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Arnav: "I said that we didn't get married that night. We had been married for the past 8yrs.
Khushi is my childhood friend. But lost contact, after we moved to Delhi. Years later we met, in university, through Akash. She is his best friend. She's only a year younger to Akash and Payal. We didn't recognise each other, but fell in love."

*Flash back

He was sitting in his seat, wondering how his next 5 years will be. He was in a new county, new life, new friends... If he make any, that is. He was a silent person and it was really difficult for him to make friends. That is when he noticed a girl, who walked into the class, right then, wearing a huge T-shirt, that almost covered her shorts. She looked too young to be in college. 'Cute' is the first word that came to his mind. The sight of her, automatically brought a smile on his face. She was looking around for a place to sit, and came near him, seeing the empty seat beside him.
"Hi... Can I sit here?" She asked in a bubbly voice, smiling. And he felt that he could do anything to make sure that the smile always remained.
"Sure." He smiled at her.
"Hi... I'm Khushi... What's your name?"
Khushi: "Akash? You are an Indian? Wow. I never thought that I will find an Indian on my first day here. Friends? " She forwards a hand. And he took it.

He never told anyone that Arnav was his brother because, Arnav was quite popular and the girls were after him. He didn't want them coming after him, to get to Arnav. And he asked Arnav too to keep the secret.

2 weeks passed with their growing friendship and they were assigned their first group work. They were partners.
Khushi: "Come to my place today at five. We can discuss the work."
Akash: "Er... Actually I can't. I have to go to work then."
Khushi: "Then, after your shift?"
Akash: "I'm doing double shifts."
Khushi: "But... Why?"
Akash: "My expenses. I don't want to trouble my family. The tution fee is free. But not the hostel. Then the books and other things. So the double job."
Khushi: "Oh...." Akash smiled slightly. "I know... Why don't you move into my house?"
Akash: "What?! How can I... "
Khushi: "First listen to me. I have a spare room where I'm am staying and the rent is slightly less than the hostels. So if you move in, we can split the rent. So I too will have to pay only less amount. And you can quit one shift and spent more time for studies. So it is a win-win right?"

What she didn't tell him, was that the apartment was actually hers and not taken on rent. But she knew that his self respect wouldn't let him stay there.

He discussed it with Arnav. Arnav did wonder how she got an apartment for a rent lesser than the hostel fees, but told Akash that the decision should entirely be his. He can move in, if he trust her, enough.

He moved into the apartment. Arnav had not met Khushi till then, neither did Akash mention to Khushi that he was his brother.

One day Khushi took Akash with her to watch the basketball match.
Akash: "I didn't know that you liked basketball."
And she gave him a rather awkward smile which made him suspicious. He purposefully asked her a few things about the match and she had no idea about it.
Akash: "Doll... You clearly don't know anything about the game. Then, why are we here?"
Khushi: "Er... Woh..."
Akash: "Khushi!"
Khushi: "Woh... Arnav..."
Akash: "Arnav? "
Khushi: "The captain.... I... like watching him play...."
Akash: "Do you have a crush on him doll?"
He smirked and Khushi smacked his biceps.

He pulled her with him towards the changing rooms after the match.
Khushi: "Where are you taking me?"
Akash: "To meet your crush."
She stopped in her tracks immediately, effectively stopping him, too.
Khushi: "No way... Akash... He is a crush... And we don't actually meet our crush.... Like... You know... I have a crush on Hrithik Roshan... Does that mean that I'll go meet him? No way."
Akash: "Are you afraid, Doll?" He asked in a challenging voice.
Khushi: "Nope... That doesn't work on me. Try that on someone who has a huge ego... Not doing. Whatever you say, I'm not going."

Akash: "So... You are turning 18, ha? I can't still believe that you will be 18. Are you sure of your age? Shouldn't it be 15 or something."
Khushi glared at him, making him chuckle.
Akash: "So, what does my doll want for her birthday?"
She tapped a finger on her chin thinking. And clapped her hands as if she got a great idea.
Khushi: "I know... I know... I want a Dairy milk.... Dairy milk silk.... " She said her eyes wide in excitement.
Akash pulled her cheeks.
Akash: "I take it back. You are 10." She pouted at that. "You are really adorable, you know that?"
She made a face at him, before turning to leave.
Akash: "Doll... I will surely get you your chocolate. But tell me something else that you want."
Khushi: "I just want my Silk and nothing else." She again went into her thinking mode. "Nope... Nothing else. And dare you get me something else." She threatened him, pointing a finger.
She didn't want him to spent unnecessarily on her. And he knew that. He thought on what to get for her. And finally an idea clicked. He knew exactly what to get her, without making her mad.

A cake and flowers came in courier for her, making him wonder, who it was from. But smiled seeing her excitement. She was bouncing all over the place. She went to change her clothes, before cutting the cake. He took his phone to call Arnav in. Getting her to meet her crush was his gift for her.

Arnav walked in, taking in his surroundings. The apartment was well maintained, the interiors done artfully. He again wondered how she got it for a low rent.
Khushi came out of her room wearing a red saree, busy setting her pleats to see the two men looking at her slack jawed, one rather literally, while the other was rather more effective in controlling his reaction.
Akash closed his mouth, before approaching her.
Akash: "who are you, and what did you do to my doll?" Khushi smacked him for that. "Cut with the beatings, girl. And Doll you are finally looking your age."
Khushi smiled at him.

Arnav cleared his throat to gain their attention.
And both turned towards him.
And it was Khushi's turn to get the shock.
Akash: "Meet my bhai... Arnav Singh Raizda... "
She looked from one man to the other, opening and closing her mouth, like fish, not a single word coming out of her, making them both chuckle.

The update is here.... finally! 😁
Hope you guys like it.
Not proof read.
Pls do comment.

And guys... I wanted your opinion on something.... I have been approached to publish Meri Khushi in Dreame. They have offered to pay me for the story. 
But I have to change it into a non-fanfictin and I might have to remove the story from Wattpad.
I don't know what to do...
Pls respond.....

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