Just Keep Breathing

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Mikey wheezed as a pulled out the familiar orange inhaler, taking two puffs. He slowly exhaled in relief.

He's getting used to the idea of having asthma. It's kinda scary, but he knows as long as he has the inhaler he's fine.

"You ok Mikey?" Leo asked when he heard Mikey cough. "Can you breath?" Mikey nodded reassuringly.

"I'm ok, thanks Leo...when can I go on patrol?" He asked. He'd been off of patrol for two weeks at least.

Leo sighed. "I'll talk to dad about it, and Donnie...we just wanna make sure you'll be alright." He replied.

Mikey sighed. "Ok...but it's getting kinda boring just staying here." Leo smiled. "You've done so well though."

Leo decided to hold a small family meeting. "Father, guys...Mikey wants to go back on patrol, what do you think?"

Splinter wasn't surprised that Mikey was so antsy to get back into action, but he wasn't so sure it was a good idea, especially with Mikey's asthma.

"Hmm, well as long as you have your inhaler at all times, my son." He said to Mikey who smiled happily.

Raph shrugged. "I'm fine with it, just...maybe don't move that fast, we don't want a repeat of last time."

Mikey agreed to be careful. He turned to Donnie, hoping he'd allow him to go. Donnie thought a moment.

"Well...you can go but we're going to try to take it slow, and if you have an attack, we'll stop so you can catch your breath."

Mikey agreed. "I'll be careful Don, I promise!" He said joyfully. Leo grinned. "Let's go guys." He said.

Mikey put his inhaler in his belt and tightened it so it wouldn't fall out. "I'm good to go dudes!" He cheered.

"Good, let's head out and if we have a battle, you can fight just be careful because you might move around a lot." Leo cautioned.

They all got on top of the building and patrolled the city but nothing was happening yet. They were still on high alert.

"Guys, Purple Dragons!" Raph yelled as he pulled out his sais. Mikey pulled out his chucks and breathed deeply.

They immediately started battling the Purple Dragons. Mikey made sure to breath slowly and calmly and to not move that quickly which was hard.

"Um guys, a little help?" Raph called from the other side of the building. He was surrounded by Purple Dragons.

"Raph!" Leo and Donnie called, grabbing their weapons. "Mikey, stay here we'll take care of it." Leo said.

Mikey pouted, wanting to help too, but he stayed where he was. He just stood there playing with his nunchucks.

Suddenly Leo, Raph and Donnie all got thrown into a wall by the Purple Dragons. Mikey gasped. "Bros!"

"No one throws my bros and gets away with it!" He shouted. He raced over to the fight and started attacking them.

Once he defeated all of them, he collapsed to the ground, gasping for air as his face turned blue. He couldn't breathe!

He reached for his inhaler but felt air...uh oh, this was bad! He must have dropped it! He couldn't breathe!

The older brothers immediately rushed over, realizing Mikey was in deep trouble. He wheezed deeply, turning bluer by the minute.

"He dropped his inhaler, guys do something!" Raph yelled as he grabbed Mikey, patting his shell.

Leo and Donnie frantically searched for it, looking everywhere. Finally, Leo spotted it on the ground. He snatched it up and gave it to Raph.

Raph hurriedly shoved it into Mikey's blue mouth, pressing the button as Mikey inhaled frantically, huffing and puffing.

"Mikey you need to calm down, breath in and out slowly and carefully, inhale then exhale." Donnie coaxed him gently.

Mikey calmed down and breathed in and out slowly, taking in the medicine from the inhaler and sighing in relief.

He finally could breath but he felt extremely weak and shaken up. He almost choked to death...he was in for it now.

Leo, Donnie and Raph helped him up, making sure he was breathing normally. Donnie checked him out.

"He's breathing normally right now, but that attack took a lot out of him, he needs to get some rest." He explained.

They all carried him back to the lair. Donnie put him in bed where he hooked up an oxygen mask on Mikey's pale face, just in case.

They all sat around him, feeling relieved. "Ok guys, that was way too close, we almost lost him again!" Leo said, rubbing his face.

Raph nodded, feeling guilty. "I know, sorry for getting surrounded like that guys, then he wouldn't have had to fight."

"It's not your fault, he just wanted to help and to be honest we needed it but that was way too close." Donnie chimed in.

Splinter came in looking alarmed. "What happened?" He demanded, looking at his sleeping son in dismay.

"We had a battle and Mikey had an attack, but he dropped his inhaler and it took us a minute to find it, so it took a lot out of him." Donnie explained.

Splinter nodded and sighed. "I thought you were going to be careful?" He scolded lightly.

"We were but Raph got surrounded so Donnie and I had to help him, then we all got defeated so Mikey stepped in and defeated them."

"I understand, but I am not sure patrol is a good idea for Michealangelo, he is too vulnerable at the moment with his breathing."

They all agreed to keep Mikey off patrol until they could find a way to make it less dangerous for him.

"That was way too close."

A/N: Hey readers! Yikes! Mikey had a bit of a close call there...will he ever be able to go on patrol again? Is he ok? What's going to happen to him?

will he ever be able to go on patrol again? Is he ok? What's going to happen to him?

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The pic above is the brothers reactions when they see Mikey!

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Thx Enjoy!😘😍


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