Awaken, Otouto

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Mikey was lying in his bed, an oxygen mask hooked up to his face, his chest slowly rising and falling, much to his brother's relief.

"'s clearly getting worse, he might be able to go on patrol anymore." Leo commented as he clasped Mikey's hand.

"Yeah, I mean I know he was just trying to help but he...almost died again." Raph added thoughtfully.

Donnie checked his little brother's vitals and hummed. "He should wake up soon, he's going to be fine."

Donnie decided to call April and see what she thought since she's probably used to this sort of thing with her asthmatic father.

A: Donnie, is Mikey ok?

D: Um...not quiet, he's getting worse

A: What happened?! Is he ok?

D: We were on a mission and he had an attack but he dropped his inhaler and it took a minute to get it

A: I'm guessing he's still asleep? That happened to my dad a few times, it's terrifying but he'll be fine

D: That's a relief, how long until he wakes up? He's been out for a half hour or so on the oxygen

A: He'll wake up probably within another half hour, maybe more...he will feel weak so be careful

D: Oh um would you recommend for Mikey to stay off patrol? And if so how long? We want to make sure he's not in danger

A: To be honest, he probably won't feel up to patrol for a few days, so after that... maybe see how he does at home?

D: Thanks April, we'll keep you posted

A: Anytime, let me know how he does

Donnie hung up the phone. "He'll be fine, he should wake up within a half hour but he'll feel really weak."

Leo sighed but nodded. "At least he's ok, but when he wakes up we need to tell him how dangerous that was."

Raph shrugged. "Normally, I'd agreed with ya fearless, but he was only tryin' to help, it's not his fault."

"I know but I just don't want him to have another attack, it was... terrifying." Leo admitted.

Splinter walked in, overhearing the conversation. "My sons, your otouto will be fine, do not despair."

"But sensei, Mikey might not be able to go on patrol anymore unless we can make sure he'll be ok."

Splinter nodded, grabbing a cup of tea. "I think we should see how he does and go from there." He advised.

Everyone agreed to keep Mikey off patrol until further notice, just until they could find a safer way.

Suddenly, Mikey's eyes twitched and everyone was on alert. He was waking up! Everyone surrounded him.

Leo and Raph firmly held his hands as Donnie removed the oxygen mask. Splinter stood by his sons, looking intently at the youngest.

"Come on otouto, open your eyes." Leo murmured gently, rubbing Mikey's hand with his fingers.

Mikey slowly opened his eyes and looked around. As he remembered what happened, he immediately shot up.

"I'm sorry, so sorry...I know you told me to be careful but I just wanted to help, please don't be mad!" He begged, starting to cough.

Donnie rubbed gentle circles on his little brother's carapace. "Shhhh, you don't want to have an attack."

"It's ok baby brother, we aren't mad we're just glad you're ok, we understand you just wanted to help us." Raph said.

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