Take A Breath

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Mikey gripped his nunchucks tightly in his hands, facing Leo, who looked at him warily, unsure if he should spar with his little brother.

"C'mon Leo, I'm fine!" Mikey convinced, smiling widely. Leo sighed and began the first move. Then, they started sparring.

Mikey was allowed to train on one condition...he needed to stop and breath when he needed to, even if they were in the middle of a lesson.

Mikey moved a little slower than usual but only because he didn't want to trigger an attack by running around too much.

He dodged as Leo swung a kick at him and smiled in victory, attacking with his nunchucks. "Ha, got you Leo!"

Leo smirked and swung another kick, but Mikey didn't Dodge in time and Leo's foot collided with Mikey's chest.

He fell back and immediately started wheezing. The wind got knocked out of him. Leo immediately knelt down to his fallen brother.

Raph and Donnie, who were sparring, instantly stopped to make sure Mikey was ok. Splinter walked over in concern. He knew Mikey was having an attack.

"Mikey, I'm so sorry...it's going to be ok, just breath." Leo prodded, handing Mikey is inhaler which he grabbed.

He tried to do it himself but he was coughing so much and wheezing that he couldn't. Leo jumped into action. He took the inhaler and gently put it in Mikey's mouth, pushing on the button.

"You can do it Mike, just breathe." Raph coaxed from a distance, wanting to give Mikey some air. Donnie looked on worriedly. Mikey took the medication.

Mikey's face turned relieved. He took another puff of the medication and sighed in exhaustion. Attacks took a lot out of him.

"My son, are you alright?" Splinter asked in concern, placing his hand on Mikey's shoulder. He nodded.

"Mikey, I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to kick you in the chest, are you ok?" Leo asked, feeling guilty. Mikey smiled.

"It's cool Leo, I'm ok...honest I'm just really tired...can I go lay down?" Mikey asked, flashing a tired grin.

Splinter nodded. "Of course my son, you may rest." Mikey grabbed his inhaler and walked off to his room.

Leo stood, his hands clenched tightly and eyes squeezed shut. He had almost killed his little brother.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Donnie standing behind him. "You ok bro?" He asked quietly.

"I...I almost killed him Don, he really couldn't breath...he-I need to go." Leo stuttered, moving away from Donnie.

"Leo, wait." Raph tried to stop him, but Leo ran to his room. Raph and Donnie sighed. "I knew he shouldn't have sparred." Don murmured.

"Should we go talk to him sensei?" Raph asked. Splinter shook his head. "your brother is upset...give him a little space, maybe later."

The two brothers nodded and went of to their own rooms. Meanwhile, Leo was in his room, feeling horrible. He hadn't meant to hurt Mikey...

"I shouldn't have sparred with him... I shouldn't have kicked him." He scolded himself. "Why am I so stupid?!" He shouted to no one.

Mikey was resting in his room when he heard Leo shouting. He seemed upset. Mikey got up and went to Leo's room. His older brother was upset.

"Leo?" Mikey spoke quietly. Leo froze and ran over to his little brother, hugging him tight.  "Mikey, I'm so, so sorry...I-I could have killed you! Oh little brother..."

Mikey was confused. It wasn't that bad was it? Leo didn't mean to make him have an asthma attack, it was an accident...why was Leo so upset?

"Woah bro, calm down....I'm fine I promise, I'm ok." Mikey tried. Leo was panicking. Mikey wasn't sure what to do. Why was Leo panicking so much?

Leo felt his chest slightly closing and he was struggling to breath. Mikey noticed and wrapped his oldest brother in a hug.

"Leo...you need to breath bro, please....you're scaring me." Mikey begged. Leo took a slow, deep breath.

Mikey smiled. "Good dude, just breath...I'm ok focus on breathing." Leo took another breath and relaxed.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you little bro." Leo spoke calmly. "I...I just can't stop thinking about what happened." He admitted.

Mikey placed both his hands on Leo's shoulders. "Bro, it was just an accident...I know you didn't mean it."

"I...I know, I guess I'm just worried about you a lot more now, I don't want to see you unconscious again."

Mikey nodded in understanding. "I understand, I would feel the same way, but trust me...I'm fine."

Leo nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, you are." He smiled. "Well, I guess you're pretty tired huh?"

Mikey nodded. Attacks always left him exhausted, especially a severe one like he had. He yawned.

Leo smiled and helped Mikey to bed. He then left the room to let his little brother sleep in peace. Raph and Leo looked at him worriedly.

"Hey Leo, uh you ok?" Donnie asked. Leo nodded. "I'm ok guys, really...I talked to Mikey, I know it was just an accident." Leo explained.

"Yeah, we talked to sensei and he said it's ok if Mikey still trains, but we really need to be careful not to accidentally hit him in the chest."

Leo nodded. "Yeah, you're right...we just need to be careful...I don't know why I panicked so much, I guess I'm just more worried about him."

"We all are bro, but he's strong...hes gonna be ok as long as he has an inhaler and us to be there for him." Raph added.

Leo smiled. "Yeah, you guys are right...I guess he is ok." And I am too... I'll keep my little brother safe.

A/N: Hey readers! I really hope you enjoy the chapter! Yikes, Leo's so worried about hurting Mikey again...but he's ok! Will Mikey be ok or will something else happen?

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Thx Enjoy 😘😍


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