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Akash: "Meet my bhai... Arnav Singh Raizda... "
She looked from one man to the other, opening and closing her mouth, like fish, not a single word coming out of her, making them both chuckle.

Khushi's eyes widened further realising that she told Akash that she has a crush on his brother. She just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole.
Arnav: "Happy b'day... " And he forwarded the bouquet of Lilies he was holding.
Khushi: "Wow.... Lilies.... I love lilies... How did you know that I like Lilies?"
Arnav: "Actually I didn't know.. I usually gift lilies."
Her reaction to the flowers made him remember his long lost friend, who loved lilies and the way her face brightened up each time, seeing the flowers, he used to call her Lily.
Akash: "Happy b'day baby doll."
He hugged her and she hugged him back, smiling.
Khushi: "Thank you."
Akash: "So... How did you like your gift?"
He whispered and she knew that he was talking about Arnav and that made her blush.
Arnav who was standing at a distance couldn't hear their conversation but surely saw her response. He didn't know why, but he was not liking it.

Eventually Akash and Khushi were introduced to Arnav's group of close friends.
Arnav had started to realise that he feels something deep, for the girl, but didn't approach her because he thought that there was something between Akash and Khushi, while Akash often teased her with Arnav's name.

Akash reached the apartment to see Khushi busy, making Rakhi.
Akash: "Hey... That's a nice Rakhi... "
Khushi: "Thank you" She smiled looking at it.
Akash: "So... Going to send it to your brother?"
Khushi: "I don't have one..."
Akash was confused.
Akash: "Then?"
Khushi: "I always wanted a brother... I make Rakhis each year and... I have a box, where I keep all of them..."
Akash: "This year, don't keep it in the box..."
Khushi: "What?"
Akash: "You can tie it to me, right? I'll always protect my baby doll... I promise... "
A tear slipped from her eyes, which he wiped.

Arnav: "Akash...  Di has send Rakhis..."
Akash smiled and took it from him. Arnav noticed the one tied on his wrist.
Arnav: "This?"
Akash ran his finger over it: "Khushi tied it."
Arnav: "What the?! How can she? "
Akash: "What? "
Arnav: "How can she tie a rakhi to you.... When you are in.... " He trailed off.
Akash: "When I'm in? Bhai.... Do you.... Do you think that I'm in love with her?"
Arnav looked at him with a blank expression, seeing which Akash burst out laughing.
Akash: "You think that I'm in love with her.... That's why you haven't approached her, yet?"
Arnav: "What? What are you talking about?"
Akash: "Seriously Bhai? Are you going to hide it... You know, it's really evident by the way you look at her. Even she would have noticed, if she looked properly at you....Or have you not realised it yet?"
Arnav: "why doesn't she look properly at me? "
Akash smirked: "Oh That? It may have something to do with me... teasing her using your name.... She had a crush on you, and told me before knowing that you are my brother..." He chuckled. "Why do you think I took you to our apartment on her birthday? Making her meet her crush was my birthday gift for her."
Arnav: "What the?!"

With nothing holding back him anymore, Arnav asked her to be his girlfriend. It has been 2months since they started dating and her secret was starting to trouble her. One was her brother and the other... Her love... Yes, she loved him and she knew that he loved her too... even though neither of them said so much in words.

Arnav and Akash were sitting in the living room and watching TV, when Khushi came there. It could clearly be seen on her face, that she was nervous.
Khushi: "I... I want to tell you guys, something..."
Arnav: "What is it, Khushi?"
Khushi: "Woh... Woh.... "
Akash: "Are you pregnant?"
Arnav: "What the?!"
Khushi: "What?! No!"
Akash: "Oh... You are not?" He said in a rather disappointed tone, making arnav throw a cushion at him.
Arnav: "Don't mind him Khushi..."
Khushi: "Akash... You are my bhai, right? So please don't be mad at me... "
Akash: "What is it, doll?"
Khushi: "Woh.. Woh... This apartment is actually mine."
Akash: "I know..."
Khushi: "You do?" She asked confused.
Akash: "Khushi... You have rented this apartment, not me... You... Want me to leave?"
Khushi: "What?" Arnav had an amused expression, already realising what she was saying. Well he did have his doubts, because of the low rent.
Khushi: "Akash... I own the apartment. I lied to you because, somewhere I knew that you wouldn't agree to stay here, otherwise. But I don't want to lie anymore. You are my brother, right? You can stay in your sister's apartment, right?"
Akash looked at her shocked for sometime, before his expression finally relaxed.
Akash smiled at her, nodding her to come forward.
She took careful steps towards him only to be engulfed in a hug.

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