Why? What happened Aarav?"
Aarav: "Dad, she told me that a bad lady was trying to take her love from her and I being a hero has to help her. What does she think? That I'm stupid?"
Khushi and Arnav looked at each other confused. That was not the story she told Khushi on phone. Albeit she didn't know who Aarav's mother was, Khushi knew who she was talking to. Aarav's bodyguards had sent her a picture of Sheethal. She had said ok to send Aarav with her only after giving clear instructions to his bodyguards.
Arnav: "Tell us clearly, champ."
Aarav: "She showed me both of your pictures. Said that you were the hero and she the heroine, while Mumma was the villian in the story. So I have to help her get her hero back."
Both of them were rather amused by the whole thing.
Khushi: "And did she tell you how you could help."
Aarav: "I have to pretend that I'm her and ASR's son. We will meet you guys often and I will pretend to be like ASR so that you'll leave him. She told me that I already am similar to him, just have to practice a bit more."
Both his parents looked at each other rather worried now. It was not easy to notice the similarities between the father and son, unless you knew Arnav from childhood. There is no way Sheethal would have noticed that. And they realised another thing. No one knew about her being Arnav's wife, except for family. She might have seen them together in these past years, but then she would have known about Aarav too. Because each time they went out together they had aarav with them, too.
Someone from their family was trying to separate them, but who? They didn't want to suspect anyone. But had to find out too. For that they had to go along with her plan.
Khushi: "Aarav, did you tell her, who we are?"
Aarav: "No Mumma. I know that she is the actual villian. We don't tell the villian our secrets."
Both smiled at that. Their son was really smart.

Khushi: "Ok Aarav, for now do as she says. Don't let her know our secrets. We will do something, ok? "
Aarav: "Ok. And Mumma, she told me that it is a secret between her and me. That I shouldn't tell my parents all these. But don't worry I'll tell you guys everything, she tells me. We will defeat evil aunty." He said with a twinkle in his eyes, making them chuckle.

Arnav called Aman as soon as Aarav went to his room.
Arnav: "Aman, I want every detail of Sheethal Kapoor, ASAP! "


Anjali in a sweet voice: "Where were you, all these days, Shyamji? "
The entire family was in the living room. Arnav and Akash just returned from office and were drinking their coffees.

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