Take A Deep Breath, Then...

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A/N: Sorry for the wait y'all!

*Offers tissues*


Mikey ran as fast as he could, despite the fact that his chest felt like it was on fire and that his lungs hated him. He ran with three colored masks tied around his arms.

Blue, red and purple.

Mikey knew he had to save his brothers. He just had to. But, the question was, how? He had to find the Kraang's lair, fast.

"I'm c-coming..." Mikey wheezed, racing throughout the slick streets as rain poured down. "H-Hang on, bros..." Mikey coughed, his voice raspy from lack of air.

The orange-clad terrapin set off into the night.

Meanwhile, back in the lair, Master Splinter was pacing around throughout the dojo, an uneasy expression on his normally calm, tranquil face.

"Something is wrong..." He muttered to himself, checking the time. "They should have been back by now." He had a bad feeling.

A very bad feeling.

"What was I thinking? I should not have let them gone...I have to find them!" The wise rat proclaimed, grabbing his jade staff along with a katana.

"Do not fret, my sons..." Splinter said to himself as he sharpened the blade, slipping it in a loop around his waist securely.

"I am coming..."


Meanwhile, in the Kraang's hideout...

The three maskless older brothers laid out cold, breathing shallowly as they fought to awaken from their unconscious state.

They had been captured. The Kraang stood watch over the turtles. "When the ones known as the turtles awaken, what do we, the ones known as Kraang, do?" One of them asked.

"Nothing, you fools, you have done enough...I will take care of them." A cold, shallow voice spoke from the darkness.

"Yes, master Shredder."


Mikey was gasping for air, his face slowly turning a dull shade of blue. He forced himself to stop running and take several puffs from his inhaler.

"Stupid asthma..." He rasped, taking in the medication. Sweet, sweet oxygen Mikey thought to himself as he inhaled the medicine, feeling his lungs ease slightly.

After taking a few more puffs, Mikey kept running as fast as he could. He had to save his bros! And he wasn't letting his dumb old asthma stop him!

"I'm *wheeze* coming..."


Splinter strode through the city, into the darkness. The cranberry-red clad ninja master knew he had to find his sons.


No matter what.

Meanwhile, in a dark lair, Shredder sat, waiting. "The turtles have to awaken sometime." He said in a dark tone of voice.

"Then, we can have a little...fun." A cold smirk came across the villain's face. "Oh, we will have lots of fun..."

The Kraang stood at the cell. "Master Shredder, what are you going to do to the ones known as the turtles?" One of them asked.

"You will see." Shredder said coldly. "They will be my puppets." A menacing laugh broke the silence of the dungeonous room.


Mikey ran until he just couldn't run anymore. He had to stop. The orange-masked asthmatic ninja couldn't run another step.

Mikey's lungs burned as if they were on fire. His breaths came in wheezes and painful rasps as he struggled to breath.



Wheezing, Mikey started seeing black spots enter his vision. He was running out of air. This isn't good...I can't breathe! His thoughts raced as if he was on a highway.

Mikey reached for his inhaler. The orange-colored breathing tool was the last thing he saw before his vision faded to black.

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the chapter. What's going to happen? Find out in the next chapter! I'm really for keeping you in suspense!

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Thx Enjoy 😘😍


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