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Hey guys, this is from chapter 3


She met with Lavanya later during lunch break and introduced herself. She asked her to come home the next day.


Arnav had stayed at their apartment, stating work, like he usually does. Shyam was staying at Shantivan that day and so they didn't have to sneak out.
Both spent some quality time with Arav, with Arnav putting him to bed.

Khushi was in the kitchen, making something. Arav had already left for school. Arnav came there and back hugged her.
Arnav: "I hardly get any time alone with you, these days." He nuzzled into her neck.
Khushi: "Well, I would have been with you, in the office, if you were not hell bent on making me quit."
Arnav: "Then what about Wind Chimes, ha? You already stayed away from your office for one whole month. And Khushi, I don't like anyone ordering you around, even me, except for when we are.... You know... "
His hand went up to cup a breast. Khushi leaned back onto his chest, moaning. She turned her head to kiss him. His hand went to the hem of her dress to lift it, when the ringing of her phone disturbed them, making both groan.

She picked up the phone, while he tried to continue her ministrations. But her one word was enough to stop him.
Khushi: "Di" She stressed on the word.

Arnav: "Why did she call you?"
Khushi: "She asked me to come to Shantivan ASAP. "
Arnav: "What? But why? Is she ok?"
Khushi: "Arnav, relax, she is ok. Else she would have called you, not me. And she didn't tell me the reason."
Arnav: "Ok... You get ready, I'll take you."


Khushi walked into Shantivan wondering why Anjali called her there, to see Lavanya sitting with Anjali.


Arnav: "What is this, Di... Someone will say that she is my girlfriend and you would simply believe her? You could have at least asked me. "


Arnav went to his room and took a file as a show for Anjali.
He went back down and saw Khushi and Anjali sitting in the living room, talking.
Arnav: "you... Come with me... I'll drop you in my way."
Anjali: "Khushiji is not leaving now, are you Khushiji?"
Arnav: "And why do you need her here? Is there someone else you want her to train?"
Anjali looked down.
"And you come with me!"
Khushi: "But Arnavji..." His one glare stopped her.

Khushi couldn't control the chuckle that escaped her, seeing his angry face. Only she has the guts to laugh at his angry face.
Arnav: "Do you think it is a joke?"
Khushi: "It sort of is, Arnav.... Your sister calling your wife to train your supposed girlfriend to be the perfect bahu, so that Nani agrees for your marriage." She laughed again and he groaned.
Khushi kept her palm on his arm which was holding the steering wheel tightly.
"Relax Arnav. Lavanya or any other for that matter, can never come between us. Let them call themselves your girlfriend or whatever. It doesn't matter, because you are mine, and I know that. So take all these things as jokes."
Arnav relaxed hearing her. Only his crazy wife could think something like that. But it didn't mean that she wasn't possessive or that she doesn't get jealous. Oh, she is hell possessive of him. If any of the said ladies even dare to put a single finger on him, they would see another face of the usually bubby Khushi. Admire him as much as you want, make stories with him, have fantasies... She doesn't care. But make sure to keep your distance.


Khushi walked into the house late that evening to see a worried Buaji.
Khushi: "What happened, Buaji? Are you alright? "
Buaji: "Woh.. Titliya.... Someone has written your name along with Shyam's in a heart on the wall. "

Hey guys... I may not be able to update for a few days... I'm having my exams. So pls don't ask for updates.
Pls ignore the typos.
Do comment.

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