What's Wrong With Our Otouto?

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"Mikey, are you absolutely sure you want to spar? What if you have an attack?" Leo said a bit anxiously.

Mikey's face turned panicked. "I won't Leo, I'll be careful...come on guys, let's spar already!" He begged urgently.

That's what they did. As the older brothers eyed the youngest, their worry steadily increased. This wasn't like Mikey at all.

"Today's pairs will be Leonardo vs. Donatello and Michealangelo vs. Rapheal." Splinter announced.

Mikey faced Raph with a confident smile. He wasn't defective. He wasn't going to hold them back. He was going to do this!

Raph looked at his little brother in slight fear. What if he accidentally gave Mikey an attack? He didn't want to spar with him...he might hurt him.

"Yaime!" Splinter shouted, signifying the start of the battle. Mikey grabbed a his chucks and swung at Raph.

Raph dodged and barely threw a punch. Mikey looked at him in confusion but continued anyways, giving Raph a hard swing.

This continued for a while before Raph swung a light kick at Mikey's arm, trying not to hit him in the chest.

Mikey immediately dodged and swung at Raph one last time, knocking him to the ground. Mikey had won...why was that?

"Yaime! Michealangelo, you have beaten Rapheal, good job my son." Splinter smiled at Mikey, praising him. Mikey frowned in response.

He looked at Raph. "Why'd you let me beat you?" He demanded, upset in his naturally optimistic tone.

Raph looked at him in shock. "What are ya talkin' about Mike?" He lied. Mikey glared at him. "You're lying!"

"You never lose at sparring!" Mikey spat. "Why'd you lose on purpose?" Raph looked at his little brother.

"I...I didn't want to accidentally give you an asthma attack, I was afraid if I hit you in the chest, you'd have one."

Mikey frowned. "I'm fine, I don't need you going easy on me...I'll be in my room, let me know when it's time for patrol."

With that, Mikey walked away, leaving Raph standing there in worry. "What was that?" He said aloud. Donnie and Leo shrugged.

"He's never acted like that before....were you going easy on him, Raph?" Leo asked his hot-headed bro.

"Yeah...well kinda, I just didn't want to make him have an attack, I wasn't gonna let him get hurt again!"

"You may have hurt his feelings though, I know you were just being careful but he seemed upset,  I don't think he wanted to to go easy on him."

Raph sighed softly. "I'll go talk to him...I didn't mean to upset him, but I guess I did." He walked to Mikey's room.

Mikey sat on his bed. Why was Raph going easy on him like that? It was because of his asthma, wasn't it?

"How am I supposed to prove myself if they go easy on me? What if they're planning that? Do they really want me gone?" He whispered.

Raph knocked on the door. Mikey jumped slightly and opened it. "Raph? What are you doing here?"

Raph took a deep breath. "Mikey, I'm sorry for going easy on ya and losin' on purpose, I didn't mean to upset ya...I just didn't wanna hurt ya."

Mikey smiled a little. "It's ok...but I'm really ok, you can act normal...I have my inhaler anyways." He assured.

Raph grinned. "I know ya do...I'll try to remember that next time." He said with a smile, hugging his brother.

Mikey pulled away slightly. He was still freaked out by that horrible nightmare. It was so vivid!

"Mikey? Why'd ya pull away?" Raph asked in slight hurt and worry. He was refusing comfort again...

Mikey shrugged. "Just...uh didn't feel like a hug bro, I'm gonna read some comics till patrol." He responded.

With that, Raph left the room. He was baffled. Why was Mikey acting so different? He was still refusing to hug them and that was a red flag.

"Did you apologise?" Donnie asked as Raph entered the room. "Yeah...but when I went to hug him he refused...he pulled away."

"What? He's never done that... something might be bugging him, he's acting a lot more different now." Donnie said I concern.

"Do you think there's something he's not telling us?" Leo spoke. "Maybe we should talk to him?" He suggested.

"Let's talk to sensei first...maybe he'll have some advice." Donnie responded. They all nodded.

A few minutes later, they were in the dojo. Splinter was meditating and his eyes were closed. Meditation wasn't until later, before patrol.

"Hello my sons, what is troubling you?" He asked, opening his eyes as he felt their presence. Leo stepped forwards, not sure what to say.

"Um, well it's Mikey...he's-Leo then got cut off by Splinter. "Acting differently and it's worrying you all?" He said.

Leo looked at his father in amazement. "Yes...how'd you know that?" He asked in surprise.

"I was just meditating Michealangelo's spirit... something is definitely bothering him, and it's causing him great fear and anxiety."

The brothers exchanged glances. "Fear? Could it be that he's still scared that he has asthma?" Raph asked.

Splinter shook his head. "It is something far more greater than that, and it's troubling him quite a bit."

"Do...do you know why he's scared? Why he's acting so different? Could it be because of a nightmare?" Donnie asked, remembering last night.

Splinter looked up. "That could be a reason...what was the nightmare about?" He said. Raph rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"We don't know, I found him last night hyperventilating and sobbing, he wouldn't let me hug him and he wouldn't tell me anything."

"And today, he wouldn't hug me back when I apologisd to him, he's been on edge around all of us all day." Raph added, becoming more anxious.

Splinter hummed, stroking his
goat-ee. "It seems that Michealangelo may have had a nightmare that involved you three harming him."

The brothers gasped. "W-Why would he dream about that? We'd never hurt him...we need to talk to him!"

Splinter placed his arm on Donnie's shoulder. "That would be the best idea, go talk to him now, my sons, reassure him."

They nodded. It was hard on them to think that Mikey was scared of them, but they were going to find out what was wrong...

A/N: Hey readers...the brothers are going to talk to Mikey but will he tell them or hide it? Splinter has a feeling of what's bothering Mikey...is he right or wrong?

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