Inhale, Exhale

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"That's it Mikey, just breath you're doing fine." Leo coaxed as Mikey gaspee for breath.

Raph stood behind him, patting the back of his carapace. "Easy there bro, you're gonna be ok." He murmured.

Mikey coughed and wheezed, feeling weak. He couldn't breath. Donnie sat in front of him and gripped Mikey's hands tight.

"Mikey, breath slowly deeply ok, follow my breathing...inhale, exhale." He demonstrated and Mikey obeyed.

"Good, um father can you grab some of the tea please?" Donnie called over his shoulder. Splinter nodded and retreated to the kitchen.

He returned rather quickly with a green bottle. "Here you go, my son." He replied, handing it to Mikey.

Mikey took a slow, deep breath and drank, immediately relaxing. The tea soothed his wheezing temporarily.

"Good job otouto." Leo praised as Mikey breathed normally. "You did so well." Mikey coughed and nodded.

Mikey was diagnosed with asthma days before and the attacks only seemed to be getting worse.

Donnie did some research and discovered that tea temporarily stopped an attack for a few hours, but Mikey needed an inhaler.

"Don, we really need to get Mikey an inhaler or somethin', that tea ain't gonna work forever." Raph muttered.

Donnie sighed and nodded. "I'm going to call April, she might be able to help, her dad has asthma." He dialed the number.

A: Hey Donnie, what's up

D: Hi we kinda need some help, it's Mikey

A: Oh he ok? What's wrong?

D: Well... Mikey has been having trouble breathing for months and kinda hid it from us...he has asthma

A: Why would he hide something that serious?

D: He didn't think it was that bad and didn't want to worry us...the attacks are pretty severe and we've been using tea

A: Is there anything I can do to help?

D: I was thinking that since your father also has asthma, maybe you could give us some ideas to lessen the attacks?

A: He needs an inhaler...asap my dad has an extra one that Mikey can use, I'll bring it over right away!

D: Thanks April, that's so cool of you but are you sure your dad will be ok without it?

A: Don't worry, he has two more he can use... Anything for Mikey, see you soon

With that, the phone call ended.

Donnie hung up and took a deep breath. "April is bringing over an inhaler, she'll be here soon."

"Wow, that's really awesome of her!" Mikey said with gratitude as he coughed. "Thanks D." He smiled.

April arrived in no time. "Mikey!" She shouted, running up to him. "Are you ok? Why did you hide this?" She asked.

Mikey gulped, not expecting he interrogated by April. "Well, um  I didn't know it was this bad at first."

"Well, I'm just glad you're ok." She smiled, hugging him. "I got you this inhaler so you can use it when you have an attack."

Mikey smiled graciously. "Thanks so much... having asthma is scary." He trailed off, feeling a bit scared.

"I understand, my dad has asthma too and it's kinda scary for me as well, but the inhaler helps." She replied honestly.

Mikey nodded and smiled. "So, um how do we use this?" Raph asked in confusion as he eyed the inhaler.

"I'll show you." She replied. "Whenever Mikey has an attack shake the inhaler,  then just stick this piece in his mouth."

She demonstrated, shaking it up and gently placing the inhaler in Mikey's mouth and pushing the button.

"You'll probably need to help him by pushing his button when it's in his mouth so get the air into his lungs."

Everyone was both amazed and slightly terrified at the same time. This was something they'd have to get used to.

"And it'll work just like that?" Raph asked. April nodded. "Yup, it should work immediately and make sure you always have the inhaler on you."

Mikey NJ nodded and put it in his belt before fastening it. "There we go, all secure!" He said, offering a goofy smile.

"Thank you very much April, we all appreciate it greatly...we have been do worried." Splinter added.

"Yeah...the only reason we found out was because Mikey passed out on a mission because he couldn't breath." Donnie shuddered.

"Yeah and it scared the shell outta us." Leo replied with a grimace as they recalled how they could have lost their precious brother.

"He...He was barely breathin!" Raph choked out, tearing up. He quickly rubbed his eyes with his hand.

"His face was turning was so terrifying." Leo added with a slight shiver as he rubbed his arm.

April pulled everyone into a group hug. "Don't worry guys, Mikey's lucky to have such good brothers like you."

Splinter smiled at the bunch, nodding in agreement. "Yes, he is...we would be nothing without our sunshine."

Mikey smiled as he listened. "Aw, thanks dudes, I love you all so much and I'm totally gonna beat this asthma!"

Ever surrounded him in a group hug as Mikey smiled. He coughed a few times so Leo patted his shell.

"Remember Mikey, inhale and exhale." He reminded the youngest turtle who nodded and took a deep breath.

"Things are gonna be totally different now dudes, but I'm ok because I have you all here at my side!" Mikey smiled.

Everyone hugged him again and Mikey just felt so lucky to be surrounded with family and friends.

"I'm gonna be ok."

A/N: Hey readers! Looks like Mikey has an inhaler now! So he's ok right??? Hmm wait and see!

The pic above is Mikey and April! Awww!

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