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Arnav was on his phone, while Khushi was busy selecting a dress for Anjali. It had been just 3 days after the Shyam fiasco and Arnav was waiting for the right time to tell them everything.
Anjali had forced Arnav to take Khushi to the mall, for shopping. She was not interested in buying anything for herself.
Khushi turned from the rack and collided.... for a change, to a small body. Khushi gasped, before going on her knees.
Khushi: "Are you O.K? "


Khushi: "Are you ok, Aarav? And what are you doing here?"
Aarav: "That evil aunty brought me here and asked me to collide with you. Can't talk much Mumma. She is watching. And Mumma I'm really sorry for being rude to you?"
Khushi: "Rude? What... " But she stopped herself from asking further as she noticed that Sheethal was coming towards them.
Khushi: "She is coming."
Aarav: "Oh... I told you that I'm fine. Take your hands off me."
Her eyes widened at the rude tone and she understood why he was saying sorry.


"Aarav, oh god.... I'm really sorry... Are you o.k?"
Khushi: "He is fine. You should take better care of a child, when you are in a crowded place like this."
Aarav: "Don't talk to my mum like that!"
Khushi looked at him surprised.
Arnav reached there, then: "What is happening here?"

Khushi: "What trouble, Sheethalji? We have a huge house. You can stay there, till you get your house."
Arnav shook his head exasperated.
Sheethal: "Er... Ok... If you.... Insist.... But I have some things to settle, today.... I'll come tomorrow? "
Khushi: "I'll send Mohanji, tomorrow, to your hotel."


Arnav: "What the hell, Khushi? Why did you invite her to Shantivan."
Khushi: "Relax Arnav, I just want to see what she is gonna do. And then, it would be better if Aarav is with us, in Shantivan."
Khushi's phone rang right then.
She looked at the screen and smirked.
Khushi: "It's Sheethal. Let's see how she is gonna convince Aarav's mom."
She attended the phone. "Hello?"
Sheethal: "Hello... Er... Actually... Woh... I..."
Khushi: "What is it? Is my son, ok? A single scratch on him and I'll kill you.
Sheethal: " No.. No... Aarav is ok... It's... It's actually my sister. She was getting better. But she woke up last night and didn't find Aarav. She had a panick attack. She is not leaving Aarav, not that she has seen him. Would you... Would you please let Aarav stay here for some days?"
Khushi waited a few seconds before answering.
Khushi: "Fine... But make sure that he attends his school, once the holidays are over. It will be over in a week. Come to the park in the evening, his guards will get you his luggage.

Anjali: "When are your guests coming, Khushiji? "
Khushi: "They should be here anytime now."
The door bell rang right then and HP went to open the door.
Sheethal and Aarav stepped into the house and the first thing that Anjali noticed was how familiar Aarav looked.

Sheethal: "Rooms? Khushi...  One room would have been ok!"
Khushi: "Nonsense! You see how large this house is... There are a lot of rooms free... "


Khushi had arranged the room connected to theirs for Aarav, according to his taste, without the others' knowledge. Both walked into his room to see him doing his homework.
Arnav: "Hey champ."
Aarav ran up to the both of them.
Aarav: "Dad... "
Khushi: "Did you like the room?"
Aarav: "Yes, Mumma... It's really good. And Mumma, thanks for the room. I didn't want to stay in that evil aunty's room. And this way we can meet often." Both smiled at the twinkle in his eyes, but inside, both felt bad, for leaving him alone in their house. Earlier khushi used to stay there with him, and Arnav too stayed their often, either stating work in office or sneaking out from Santivan, but since the Shyam fiasco they were not able to spend time with him, as often. Both kissed his forehead.
They stayed there in his room, while he completed his homeworks. They left only after tucking him into his bed.

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