Dire Respiration

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Mikey took a puff from his inhaler as he walked out of the dojo. "Mikey!" Leo called after him. "Are you okay?"

The orange-clad turtle smiled. "I'm fine bro, I promise...training just made me a little out of breath."

Leo sighed in relief. "Just making sure..." He grinned. "You can come on patrol with us, if you want."

Mikey gave him a look of surprise. "A-Are you sure?" He asked uncertainly. "Remember what happened last time?"

Leo patted Mikey's head comfortingly. "That was two months ago though, plus...Donnie has something that might help you."

Mikey tilted his head to the side. "What is it?" He asked as Leo let him to Donnie's lab. "You'll see..."

Donnie smiled as he held up a belt, similar to the one Mikey was wearing. Mikey immediately grabbed it and put it on.

"Woah, a new belt? It looks just like the one I have now!" He grinned as he looked it over. It seemed more high tech than the other one.

"It is like the old one, only this one has a special holder for your inhaler, that way even if we do get into a battle it won't fall out!"

Mikey smiled as he tested it out, before throwing his arms around Donnie and hugging him, almost knocking the genius turtle off his feet.

"Thank you, D!" He cheered. Donnie smiled and patted Mikey's shell. "You're welcome...at least you can come with us now!"

Several hours later, Mikey was tightening his wraps and grabbing his nunchucks. He hadn't been out of the lair in months and was eager to get back out on patrol.

As he and the other bros were about to leave, Master Splinter walked into the room. "My sons....what are you doing?" He asked in surprise.

They looked back at him. "We were just about to go on patrol, sensei." Raph answered as Splinter frowned.

"Michealangelo is going with you?" He asked as he looked at his youngest son with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Hai sensei, look what Donnie made for me!" Mikey smiled as he showed Splinter his new belt. "Now I can go on patrol, and it won't fall out!"

Splinter hummed. "I see...but are you sure it is a good idea to go out? I have a bad feeling about this."

Leo grinned. "You worry too much dad, he'll be fine." They then left and went topside, leaving Splinter alone.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his fur. "Something is going to happen...I can feel it..."

"I just hope I'm wrong...."

The turtles ran through the rooftops. Mikey smiled as he jumped from building to building. "Slow down Mikey, remember...careful!"

Mikey rolled his eyes at Leo. "I'm fine bro, let's go!" He smiled as he ran with them. "Oh no..." He trailed off.

There was Shredder, standing on the rooftop. "Well, well, well....if it isn't the foolish turtles." He smirked.

The brothers drew their weapons. "What are you doing here?!" Raph growled as he eyed the villain.

Shredder didn't answer, instead he attacked. The turtles leaped into action. "Mikey, stay behind us!"

Mikey frowned. "But Leo, I wanna help!" He said in disappointment. "Stay back..." Donnie told him.

Mikey sighed and stayed behind his brothers as they fought Shedder. Shredder looked at Mikey and moved towards him.

Raph noticed. "Stay away from my brother!" He growled as Mikey backed away in fear and confusion.

Right then, the Kraang showed up. The brothers were surrounded. "Get them!" Shredder commanded to the Kraang.

The Kraang knocked out the three older brothers and grabbed them. One of the bots tried grabbing Mikey...but Shredder stopped him.

"Leave the stupid one, he is useless to me." Shredder said as the Kraang bot who was holding Mikey dropped him hard on the ground.

"Ow...hey, leave my brothers alone! Stop!" Mikey said as he ran after them, but he soon felt his breath leaving him.

"Stupid asthma...not now!" Mikey said to himself as he wheezed. "I have to save my brothers..." He coughed.

As he ran after the Kraang, he just had to stop. He felt his throat closing and reached for his inhaler with a whimper before taking a puff.

He sat on the ground for about 20 minutes, as he slowly breathed in the air and let it out, trying to breath.

He looked off into the distance as rain started to fall. "No....I was too late....I have to find them..."

He then saw something on the ground a ways away. Three masks. Red, blue and purple. Mikey choked back tears as he grabbed them.

"They must have fallen off..." He whispered to himself as he tied the masks around his arms so they wouldn't blow away in the harsh wind.

Rain pounded on the ground, as Mikey's tears fell, dotting the ground. He stood, letting rain wash over him

"Hold on bros..." He mumbled as he put his inhaler away and snagged his chucks, before wiping his eyes.

"I'm coming..."

A/N: Hey readers! Yes, I finally updated this book! What's going the happen to the bros? Will Mikey save them? What's up with Splinter? What's Shedder planning? Find out soon...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey readers! Yes, I finally updated this book! What's going the happen to the bros? Will Mikey save them? What's up with Splinter? What's Shedder planning? Find out soon

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