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PART 1 has a few additional scenes.
Noticed the ########## instead of my usual ******** in between scenes, it is there because there are missing scenes there....


Buaji: “But we are going to Delhi tomorrow Babua...” She said smiling while both the girls immediately looked at Buaji hearing her, and Shyam’s fake smile turned into a real one.


Khushi: “What was that Buaji? What was the need to tell him about our travel plans?”
Buaji: “But, what is the problem Titliya? What a nice boy... He saved you both.”
Khushi: “You don’t understand Buaji... He is Arnav’s Jijaji.”
Buaji: “Arnav bitwa’s Jijaji? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Khushi: “And when should I have told you that? In front of him? And what would you have answered him, if he asked how we know your Arnav Bitwa?”
Buaji: “But that didn’t explain why I shouldn’t have told him about us going to Delhi?”
Khushi shook her head in exasperation.
Payal : “Buaji... you don’t just tell strangers, things about you.”



His punishments were rather about pleasure. And god, she knew from experience that pleasure is worse punishment than pain. Either denied or excess. She shuddered at the thought.


Both of them were lying on their bed. Her chin resting over his chest
Arnav: "What was all that, ha?"
Khushi: "Well you did say that I have to pay for ruining your show..."
He chucked hearing her.
Arnav: "I'm glad that Payal didn't get married to that dimwit. That idiot... He got the promotion because of Payal.... The two of them were equally good and I was confused on whom to give the promotion. But now that I know his attitude, I don't want a staff like him.
Khushi: " You don't have to terminate him, just because of Jiji..."
Arnav: "As I said, Khushi... It is because of his attitude..."
Khushi: "er... Arnav... I have to tell you something... "
He ran a finger across her cheek.
Arnav: "What is it?"

She told him about what happened with shyam.

Arnav: “Jijaji? But what is he doing in Lucknow? He had said that he was going to Kanpur.”
Khushi: “I know. Arnav.... I know that I’m meeting Jijaji for the first time. But.... something about him... doesn’t feel right. I think you should keep an eye on him. Please Arnav... For my satisfaction....”
Arnav nodded in agreement.


Now these are the missing scenes from Part 1. Lets see, if there are more, or not....

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